January 29, 2022

CDC: "You can't trust our VAERS data cuz it's unverified!" Military: "Um...we have 100% reliable data" Regime: "Shut up!"

If the first couple of paragraphs below surprise you, you're WAY behind the curve.  But that's okay--you can recover if you want to.

When people started dropping dead from the non-vaccine "vaxxes", those deaths (and other bad effects) were reported to a CDC computer database called VAERS.  One problem: reporting deaths and other adverse effects was *voluntary*, and many hospitals and docs didn't bother.  After all, it took an hour or so to fill out the form, and the regime didn't pay you to do it.  So only a fraction of deaths and other effects were reported to VAERS.

So what percent of deaths have been reported?  Quality-control surveys have repeatedly shown only about one percent are reported.  So the true number of vax deaths could easily be 100 times the number claimed on the VAERS database.

But even the number reported was starting to cause Americans to rebel against the regime's "vax or be fired" ORDER.  So the regime had the CDC discredit its own database!  Seriously: here's the CDC website:
   "VAERS reports alone generally cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness. Some reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable.
   "VAERS gives vaccine safety experts valuable information so they can assess possible vaccine safety concerns. It is especially useful for detecting unusual or unexpected patterns of health problems (also called “adverse events”) that might indicate a possible safety problem with a vaccine.
    If a health problem is reported to VAERS, *that doesn’t mean that the vaccine caused the problem.*

Of course this Narrative was immediately echoed by the regime's media allies, so that most Americans now believe reports of vax deaths on VAERS tell us absolutely nothing useful.  

Do a search for "accuracy of VAERS data" to see how effectively the media has pushed the regime propaganda on this.

NOW, the new stuff that almost none of you knows:  There's *another* health database that is NOT run by the CDC.  It's run by the military, and unlike VAERS, the only people who can input data are military officers.  And as you probably know, the regime ORDERED all military personnel to vax or be discharged.

Hopefully you already see where this is going, eh?  Yep, they lying bastards in the regime canNOT *plausibly* claim adverse effects reported to the military database are unverified, thus unreliable.  (Oh they'll try, certainly, but it's like trying to claim no election fraud.)

Several military docs have used this database to establish the number of adverse effects before the vax was distributed, and then in 2021. Turns out adverse effects on the military database are showing huge multiples of adverse effects after the military began getting 100% vaxxed.

For the past 5 days senator Ron Johnson has held hearing in which these military doctors have come forward with their findings--from the most accurate dataset on vaccine safety available.  And the results are devastating for the bullshit claims that the vaxxes are safe.

For example, the five-year average of cancer diagnoses in military personnel before the vax was 38,700 per year.  In the first 11 months of 2021 this shot up to 114,645.

Neurological issues increased ten-fold pre-vax versus 2021--from a baseline average of 82,000 to 863,000!

Heart attacks: up 269%
pulmonary embolisms: up 467%  
Bell’s palsy: up 291%
birth defects (for children of military personnel): up 156%
female infertility: up 471%

The whistleblowers started analyzing the military database after they began seeing a big jump in cancers, auto-immune diseases, and heart and circulatory disorders among in-shape young soldiers.

Why has this stayed hidden til now?  The docs say many military docs have been ordered to keep quiet.  This is understandable since virtually all the top military officers are now Democrat loyalists (Obama having purged officers who weren't loyal Dems).

It remains to be seen how the regime will discredit this military database.  Because they WILL try.  One likely avenue is to declare all the military data "secret," thus making it illegal for anyone to disclose it, regardless of the reason.

Now consider what you just learned: The VAERS data were a clear warning that the vaxxes were unsafe.  An honest regime would have acted on that warning.  The porridgebrain/cackler regime not only didn't heed the warning, they actively used their CDC and media allies to get Americans to ignore the warning.

To say this is evil and criminal doesn't even begin to touch on the crime here.

By contrast, members of the armed forces are predominantly young and overwhelmingly healthy.  The military medical data is the most reliable and indisputable.  AND YET, the regime will try to make you ignore this clear, unequivocal data ALSO--almost certainly by ordering their media allies to ignore the story, and ordering the data classified.

They've already tried, by ordering the docs who analyzed the date and established the baseline figures to shut up.  If the regime gave a damn about your health, why would the regime have ordered the military not to warn Americans that the military data confirmed the VAERS data, and even more convincingly?

Starting to see how the regime has played you for fools yet?  Biden ordered everyone to take the jab or be fired--and 70 percent of you took the jab (many eagerly).

And the regime STILL will not let Americans take ivermectin or HCQ--two safe, approved drugs known to cure covid (no death).

Starting to see it yet?

January 27, 2022

Justin Trudeau pulls a Biden, beclowns himself to the entire world--it's delicious!

College-age Americans, take note: One of the most scummy communist leaders in the western hemisphere just cracked.  You didn't notice because our Lying Media--communist-loving to the core--didn't tell you.  So let me explain, because it's abolutely delicious!  

The U.S. invasion of Iraq didn't take long.  Saddam Hussein's "information minister" was  one Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf, better known to American reporters and TV viewers as "Baghdad Bob."  During the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, his outlandish pronouncements of Iraqi military supremacy kept western reporters highly amused. 

The topper was when American tanks were rolling into the edge of Baghdad, signaling that end of the war was just hours away.  Reporters had the news from their partners riding with U.S. tanks, but when they asked Baghdad Bob about it, he was indignant!  "No, no U.S. tanks in Baghdad!  That is absurd," said Bob--as video of U.S. tanks in the city was being broadcast to the world.

It was funny because the official declaration by the feared Hussein regime was shown to be utterly false at the moment it was being uttered.  Instant faceplant.

Now: Canadians citizens are understandably furious about Justin Trudeau's covid lockdowns, vax passports and the like.  So to protest, some truckers in western Canada started a convoy headed east for the capital city.

Turns out "some" truckers is 50,000 trucks, with the convoy spanning over 55 miles.

Now the hoot: Justin Trudeau called the protest a "small protest by a fringe group" --at the same moment that videos were being broadcast of a 55-mile-long convoy of 50,000 trucks.  

If Trudeau had been even remotely smart he would have kept his yap shut.  But with the utter imbecility of his class, he could NOT resist making a fool out of himself, to the entire nation.

When a nation's leader makes a statement that so clearly contradicts obvious reality, it's because they're desperate.  They know they're losing, and are trying to kill the opposition's momentum. 

Baghdad Bob could not be reached for comment.

Bodycam footage of cops watching illegal aliens de-planing at 2a.m. off government flight into a closed airport near NYC

If you learned that the biden*harris regime was secretly flying tens of thousands of illegal aliens from the southern border to dozens of U.S. cities far from the border, and quietly mixing them into the local population, including your kids' schools, what would you think?

