January 19, 2022

"We're watching the collapse of our civilization, in real-time"

Unless you live in a Democrat-ruled shithole city like LA or San Fran or Seattle or Austin, you have no idea how far gone those cities are.

I know my liberal friends don't believe anything reported by Fox News, but you really need to watch the short video at this link.   

Tucker Carlson starts by noting the obvious: "homelessness" is NOT caused by a housing shortage, but by drug addiction and mental illness.  Then he notes the billions of dollars corrupt governors and mayors have spent to supposedly "solve the problem of homelessness" and asks "Where did all that money GO?"  For example, Seattle has bought 3 brand-new apartment buildings for $350 million.  They'll be able to house almost 700 "homeless" for the bargain price of about half a million bucks per "homeless" person.

Cool, eh?

It's hard to believe that no liberal--not ONE--will admit to knowing that if you reward something, you get a lot more of it.  (Surely some realize it, but can't admit it without getting screamed at by the rest of the tribe.)  But apparently these Democrat pols and liberal voters don't make the connection.  So they just keep spending billions (money paid to their developer buddies) and keep talking the rubes (their stupid liberal citizens) into voting to spend ever more.

It isn't hard to see what happens: spending billions to subsidize drug use leaves less money to fund things that the community needs.  Oh, wait: liberals bleat that we NEED to allow people to live on the sidewalk and shoot up.  New York has even opened two tax-funded centers for the SOLE purpose of allowing junkies to shoot up "safely." (???)  Say, that's a faabulous use of tax dollars, eh? 

Carlson makes the obvious conclusion: Healthy societies don't allow people to shoot up on the sidewalk, crap on the sidewalk, live on the sidewalk or in what were once quaintly referred to as "public parks."   Healthy cities would say "Get out of our town and go to a city where the residents and taxpayers want people shooting up on the sidewalk."  But of course that's not the way liberals are reacting.  So this will get worse and worse.

We're seeing the collapse of our once-great civilization, in real-time.


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