September 22, 2017

How corrupt politicians can destroy a culture

A Portuguese man living in the capital, Lisbon, wrote to alert readers to an alarming event in his country:

Lisbon has one mosque, but according to the writer, the city's socialist mayor has announced plans to build a second one this year.  But oddly, the socialist mayor has announced that the $4.5 million cost of the mosque will be paid with public funds(Source, in Portuguese)

The writer found this extremely strange.  By what bizarre logic should taxpayers pay to build a mosque (or any other religious building)?

Then he mentioned a big clue:  the socialist mayor of Lisbon is a strong supporter of using public funds to build the mosque.

Ah, now it makes sense.

The writer was irritated that the mayor and city council had unilaterally decided--without asking city residents--to use public funds for a mosque, and he found it odd that he hadn't seen anything in the media about anyone opposing this, or asking by what insane rationale the mayor had decreed that taxpayers should fund construction of a mosque.  Even Catholic politicians had said nothing.

Then something else odd happened, almost simultaneously:  Portugal's national government changed that country's immigration laws to make it much easier to obtain a legal permit to stay in the country.  In just the first week since the new law went into effect, the number of requests for residency soared 1300%, to 4,037 in a single week!  (Source in Portuguese)

The writer wondered if these two events were somehow connected.  He found it odd that neither opposition politicians nor anyone in the media had spoken out against either event.

Then another citizen of Portugal added the final piece of the puzzle, saying the country has a communist, Trotskyist, socialist federal government.

There is no legitimate reason for the mayor of Lisbon to commit taxpayer funds to build a mosque.  On the other hand there are two obvious illegitimate reasons he might have done this:  a bribe, or if he's a socialist, as part of a calculated effort to weaken the nation--and eventual destroy the Portuguese culture.

"Wait," I hear you saying, "It's ridiculous to think anyone born in a nation would want to wipe out their own culture!  You must be a wingnut!  A tinfoil hatter!"

Ah, I see you haven't been in this country long, stranger.  Because if you read the comments at Democrat Underground or HuffPo or ANY of the "social justice warrior" websites you'll see hundreds of comments from sick, twisted whites calling for an end to both white culture and America's current role in the world.  It's a sick, sick, twisted worldview.

But then again, consider that the people we're talking about have virtually no moral compass, no values other than nihilism and self-hate.  Strange, strange people.

The corrupt mayor should be shot, as a lesson to other traitors.  Do that just half a dozen times and pols would decide no bribe was worth it, and that doing things that killed your own national culture was a fatal proposition.


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