In bodycam footage, cops at a small airport not far from NYC question a federal thug accompanying a 2a.m. flight of illegal aliens.  Thug: "You tryin' to figure out what this is?"  Cop: "Yeah."  Thug: "Good luck with that."

If you're a Democrat voter I guess you're fine with this, since the most important thing to you is that your party wins every election forever, which this will ensure.  The fact that we become a third-world shithole means nothing against your party winning perpetual power, right?

If you're a Democrat voter, you're fine with tens of billions of your tax dollars (and those of your parents and children) being used to give these invaders free housing and food and spending money.  Because it shows how "compassionate" you are.  How "virtuous."

For the slow-witted: Violating federal immigration law is...wait for it...against federal law.  For the president to order federal employees/agents/contractors to violate federal law is an impeachable offense.

But of course you knew that, right?  You just don't care...because MASSIVE illegal invasion will help your party win every election in the future.

The Democrat regime is violating the Constitution in order to sell our nation to foreigners, to ensure power for the Democrat party.  And no one cares.

January 25, 2022

Christian Teen Abducted and Forcefully Married to 45-Year-Old Muslim Neighbor in Pakistan

01/16/2022 Pakistan (International Christian Concern) – According to Morning Star News, a 14-year-old Christian girl in Pakistan was abducted, forcefully converted to Islam, and forcefully married to her 45-year-old Muslim neighbor. The girl’s parents are now attempting to work with local authorities to have their daughter recovered and returned.

On January 4, Mahnoor Ashraf went missing shortly after she left home with her 8-year-old nephew in Lahore. According to her nephew, Mahnoor was abducted by Muhammad Ali Khan Ghauri, a 45-year-old Muslim neighbor, as they walked to a nearby shop.

Mahnoor’s nephew reported to incident to Mahnoor’s parents who rushed to Ghauri’s house to recover their daughter. When Mahnoor and Ghauri could not be found, they reported the abduction to local police.

On January 5, Mahnoor’s parents registered a First Information Report (FIR no. 58/22) against Ghauri. However, the investigating officer was slow to act on the case, Morning Star News reports.

Finally, on January 7, Ghauri’s family informed us that Mahnoor had allegedly converted to Islam and married Ghauri on January 4, the day she was taken,” Akram Masih Chaudhry, Mahnoor’s older brother, told Morning Star News. “Ghauri’s house is on the same street, and our families had good terms with each other. We don’t know when he managed to lure Mahnoor into a relationship.

Mahnoor’s father filed charges against Ghauri for forcibly converting and illegally marrying Mahnoor, who is a minor. However, the Islamic marriage certificate used to document Mahnoor’s marriage to Ghauri states that she is 19, even though her birth certificate proves she was born in 2007.


January 24, 2022

Watch as WaPo spews pure propaganda to discredit the anti-forced-vax protest in DC yesterday

Whooooeee!  Duh fascist thugs at the WaPo--and every other lying Mainstream Media outlet--bees spinnin' like crazy!  If you expect to take back your country you need to see how FAST, how THOROUGHLY and how COMPELLINGLY the propagandists spin up their product when the Good Folks dare to defy the rulers!

Of course you almost certainly think that's hyperbole--that the Good People are the caring, tolerant, scientifically-literate leftists who run the Mainstream Media, who would NEVER lie to you, or use propaganda.  I mean, if you've got truth on your side, there's no need to use propaganda, right?  You just invite the other side to a fair debate, and let everyone listen and decide who's right!

But the WaPo and NYT don't do that.  You might well wonder why.

SO...I've dissected the Post's article below, "Anti-vaccine activists see D.C. rally as a marker of recent gains", a line at a time, and will show you how they constantly use psychology to mislead readers.

As anti-vaccine activists from across the country prepare to gather on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on Sunday, they're hoping their rally will mark a once-fringe movement’s arrival as a lasting force in American society.

That hope, some public health *experts fear,* is justified.

[Hey, if the totally-honest "reporters" tell you "the experts" "FEAR" something--and you unthinkingly believe it--you just got sold.]

Almost two years into the coronavirus pandemic, the movement to challenge vaccines’ safety — and reject vaccine mandates — has never been stronger. An ideology whose most notable adherents were once **religious fundamentalists** and *minor* celebrities is now firmly entrenched among tens of millions of Americans.

[Note how early in the article the Post has welded anyone who dares to question the lies Fauci and the CDC have told us about duh vax with "religious fundamentalists." The Post doesn't have to tell you that "religous fundamentalists" are uneducated and stupid, cuz they sold you on that decades ago.  Remember how they sneered about "Deplorables bitterly clinging to their guns and their God"?  So all the Post has to say is "religious fundamentalists" and once again...you've been sold.]

**Baseless fears** of vaccines have been a driving force among the approximately 20 percent of U.S. adults who have refused some of the most effective medicines in human history: the mRNA vaccines developed against the coronavirus by Pfizer, with German partner BioNTech, and Moderna.

[Wait...if they're "vaccines," why didn't the reporters write "the mRNA vaccines that keep the vaccinated from getting the virus, just like polio"?  They would have, but they couldn't get away with that, because after months of denying the obvious, the CDC finally admitted that the vaxxes do NOT prevent those who take 'em from getting the virus.  But wait...isn't that the very definition of a "vaccine"?  If that's true, and if the so-called "vax" does NOT do this, nor does it keep you from transmitting the virus to others, how can the Rulers legitimately keep calling it a "vaccine," eh?  (Hint: they changed the definition, last September 1st.)]

The nation that produced Jonas Salk has exported anti-vaccine propaganda around the globe, wreaking havoc on public health campaigns from Germany to Kenya.

[Invoking an iconic name, like Salk's, is a classic propaganda technique, since everyone associates Salk with the successful vaccine that essentially wiped out polio.  So naturally, readers equate Salk's vax with the mRNA "non-vax," and unconsciously assume anyone who objects to being FORCED to take the current jab rejects ALL vaxxes-- for polio, measles, smallpox and so on.  It's a brazen lie, of course, but the hoot is, the Post never actually *said* that, just implied it.  And if you drew the conclusion they intended...you've been sold.  Again.]

That propaganda has also found its way into many reaches of American life. It has boosted political campaigns.

[What political figure does the Post claim got a "boost" from opposition to the mRNA vax?  Any idea?  We don't know either, but it's a good bet that 90% of Post readers will think *Donald Trump.*  This is odd because Trump has always urged that people who want to take the mRNA vax do so.  But by not explicitly linking the claim ("has boosted political campaigns") to a person, most post readers unconsciously make the link.  And again....]

