September 18, 2017

Illegal alien kids sue Trump to bar him from ending the emperor's unconstitutional DACA decree

Let's see here:  A bunch of people who entered the U.S. illegally--yes, I know they were brought in by their illegal-alien parents and didn't have a choice, but still illegal--were given de-facto amnesty by imperial decree (from emperor obozo), in violation of settled U.S. law.  That was not just illegal but was actually an unconstitutional act--which, had it been done by a Republican president, would have resulted in his impeachment.

The emperor's decree--cunningly and deliberately uninformatively named "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" (instead of, say, "Amnesty for Children of Aliens in the U.S. Illegally") provided the kids brought in illegally with work permits and protection from deportation.

So now that Trump has ordered an end to the emperor's unconstitutional decree, the illegal aliens who were brought in illegally by their illegal parents are outraged! at the prospect of an American president who--gasp!!--wants to enforce American law.

How dare he!

So you can guess what they've done:  Last Thursday they sued the president to block recission of obozo's decree. 

They claim the Trump administration didn’t follow proper administrative procedures when deciding to end the program and that officials "violated due process by revoking an enforcement promise."

Let that sink in for a minute:  When the socialist Muslim emperor obozo issued his decree--without following any "administrative procedures"--letting 'em stay temporarily, the illegal community and the media were deliriously happy.  But when the next president rescinds the same decree, the illegals demand that he follow "administrative procedures."  Even though obozo wasn't bothered by any constraints by such procedures when he issued his decree.

Same argument confounds the illegals' claim that Trump "just can't do that" because it's a violation of due process--let alone by "revoking an enforcement promise."

Look, if you folks have a problem with how this is going, complain to the emperor.  Let him tell the American people how he was perfectly within his rightful powers to issue an edict which totally violated U.S. law.  Let the so-called "professor of Constitutional law" tell American voters how his unilateral decree that his administration would no longer enforce existing law wasn't barred by a teeny provision of the Constitution that reads "He shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed..." [Article 2, Section 3]'d think that any judge hearing this absurd lawsuit would issue a directed verdict against the illegals.  But given all the crazy, unconstitutional crap decisions issued by various federal judges in the last couple of decades, and the brilliant choice of filing the suit in San Francisco--home of the incredibly bad 9th Circuit Court--President Trump's effort to rescind his predecessor's imperial decree will never be allowed to take effect.

The self-serving bastards in congress--interested only in re-election and lining their pockets--will pass full amnesty.  And they'll lard it up even more by providing that the newly-amnestied kids can then bring in every relative they have--who can then repeat the process.

You'd think republicans would use their majority in both houses to prevent this, but they won't--because almost half of the so-called Republicans in both House and senate are really closet Democrats.


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