January 14, 2022

Dems--who want to abolish the filibuster to pass a bill they can't pass--invoke the same filibuster yesterday to block GOP bill!

If you've been paying attention you know that the Democrats--led by majority leader Chuck Schumer (NY) are threatening to abolish the filibuster rule in the senate UNLESS Republicans agree to their demand and pass a Democrat bill that would give the Federal government the power to run all elections, instead of the states.

Schumer and his cronies claim the filibuster "thwarts the idea of majority-rule," by requiring 60 votes to bring most bills to a vote.  They bleat that it's "a relic of the Jim Crow era" and is only used to allow a party that lacks a majority to BLOCK perfectly reasonable bills from being voted on. 

Thus it's with great amusement that we note that yesterday Schumer and the Democrats used that very same filibuster rule they're threatening to abolish--the tool they call a "relic of Jim Crow" that's just used by the minority party to block really good bills from being passed by a simple majority--to block a bill introduced by Republican Ted Cruz.

It takes a minute for the utter hypocrisy to sink in: The Dems not only used the filibuster yesterday--after bitching about it for months!--but also invoked it 312 times during Trump's term.  Yet they want to abolish it to ram through a nasty, unconstitutional POS bill that they can only pass if the filibuster is gone.

They hypocrisy is breath-taking. 




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