What was once an overwhelming public consensus on vaccine safety is now a new front in the nation’s culture wars. It is no accident that some in the anti-vaccine movement are equating Sunday’s rally to the annual anti-abortion rally that took place in Washington on Friday.

[Ah!  Another way to discredit anyone critical of duh vax is to link 'em with anti-abortion people.  Cuz liberals link that group with wackos.  But of course no need to say "Anyone critical of the mRNA vax mandates is crazy" when the smooth linkage does it automatically for most people, eh?]

“Our worst worries have been manifested,” said Joe Smyser, chief executive of the Public Good Projects, a nonprofit group that tracks and seeks to combat vaccine misinformation.

[This is another classic: Because the Post said Joe's group combats "vaccine misinformation," it doesn't occur to readers to ask "Who decides what information is accurate and what's considered "misinformation"?  You just assume that anything his group opposes or tries to discredit must be...you guessed it: "misinformation."]

Vaccine skeptics notched another victory just last week, when the U.S. Supreme Court blocked President Biden’s vaccination requirement for large employers. (A smaller mandate for workers at health-care facilities that get federal funding was left intact.)

Despite signs from the earliest days of the pandemic that the anti-vaccine movement was advancing its cause by preying on the uncertainty and social division that accompanied the virus, the U.S. public health establishment never mounted a true counteroffensive...

[REALLY?  That's utter horseshit.  Every single day the Mainstream Media blasted us with Fauxi and Walensky bleating "You MUST take this superbly effective, totally safe vaccine, citizens!"  How many times have you seen the phrase "safe and effective," eh?  But neither word is true:  It's risky as hell, and it doesn't prevent ANY vaxxed person from catching the virus.  
   And note the use of the psychologically-loaded phrase "preying on..."  That phrase is invariably used to describe child sex traffickers, killers, muggers.  So note how smoothly the unconscious linkage has been made.  And most of you didn't even notice, eh?]

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a longtime anti-vaccine activist who will speak at Sunday’s march, said the widening distrust of vaccines is an outgrowth of people’s firsthand experiences with negative side effects from the coronavirus vaccines. He pointed to the large number of reports of reactions to those vaccines now on file in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a database maintained by the CDC.

More than 750,000 such reports have been filed in the U.S. and its territories. But claims of bad reactions in VAERS have not been independently verified, and anyone can make them.  

[The Post just waved away all the deaths reported to the CDC's own "adverse events" reporting website.  And notice how *effortlessly!*  Did you see how the Post did it?  Sure: they said "claims" of bad reactions "have not been independently verified, and anyone can make them."  So does the Post seriously claim that more than a couple are fictitious?  They don't say--and won't, cuz they don't need to.  All they needed to do was raise the *claim* that it was *possible*, and readers did the rest, unconsciously.]

Controlled studies of the coronavirus vaccines offer a more accurate picture of how they work, and those studies have repeatedly shown that the medicines cause no serious side effects for the overwhelming majority of people who receive them.

[First, "controlled studies" are *constantly* being found to be glaringly flawed, so the Post's claim is a "naked assertion."  Let's see a cite, a link, a named author and university.  They don't bother, cuz the mere *claim* that "studies show" is enough for incurious rubes.  
    Also, how about that howler that "those studies have repeatedly shown that the [vaxxes] cause NO serious side effects for the overwhelming majority of people."  Okay, Post liars: you clearly have access to the CDC database, so tell us: As of the end of last year, with barely a year of jabs done, how many Americans had died?
   The Post didn't bother to include that number, eh?  But they clearly have it, so if this article is supposed to "inform," why not tell us?  Think they don't want you to know?
   Okay, got some paper?  Jot down your guess as to the number on the CDC's *official* VAERS website.  And remember, they CDC doesn't count a death as due to the vax unless it happens more than 14 days after a person gets their second jab, so you can be sure they're seriously undercounting!  I've put the figure at the end of this post.]

Kennedy said the growing number of infections among fully- vaccinated people has also eroded public confidence in what biden claimed was a key selling point for vaccine mandates — that they stop the spread of the virus to vulnerable populations.

Although the vaccines are markedly less effective at stopping infection by the new variant, early evidence shows that they still "confer protection" against hospitalization or death.

[Interestingly low bar there: they "confer protection," eh?  Note how that term is impossible to quantify.  If it cut the death rate from 0.03% to 0.028%, that's certainly "some" protection, eh?  Yay!  Win for duh vax!  Thanks, Joe!  But they can't quantify it, so merely making the claim is enough.]

“I think there’s a lot more skepticism,” Kennedy said. “You have a product that simply does not work as advertised.”

What remains to be seen is whether the movement’s success in sowing fear of the coronavirus vaccines can be translated to a broader public rejection of other forms of inoculation, chiefly the immunization of children against diseases such as measles and diphtheria. Casting doubt on such vaccines and erasing school mandates requiring them were the anti-vaccine movement’s long-standing goals before the emergence of the coronavirus.

[Classic: With very few exceptions, people opposed to forcing the mRNA jab on everyone are NOT against vaccines that actually *work*.  The mRNA vaxxes don't.  But by saying that the protesters are trying to get people to reject "other forms of inoculation," and trying to "erase school mandates requiring them" is simply false.  But you didn't even notice, eh?
   And the hit piece uses two more 'grafs to hammer home the lie:]

Tara C. Smith, a professor, said it's far too early for the [anti-mRNA protesters] to declare victory on those fronts. Arguments that have proved effective against the mRNA vaccines, like questioning their relative novelty and the possibility of long-term side effects, could be less convincing when it comes to *established vaccines that many American adults received decades ago without being harmed.*

[No one except the Post propagandists is making that claim.]

“Is this going to bleed over into other things, like childhood vaccinations? I really don’t know,” Smith said. “And that’s the fear.
It’s truly frightening for the future.”

[Ah yes, "truly frightening for the future."  And fear sells--especially when hammered home 24/7 from all outlets, eh?]

The scientific case for the full range of vaccines recommended by public health authorities in the United States remains as solid as ever. Research has shown that those vaccines — which have all but eliminated diseases that once sickened, debilitated or killed millions every year — to be safe for the vast majority of those who receive them.

[Anything strike you as bogus about that last 'graf?  Sure: Again the Post's writers lump a life-threatening, non-immunizing, non-vaccine together with truly safe, immunizing vaccines, and hope you won't think there's any difference.  Cuz how many hundreds of times have the Media bleated "safe and effective," eh?]

The mRNA coronavirus vaccines have proved to be some of the best ever added to physicians’ arsenal.

[That's a "naked assertion."  And by now you should be getting better at recognizing it!  No medical person has ever made such an extreme, absurd claim-- and wouldn't, unless they were being paid by Fauxi.]

