September 22, 2017

Companies selling obamacare insurance in one state requesting 35% rate increases!

In Illinois, companies selling health insurance under that ghastly crap pile called Obamacare are seeking to raise premiums by an average of 35 percent next year, according to the state's insurance commissioner.

If the price of gasoline, or electricity, or milk, or meat jumped 35% in a year, the media would be screaming bloody murder.  Democrats would be calling for a special counsel to investigate possible price-fixing, or Russian interference.  They'd be submitting bills to tax what they'd be calling the "excess profits" at a 95% rate.

But when obozocare premiums jump by the same percentage, do you hear a single critical word from the lying bastards?

You do not.  Not a peep from the Lying Mainstream Media or the Democrats.  It's like a news blackout.

Gee, wonder why they don't seem to care about that, when the same hike in oil prices would have 'em all howling for blood?

Oh that's right: The Dems passed this piece of crap without a single Republican vote.  They own it, completely.  So no wonder.

In fact, Dems are fighting tooth and nail to keep this piece of crap, even as insurers have hiked premiums by an average of 30 percent every year, and millions of people have been forced to drop their super-swell health insurance due to those increases.  Why, it's almost like the Dems don't want Americans to hold them responsible for the horrible results of this disaster.

But the Dems sure were shrieking in triumph when they rammed this disaster down our throats, remember?  Cuz, "we're giving the poor and immigrants FREE health insurance, and that's totally wonderful!"  Remember? isn't free.  Nothing ever is.  Taxpayers paid a huge chunk of the cost, and Obozo's people borrowed the rest from China.  Wheeeeee!  Look, Ma, FREE HEALTH INSURANCE!

Idiots.  Morons.  Children--who've managed to run this nation into the ground in less than 70 years.


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