September 15, 2017

Portland cops scrap list of gang members, cuz...

For 20 years, police in Portland, Oregon have compiled a list of local guys with "gang affiliations."  But this week they made a "command decision" to increase public safety by...deleting the list.

Oh wait, my bad:  They're not deleting the list to make the public safer, but because a reporter discovered the shocking fact that 81 percent of the guys on the gang list were minorities.

Of course residents of Portland were outraged!  The discovery that 81 percent of the guys on the list were minorities was totally unexpected!  And clear evidence of raaaacism by the cops!
Not a single person at the police press conference bothered to ask "Um, is it possible that the reason 81 percent of the guys on the list are minorities is percent of gang members really are minorities?"

Hmm...yes, that sounds pretty accurate.  But the fact that it's probably true doesn't matter.  What's important today is that cops not keep lists that would reflect badly on minorities.

The cops said they decided to scrap the list because being on a list of guys with gang connections has led to "unintended consequences'' for those who have quit the gang and tried to get jobs.  Well yeah, I can see that.  Kinda like being convicted of, oh, murder or grand larcceny has "unintended consequences."

And certainly lots of honest, hard-working citizens would agree that it's far more important to kill the list-- in case a gang member decides to leave the gang and get a "real" job--rather than be more efficient in busting gang activity.  I mean, emperor obozo's "Just Us" department, under attorney-general Loretta "Tarmac" Lynch, ruled that employers aren't even allowed to ask prospective employees if they've been convicted of larceny or murder.  Cuz...raaacis'.

Next on the list of concessions to alleged racism:  Deleting records of felony convictions.

Down.  The.  Tubes.


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