As of October, according to the most recent estimates from the CDC, those who received two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines and a booster were 40 times less likely to die of the virus than the unvaccinated.

[Another naked assertion.  Show us an author or a link to a paper that supports you.  Why don't they?]

The CDC on Friday released studies showing that the vaccines continue to provide "robust protection against hospitalization" from the omicron variant, even if they no longer ward off infection as effectively.

["Robust protection against hospitalization," eh?  Another unquantifiable.  Define "robust."  Are you claiming the vax keeps you from going to the hospital?  Keeps you from dying?  That's horseshit, but when they say "robust protection," who knows?  If there's *any* protection, is that "robust"?]

Nevertheless, national surveys show about 1 in 5 U.S. adults remain unvaccinated. Among children ages 5 to 11, who became eligible for the shots in November, fewer than 20 percent are vaccinated.

[And you KNOW the Rulers wanna jab your 5-year-olds.  And they're expecting the FDA to approve a vax for 2-year-olds "soon."  Think they'll suddenly revise their orders and let the 2-year-olds slide 3 more years?  Well, did the airlines kick unmasked 2-year-olds and their parents off commercial flights?  (Answer: they damn well did, and were unnecessarily nazi about it.  Death penalty.)

Republicans were much more likely than Democrats to reject the vaccines — another ominous sign for public health officials, who worry that resistance to inoculation could become a permanent trapping of political identity.

[It's certainly true that more conservatives object to the forced vax, but how is the article improved by including this tidbit?  It's not.  The entire purpose is to demonize the unvaxxed--not only do the Media liars imply that the unvaxxed are the only ones who can transmit the virus, but they're also **Trump voters**!  This is deliberately fanning the flames that will make some moronic mask Karen go off her rocker.  And note that loaded word "ominous."  It's no accident.
   You DID notice that word, right?]

Sunday’s rally in D.C. could be a case study in the amplification of anti-vaccine views by media sources that threaten to drown out more conventional, evidence-based voices.

[Oooh, "evidence-based voices"!  But wait, who decides what "evidence" counts, eh?  Why, the Post, of course.  Which is why they ignored the number of deaths reported on the CDC's VAERS site.
   If you get to ban any evidence that doesn't support your claims, it makes it far easier to look convincing, eh?]

Vax deaths reported to VAERS as of 12/31: 21,382.

January 22, 2022

Remember how the Mainstream Media spent four years telling us how dumb Trump was?


Elections have consequences, eh?  And stolen elections have really bad ones.  SO...Obama sets it all up, the wokie media ices it, they use duh Chyna virus to go all mail-in vote fraud to get rid of Trump, and then Biden "presides" (if you can glorify it with that) over the ashes.  Good job, Democrats!

All these faaabulous achievements! And in just one year! Wow!

All these faaaabulous achievements!  All these brilliant policies!  It's hard to keep track of all the unprecedented success of the JoHo regime.   And to think we got all this in just ONE YEAR!

Thanks, Democrats!  Thanks, Dominion!  Thanks, all-mail vote fraud!  Couldn't have done it without y'all!  And we won't forget in November!

Count on it.

So y'all get your steal on, and we'll see how many states you can keep.  And don't worry: Our side never learns from the past.  So y'all can stuff the boxes the same way you did in 2020.  Don't worry about our side being...um...prepared or anything.  Besides, you know every court will protect y'all, so just let 'er rip!  Cheat as much as you want!

Prediction for September

During the past two LONG years of insane lockdowns, destroyed small businesses, vax passports and "vax or be fired" orders from porridgebrain and company, not a single Democrat in the House has introduced a bill to end this madness. None will even speak up against their party's insane policies.
But I predict that by September scores of Democrats will be running on a platform of
  • ending vax mandates and vax passports
  • ending lockdowns
  • going to 100% in-person schooling
  • supporting parents speaking out at school board meetings
  • claiming they wanna end the teaching of "critical-race theory" in K-12
  • claiming credit for not getting involved in a war against Russia in Ukraine
  • ending the leftist/Dem policy of releasing violent criminals without requiring any bail
  • ending the leftist/Dem policy of passing trillion-dollar spending bills
  • supporting anti-vote-fraud laws, like photo-ID and banning all-mail voting 

It will all be horseshit, of course.  Pure theater, and they'll drop all that if they're re-elected.  But they're starting to realize--just beginning to--that a LOT of Americans don't like Dem policies.

Hopefully voters won't be fooled so easily.  But I'm not betting on it.

January 20, 2022

Israel has vax passport, 2nd booster (i.e. 4th shot). Media say "Data clear, 4 shots work!" Wait....

Duh vaxxes work!  Dey bees "safe and effective."  At least that's what CNN and the WSJ and ALL the Mainstream Media say, eh?  And if anyone is skeptical, there's a graph of cases vs. time.  And sure enough, here's what introducing vax mandates, vax passports and a 3rd and 4th "booster shot" have done.

SEE how that case curve plunged, plummeted, after the 4th shot (2nd booster), citizens?  

Absolutely plunged!  Nothing could be more clear!

"The data is clear: booster shots helped bring down the 4th wave"!!  So says CNN--which bleats that it's "the most trusted name in news."  So it MUST be true, right?  Case closed, eh?  You dumb deplorables who doubted the effectiveness of Dr Fauci's magic vax gonna stop your "disinformation" now?  You better, or we'll see that you're fired.

"Wait...what?  No, that's the latest data we have, and it clearly shows the cases approaching ZERO after that wonderful 4th shot!  Just as the government experts said!"

"Wait...you say there's an updated version with another week or two of data?  That may be, but you don't really think would change the point, right?  So okay, show us your so-called "updated version."

"That's just a printing error!  An anomaly!  Meaningless!  Cuz the number of cases could NOT have gone exponential like that!  Could NOT!  Dis misinformation!  You lie!  You go NOW!"

Nah, sparky, it's real.  So would YOU care to revise any claims for how faaabulously effective the vax, even with the SECOND booster shot, is?  

Yeah, didn't think you would.

January 19, 2022

"We're watching the collapse of our civilization, in real-time"

Unless you live in a Democrat-ruled shithole city like LA or San Fran or Seattle or Austin, you have no idea how far gone those cities are.

I know my liberal friends don't believe anything reported by Fox News, but you really need to watch the short video at this link.   

Tucker Carlson starts by noting the obvious: "homelessness" is NOT caused by a housing shortage, but by drug addiction and mental illness.  Then he notes the billions of dollars corrupt governors and mayors have spent to supposedly "solve the problem of homelessness" and asks "Where did all that money GO?"  For example, Seattle has bought 3 brand-new apartment buildings for $350 million.  They'll be able to house almost 700 "homeless" for the bargain price of about half a million bucks per "homeless" person.

