September 12, 2017

Students chalk memorial to 9/11 victims; hours later, university adminishit orders it erased

A student group at Cleveland State University wanted to recognize the 16th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center and damaged the Pentagon, killing 2,700, so on Sunday evening they chalked an American flag on the sidewalks of the public university’s campus, with the words “No day shall erase you from the memory of time” under it.

But just hours after they created the memorial, the university removed it with a power-washer.
 When the students asked why he was destroying the tribute to the victims of 9/11, the employee said he had been ordered to do so by Shehadeh Abdelkarim, director of facilities maintenance for the university.

The employee also said the memorial was being erased because “there is no chalk allowed on campus.”

This, of course, is utter bullshit--nothing but a lie.  Every snowflake group on campus writes slogans in chalk on the sidewalks.  The university has never gotten upset before.  I'm betting the REAL reason is that Shehadeh Abdelkarim didn't want American kids remembering 9/11, or reminding any *other* students about that atrocity.

Hell, half of all Americans under 30 already believe the horrible leftist/Democrat lie that the 19 hijackers attacked us because Bush invaded Iraq or Afghanistan.


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