September 11, 2017

A Brit sums up the situation in Europe re: "refugees"--and it's not good

A Brit by the name of Pat Condell has been putting videos of short monologs on YouTube for years now, warning westerners about the danger posed by idiot, virtue-signalling politicians who have thrown the gates wide open to welcome hundred of thousands of bloodthirsty parasites into their homes.

He's talking about Europe, where the German foreign minister just said that the so-called "refugees" loved to come to Germany because that country offered the most welfare benefits.

So at last, has some "elite" cabinet minister figured out that the key is to stop dangling a pot of gold before uneducated African males?  Uh, no.  The minister concluded his talk by urging the other nations of Europe to increase their benefits so more "refugees" will pick their countries instead of Germany.

Europe's mainstream political parties seem hell-bent on replacing their native populations with Muslims, so much so that they'll give them $3000 a month for life just for showing up with wives--plural--and kids in tow.  Not working, of course, because--well, why work when you get welfare?

But listen to Condell on the clip below.  He doesn't pull any punches.


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