Cool, eh?

It's hard to believe that no liberal--not ONE--will admit to knowing that if you reward something, you get a lot more of it.  (Surely some realize it, but can't admit it without getting screamed at by the rest of the tribe.)  But apparently these Democrat pols and liberal voters don't make the connection.  So they just keep spending billions (money paid to their developer buddies) and keep talking the rubes (their stupid liberal citizens) into voting to spend ever more.

It isn't hard to see what happens: spending billions to subsidize drug use leaves less money to fund things that the community needs.  Oh, wait: liberals bleat that we NEED to allow people to live on the sidewalk and shoot up.  New York has even opened two tax-funded centers for the SOLE purpose of allowing junkies to shoot up "safely." (???)  Say, that's a faabulous use of tax dollars, eh? 

Carlson makes the obvious conclusion: Healthy societies don't allow people to shoot up on the sidewalk, crap on the sidewalk, live on the sidewalk or in what were once quaintly referred to as "public parks."   Healthy cities would say "Get out of our town and go to a city where the residents and taxpayers want people shooting up on the sidewalk."  But of course that's not the way liberals are reacting.  So this will get worse and worse.

We're seeing the collapse of our once-great civilization, in real-time.

January 18, 2022

Democrat shill totally reverses position on vax: When Trump did it, he said he'd never take it. But NOW....?

Take a look at the pic below of a goofy Democrat named "Ricky Davila."  Ricky is a perfect example of why you can't trust Democrats to be honest or consistent if reversing positions gives them a political advantage.

Specifically, the top tweet is from December 2nd of 2020, when the vax was just getting launched.  Ricky writes 

"Anything that Kayleigh McEnazi [sic] brazenly calls the Trump vaccine is something I'll never put in my body.  Nope."

So because Trump cut the red tape to get the vax out faster, this guy swears he will NEVER take it!

Now, that's something I could support.  A principled stand.  But then 13 months later Ricky starts ragging on Novak Djokovic, writing 

"Anti-vax lying scumbag Novak not getting to play some tennis because he chooses to be unvaccinated is his own choice, and he must face the consequences of that choice."

So since Ricky is wailing about how AWFUL it is that someone wouldn't take the jab, we can assume Ricky's fully vaxxed, right?  Problem is, just 13 months earlier, when Trump was president, shit-head Ricky Davila said he would NEVER take the vax, "never."  But once porridgebrain was installed, Ricky suddenly decided that the vax was just great.

In other words, the guy did a total 180 when his party's corrupt, moronic, senile nominee stole the office.

So much for principles, eh?  And this is how all Democrat shills and pols operate:  No honor, no honesty.  The only thing they prize is power.

January 17, 2022

How many pro athletes have been felled by heart attacks--and what percentage of those were vaxxed?

In 2021 there were LOTS of heart attacks among professional athletes.  Latest talley I've seen said 461, and that 269 of those athletes died.

Say, what percentage of those pro athletes who had heart attacks do you think had been vaxxed, eh?

Typical liberal: "Why dat important?  Dat not important!  Don't publish that number!"

In a few cases we don't know whether the victim had been vaxxed because neither the soccer club nor the family would say.  But we have a good estimate.  I'll show you below.

Now...before 2021 you never heard about a pro athlete collapsing on the field from a heart attack, so you might think 461 heart attacks and 269 deaths is really significant.  But the Mainstream Media has barely written or broadcast a word about it.  Since the event itself is so odd, you'd think the Media would have reported it.  Obviously the Media have the resources to ferret out these numbers and tell us how unusual this is...IF THEY WANTED TO. 

Because the media haven't covered this, most people reach the obvious conclusion: that these deaths must be fairly normal.

They're not.  This number is incredibly abnormal. Which you'd all know if you searched for the figures from before 2021.  Or if the damn media would do their damn job.

Now, let's look at the shape of the graph above.  Notice anything?  Sure: early months of 2021 saw only a few heart attacks, but the number increased with each month.  This almost perfectly tracks the number of vaxxed people.  Yes, correlation doesn't prove causation, but that's one hell of a correlation, eh?

Finally: If this many heart attacks is indeed off the charts (it is), then IF the vax is NOT causing this, you'd expect that *from the beginning of the year* the percentage of vaxxed victims should match the percentage of vaxxed people in the general population, right?  So...does it?

Surprise: For victims whose vax status is known, ALL were vaxxed.  That is, at a time when only ten or 20 or 30 percent of the population was vaxxed, 100 percent of the athletes dropping with heart attacks whose status was known were...vaxxed.

But don't worry, citizen: the vax is NOT dangerous.  Nope nope nope.  Perfectly safe, citizen.

If you believe all the horseshit the CDC and FDA and Fauci and the Media are pushing, you deserve what you about to get.  Sadly, your children didn't get a choice.


German chancellor Merkel closed half of Germany's nuclear powerplants last December. How's that working out?


Before the end of last year, Germany had six nuclear powerplants.  But on the last day of last year, the government ordered half of those plants closed.

The three reactors just closed were built in the mid-1980s and have worked flawlessly ever since, providing non-carbon-based electricity to millions of German households for almost four decades.

So wait...if they're German-built (yes) and have flawless safety records, and the warmies are screaming that no one be allowed to use coal or gas to produce crucial electricity, why would a rational government order the three plants shut down?

Glad you asked.  The decision to phase out nuclear power was made 20 years ago in 2002, by the center-left government of Gerhard  Schroeder.  Remember that name, cuz it'll turn up again.

You need to know that in Europe, "center-left" is a euphemism for communist-supporting.

Shroeder's successor, Angela Merkel, came to power promising to *reverse* Shroeder's decision to close the plants, because safe, non-CO2-emitting, eh?  But after the huge earthquake off the coast of Japan caused a once-in-a-century tsunami that caused the Fukushima disaster, Merkel reversed course, scrapping her promise to keep the plants.  She ordered three of them closed at the end of 2021, with the last three ordered to close at the end of this year.

It's important to note that before the reunification of communist East Germany with the free, amazingly successful West Germany, Angela Merkel was widely viewed as a rising star of the Young Communist party in East Germany.  But somehow the former communist star became the chancellor of the entire nation.  So was she just posing as a dedicated communist, or...  Hmmm....

The significance of this will soon become clear.

Now here's where things takeoff:  As every adult with an IQ over 80 should know, nuclear plants don't emit CO2, which the warmies scream is fatally warming our planet.  Yet both Shroeder and Merkel claimed their decision to shut the nuclear powerplants was made to "end the use of fossil fuels and shift to renewable energy sources."

Rational adults will instantly recognize this as horseshit.  In fact, closing the nuclear plants will put a big dent in Germany's electrical supply.  And how will that hole be filled?
Moronic liberals bleat "Wind power!"  "Solar energy!"  But Germany, like the rest of northern Europe, is notoriously cloudy.  And wind is intermittent.  So even if the government could somehow replace the total output of the six closed nuclear plants with windmills and solar, what do you do when it's cloudy and the wind isn't blowing as hard as you need?

Unless you're prepared to cut power to thousands of homes, what you must have is a thing called "spinning reserve."  That means boilers already fired up all the time, turbine generators spinning, ready to go on-line at the flick of a switch.

And how are those boilers fired, you ask?

Ooohhh, don't ask.  Coal or natural gas, i.e. the carbon fuel that the lying sacks of shit Merkel and Shroeder claimed they were closing the plants to eliminate.

Whoa!  They really didn't say that, did they?

Yeah, we've got both on video.  Just like porridgebrain looking sternly into the cameras and yelling "If you get vaccinated you can't get covid!!!"  

Ah, another great Democrat lie joins the pantheon.  Just like "Under my plan every family will save an average of $2,500 per year on medical care!"  (Obozo, 2009)  Say, how'd that promise work out, eh Democrats?

"Shut up," they replied.

But closing nukes to cut CO2 emissions *sounded* SO convincing!  Especially when they added that luscious phrase, "...and shift to renewables."  It's a green dream, citizen!  We leftists will SAVE the planet!  Yep yep yep!!

So the German government said this week that after shutting down three plants yesterday, they'll close the remaining three by the end of this year--and *then* "phase out the use of coal by 2030."

Wait...what was that again?  You shut down the nukes FIRST, and THEN shut down the coal plants eight years later?  If your stated goal is to reduce CO2 emissions, isn't that ass-backwards?

Okay, I get that you're a "global warmie" and want to get rid of doze nasty ol' fossil fuels dat bees killin' duh planet.  But if your claimed goal is to cut carbon emissions, wouldn't it make a lot more sense to *keep the nuclear plants running and shut down the coal plants first?*

To put it another way:  If Merkel were honest [?], what conceivable logic would shut down the non-carbon generating plants eight years before phasing out coal, eh?

If you're starting to think something else is actually going on here, keep reading.

Here's another clue:  Germany has a "minister of Economy and Climate," Robert Habeck, who claimed closing all six nuclear plants would have *no effect on Germany´s energy security.*

Say what?

This sounds a lot like "We just need two weeks to flatten the curve."

Remember Gerhardt Shroeder, the leftist chancellor who set the shutdown in motion?  Turns out he also did something else that plays into this: He approved Russia's Nordstream2 gas pipeline to bring more Russian gas to Germany.

So let's review: Shroeder orders all six non-carbon-burning nuclear powerplants closed, then approves a pipeline that will make Germany totally dependent on Russian gas.  Then after the former communist rising star Merkel pledges to keep the plants open, she reverses course and finalizes closing the nuclear plants.

So can you predict the result?  Sure you can.

Russia is the largest supplier of energy to Europe, and had said it would be able to supply more gas to the continent. However, last month a crucial existing Russian gas pipeline was unable to increase volumes--with the result that the price of natural gas has already jumped by about 30% all over Europe.

During his time in office, President Trump consistently warned that if European countries were totally dependent on Russian gas, they'd be effectively unable oppose Russian policies.  This has already been shown in 2014, when Putin threatened to cut off gas to Europe during the Crimean crisis.  The EU laid low, and Putin was unopposed.

And remember that German chancellor, Gerhard Schröder, who initially approved the pipeline?  You will never guess where he's working now: he's a very highly-paid executive of the company responsible for constructing the Nordstream 2 pipeline.

But there is absolutely no connection.  It's just another coincidence.

Trump’s successor, porridgebrain Biden, announced in May that he would not block the pipeline as it would be “counterproductive” to American relations in Europe. So he didn't try to block the Russian pipeline from being completed--which is fine, cuz pipelines deliver clean natural gas.  But by huge contrast, on Biden's first day in office he ordered a Canada-to-U.S. oil pipeline--already being constructed--to be stopped.

That would be the Keystone XL pipeline from Alberta, anada, that would have carried 700,000 barrels of Canadian oil to the U.S. every day.  

Consistent?  Hardly.  biden is working for some power, and it's not us.

The European Union imports nearly 90 per cent of the natural gas it needs, with a third of that coming from Russia.  And that's before the new pipeline begins to flow.  Can you predict the future?

Sure you can.

January 16, 2022

Emails pried loose from top scientists reveal plot to slap down any talk that covid was modified in Chinese lab

From the UK Telegraph…

New emails pried loose by FOIA requests show leading scientists in both the U.S. and U.K believed Covid came from a lab in Wuhan – but lied about it and sought to discredit people who said so, *for fear of offending China*!

The Telegraph phrased that fear as "fear that *debate* [about the theory] could 'hurt international harmony’."  That warning came from Dr. Francis Collins, the former director of the US National Institutes of Health--Fauxi's nominal boss. [!]

That kind of opaque, stilted phrasing is characteristic of communist propaganda, like "could damage solidarity" or "could provoke anti-revolutionary sentiment."

Institutions which held the emails have repeatedly resisted efforts to release their contents--for reasons that should now be obvious.

Another smoking bit of propaganda revealed by the emails was again from Collins, who bleated that supporting the lab theory might "harm science"!  And the topper: it might "harm science in China"!  
Why would any rational non-Chinese give a damn about the Chinese people being upset with "science"?

But aside from theories about the virus "escaping from a lab," a more important debate was taking place:  non-government scientists were completely convinced *by analyzing the genetic code of the virus that it had been modified by humans to make it more lethal to humans.  By contrast, China lackeys insisted that any differences between naturally-occuring bat coronaviruses and Covid were totally natural mutations.

So they were determined to tell the world that C19 did NOT escape from a Chinese lab.  And that the lab did NOT modify the virus in any way.  So case closed.

The emails show a deliberate effort by U.S. and U.K. scientists to slap down any investigation into where the virus originated, and whether it was deliberately modified in a Chinese lab.

Scientists were particularly struck by a part of Covid-19 called a "furin cleavage site," which is an section of genetic code that's present in Covid-19 but NOT in any natural bat coronavirus.  The site helps the virus bind to human cells, making it far more likely to infect and kill humans.

One U.S. expert summarized the problem by writing “I just can’t figure out how this gets accomplished in nature.”  Meaning by natural mutation.

The new details came to light after Republican members of the U.S.  House Oversight Committee obtained access to the unredacted documents, after complaining that the same docs they requested and obtained under previous Freedom of Information requests had been so heavily redacted that none of the current statements could be found. The emails show that by February 2, 2020--just 3 days after the first case arrived in the U.S.--Collins and other top government scientists were already trying to shut down the debate into a) whether the virus had escaped from a Chinese laboratory, and b) whether several genes had been inserted into a natural bat virus to make it more lethal to humans.

An email from Dr Ron Fouchier said “Further debate about such accusations would unnecessarily distract top researchers from their active duties and do unnecessary harm to science in general and science in China in particular.”

"Would distract top researchers," eh?  Not unless the "top researchers" were on the Chinese payroll, or nervous snowflakes.  The claim is Chinese propaganda.

Francis Collins set out the strategy, stating: “a swift convening of experts in a confidence-inspiring framework is needed, or the *voices of conspiracy* will quickly dominate, doing great potential harm to science and international harmony.”

Starting to see how you've been conned, misled--all to take the heat off China?


January 14, 2022

Dems--who want to abolish the filibuster to pass a bill they can't pass--invoke the same filibuster yesterday to block GOP bill!

If you've been paying attention you know that the Democrats--led by majority leader Chuck Schumer (NY) are threatening to abolish the filibuster rule in the senate UNLESS Republicans agree to their demand and pass a Democrat bill that would give the Federal government the power to run all elections, instead of the states.

Schumer and his cronies claim the filibuster "thwarts the idea of majority-rule," by requiring 60 votes to bring most bills to a vote.  They bleat that it's "a relic of the Jim Crow era" and is only used to allow a party that lacks a majority to BLOCK perfectly reasonable bills from being voted on. 

Thus it's with great amusement that we note that yesterday Schumer and the Democrats used that very same filibuster rule they're threatening to abolish--the tool they call a "relic of Jim Crow" that's just used by the minority party to block really good bills from being passed by a simple majority--to block a bill introduced by Republican Ted Cruz.

It takes a minute for the utter hypocrisy to sink in: The Dems not only used the filibuster yesterday--after bitching about it for months!--but also invoked it 312 times during Trump's term.  Yet they want to abolish it to ram through a nasty, unconstitutional POS bill that they can only pass if the filibuster is gone.

They hypocrisy is breath-taking. 



How many U.S. deaths have likely been caused by getting the jab?

If you're an adult who's been paying attention, you know what VAERS means, right?

You also know--from the constant repetition by the Mainstream Media and Fauci--that the so-called "vaccines" are...fill in the blank:______ and _______.

Sure: "Safe and Effective."  You've heard that so often that it would never occur to most Americans to ask whether that was actually true.  Similarly, it would never occur to most Americans that the CDC would quietly change the OFFICIAL definition of a "vaccine" so that something that did NOT immunize you against a disease now qualified.

George Orwell, please call your office.

So...how many deaths do you think have been caused by the covid vaxxes?

Let's try to find out.  Right away we see a problem: if someone drops dead hours after taking the jab, the CDC does NOT count that as a "vaccine death."

Yes, you read that right.  Same thing if the person drops dead a day later, or two days, or a week later.  Yep, the OFFICIAL agency charged with keeping reeeally good track of all deaths in the U.S., by cause of death, refuses to count a death following the jab as being a "vaccine death" until two weeks after a person has had the second shot (except in the case of the one-shot J&J vax).

Wait...wouldn't that obviously work to undercount the number of deaths due to the jab?

"Why, that's just silly, citizen!  The people who made that rule are reeeally smaht, and would NEVAH put out a rule that would deliberately undercount deaths caused by a new, experimental "vaccine"!  That's just crazy-talk!"

"See, the VAERS system is reeeeally accurate: our regulations require that doctors and hospitals report every single death to us, with big fines and even jail time if they fail to report a death.  So it's VERY accurate!  That's why it's called "VAERS"--Very Accurate Event Reporting System."

Hahahahahahaha!  Just kidding!  Surprisingly, reporting a vax death to the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System is TOTALLY VOLUNTARY.  Not kidding: no doctor or hospital is required to report a death from these or any other "vaccines".  It's all totally voluntary.  And since it takes a long time to work through the report, and there's no penalty for not reporting a death, lots of docs assume someone else in the hospital will do any report paperwork.

As a result, investigators have found that on average, only about one percent of "adverse effects"--including deaths--are actually reported!

So as of the end of last year, how many deaths have been reported to VAERS as being "due to" the vax--even under the bizarre CDC rule that refuses to count it as a "vax death" until two weeks after the victim took the second shot?  Take a look:

So, 21,382 vax deaths *reported to VAERS*.  But when you consider that the CDC's goofy RULE ignores deaths that occur from two minutes after taking the jab until two weeks after the victim took the second jab, what percentage of deaths do you think are being ignored.  Half?  And then when you consider that in the past only one percent of "adverse effects" have been reported, the real number could easily be around 300,000 or so.

Wait...if that's correct, how can any rational person claim the vax is "safe"?

Great question.  And an equally good question is, what conceivable logic supports the CDC's RULE that refuses to count vax deaths that occur less than 14 days after the victim got the second jab, eh?

I'd love for Rand Paul to ask Rochelle Walensky to provide all emails and other communications on who made that rule and the logic behind it.

Analysis of the court's schizophrenic RULING on the two "take the jab or be fired" cases

As everyone knows by now, yesterday the "supreme" court issued two rulings on cases objecting to  bidenfail's DECREE forcing unvaxxed workers to take the non-vaccine jab.  Everyone paying attention should also know that the court upheld the regime's power to force healthcare workers to take the jab, but denied OSHA's authority to force companies NOT involved in healthcare to force the jab.

Because the second ruling covered almost 100 MILLION Americans, while the first "only" applied to a million or so, many conservatives are cheering the split decision (as in, one win, one loss).

But if you take the time to actually READ the opinion issued by the court, you'll see that the exact same reasoning the court used to uphold the healthcare DECREE would allow it to support the OSHA *decree*--if only OSHA bureaucrats had used the proper language in that DECREE.  Let me explain:

In upholding bidenfail's DECREE that healthcare workers must take the jab or be fired, the court noted that a) in the law establishing Medicare, congress gave the Sec. of HHS the power to issue any rule he wanted, *provided* b) that RULE was necessary for the "safe and effective operation" of  ANY healthcare operations that accepted federal funds.  This is standard "boilerplate" language in virtually every law passed by congress.

In DECREEING that healthcare workers had to vax or be fired, HHS made the superficially-plausible assertion that a) unvaxxed people were more likely to catch covid, and transmit it; b) that this posed a danger both to patients and to other workers; c) that this added risk would reduce the effectiveness of the operations HHS was funding.  Thus the DECREE ordering all healthcare workers to take the jab or be fired was necessary to carry out what congress had ordered HHS to do.

The law establishing OSHA gave that agency the same power as HHS--to issue "all rules and regulations necessary" to carry out the tasks established by congress.  So how is this materially different from the healthcare case? 

It's not.  Congress passed a *law* creating a new agency with the task of "ensuring safety in the workplace" and authorizing the Secretary of Labor to issue all rules and regulation necessary to carry out that mission.  The only difference is that the HHS rule cited a chain of reasoning showing why their "vax of be fired" DECREE was needed, whereas OSHA's decree didn't have the right wording.

Now: one win out of the two cases is obviously better than nothing, but you should all realize that the court's RULING clearly pointed out what OSHA needed to do to issue a "vax or be fired" rule the court would uphold.

In the case of federal workers NOT in healthcare (which hasn't yet gone to the SC), the court will rule that since fed employees NOT working for congress [spit!] or the courts work for the Executive branch, porridgebrain has the power to order them to do anything he wants, as long as the order is not specifically prohibited by the Constitution.

Of course that's not how the Constitution was written (see Tenth Amendment), but the court long ago trashed the Tenth, and there's no power that can overturn the "supreme" decisions, so...

All that's needed to get the court to uphold the forced jab on all companies (regardless of # of employees) is for OSHA to issue a NEW rule that uses the exact same language used by Becerra at HHS, namely 

  • a) unvaxxed persons pose a greater risk of transmitting the "deadly!!!" virus to others; 
  • b) forcing employees to work near unvaxxed employees is a "workplace hazard;"  
  • c) employers who do NOT require the jab are increasing the risk of DEATH to all employees; so 
  • d) employers MUST require all employees to take the jab, or we will fine them X-thousand dollars per day--cuz we're always lookin' for ways to make duh workplaces safer, eh?

Once one accepts that whenever congress creates a government agency tasked with doing X, it also gives the Secretary of Bullshit the power to issue ANY rule or reg needed to carry out that task, that was the end of it.  All that's needed is for the agency to use the correct wording of their DECREE. 

Now: The regime obviously knows what I just explained, so the question is, when will the JoHo regime tell OSHA to issue the new ORDER that the court has clearly implied they will uphold?  I doubt it will come before the midterm elections in November, but then again we've all been stunned by the audacity displayed by the forces of malevolence and destruction.

Example: did you ever think that after porridgebrain said "We will NOT make vaccines mandatory--we don't have that power," that he'd turn right around and issue the "vax or be fired" ORDER?

Did you ever think the Democrats would change Title IX to allow men to compete against women in sports?  To force every public school to allow trannies to use girls' bathrooms?  Did you think it was possible to jail citizens for over a year--in solitary confinement--without bail and without trial?

Did you ever imagine the Democrats would discharge members of the armed forces for "liking" a post on social media?  Ever imagine school boards would order parents arrested for yelling at 'em during school board meetings?  Every imagine porridgebrain's corrupt Sec of Education would write the National Association of School Boards suggesting that they write the regime's DOJ to ASK that Garland investigate parents who disagreed with what was being taught in public schools?

All these things have happened, in less than a single year.

January 13, 2022

The regime is building a concrete wall around the White House. Yes, seriously

Construction started 3 days ago.  So naturally all the networks reported it, right?

Hahahahahahahahahahaha!  No, not one "news" show bothered to show it--"because it's not newsworthy... means absolutely nothing, citizen!  Has absolutely NO relationship to any rumors that some Americans are becoming...less enthusiastic in their support of Dear Leader and his handlers.

Do a search for "wall being build at white house" in the "news" section.  LOTS of hits, but not one about this wall.

So why would the regime build a concrete wall around the White House?  (Yes, rhetorical question.)

  • It's a new type of solar electric generator--WAY better than black solar panels!
  • It's a visual screen so the Gestapo sorry, Secret Service can move agents without being seen
  • It's a visual screen cuz they're planting a new rose garden and want it to be a surprise
  • The panels are shields for firing positions...in case Russia invades.  Yeh, dat's it. 
  • "This wall was planned by Trump; the biden administration didn't approve it" 

A female patriot going by the name of Nancy Drew saw this being built three days ago, and posted a ten-minute video.  Below is a screenshot.  She sounded almost in tears, because she realized the implications of what she was seeing.  As I hope we all do.

If you had told Americans 18 months ago that a) a corrupt man who couldn't draw 50 people to his rallies--half of 'em supporter-journalists--would be officially tallied as getting more votes than the wildly popular (bs) Obozo; and b) that on his first day in power he'd kill a key pipeline and put an end to our energy independence; and c) that in 18 months his regime would believe they needed to build a concrete barrier around the White House, no one would have believed it.  And yet here we are.

Imagine how the Lying Mainstream Media would be reacting if TRUMP did this!  And to add to the outrage, for the entire four years of Trump's official term, Democrap congresswhores and their media allies CONSTANTLY screamed that putting a wall on the southern border was absolutely useless, AND raaaacist!  But a wall around the White House--complete with firing ports--is just peachy.  Wow.


January 12, 2022

Ah, the peace of mind of being "fully vaxxed"..!


Four waves of feminism

All these have been from the brilliant Ann Barnhardt's site. 




















 Fourth wave:  You must accept men pretending to be female as women.  If you don't, you're a SEXIST.

Biden during the campaign vs. Biden now


Four thing more likely to kill you than *OMICRON*!!!


If the government thinks it needs to threaten you to get you to do something, it's probably not in your best interest!


These people smile, but it's looking like they're working together to kill you


When is a "vaccine" NOT a vaccine?


January 11, 2022

You knew this was coming, right?


And the REEEally good news is that this new $308 million in taxpayer dollars will...how did that sweet spokeswhore put it?  Ah yes..."will directly flow through independent humanitarian organizations"!

Why is my fraud detector going off?   Oh yeah, because every one of those "independent humanitarian organizations" is run by Democrat cronies of Jo and Kami.  So at least half of it will be sucked up by "overhead" of those orgs.  So this is funding Democrat corruption as much as Taliban terrorism.

Why would the Taliban bother to actually build a functioning country when stupid bastards like porridgebrain ensure they'll have enough cash to buy as much food as they want, eh?

This country is SO doomed.  I wanna see the audit trail for every last dollar.

"Gosh, senator, we had all those numbers for you, but they were all on a single 256 GB USB drive.  And you may have a hard time believing this, senator, but a passing dog grabbed the USB drive out of li'l Emily Horne's hand and ran off with it!  And we can't find the dog!  And our backup system mysteriously failed to cover that period of time.

"So see?  It's just another isolated coincidence!"