January 27, 2022

Justin Trudeau pulls a Biden, beclowns himself to the entire world--it's delicious!

College-age Americans, take note: One of the most scummy communist leaders in the western hemisphere just cracked.  You didn't notice because our Lying Media--communist-loving to the core--didn't tell you.  So let me explain, because it's abolutely delicious!  

The U.S. invasion of Iraq didn't take long.  Saddam Hussein's "information minister" was  one Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf, better known to American reporters and TV viewers as "Baghdad Bob."  During the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, his outlandish pronouncements of Iraqi military supremacy kept western reporters highly amused. 

The topper was when American tanks were rolling into the edge of Baghdad, signaling that end of the war was just hours away.  Reporters had the news from their partners riding with U.S. tanks, but when they asked Baghdad Bob about it, he was indignant!  "No, no U.S. tanks in Baghdad!  That is absurd," said Bob--as video of U.S. tanks in the city was being broadcast to the world.

It was funny because the official declaration by the feared Hussein regime was shown to be utterly false at the moment it was being uttered.  Instant faceplant.

Now: Canadians citizens are understandably furious about Justin Trudeau's covid lockdowns, vax passports and the like.  So to protest, some truckers in western Canada started a convoy headed east for the capital city.

Turns out "some" truckers is 50,000 trucks, with the convoy spanning over 55 miles.

Now the hoot: Justin Trudeau called the protest a "small protest by a fringe group" --at the same moment that videos were being broadcast of a 55-mile-long convoy of 50,000 trucks.  

If Trudeau had been even remotely smart he would have kept his yap shut.  But with the utter imbecility of his class, he could NOT resist making a fool out of himself, to the entire nation.

When a nation's leader makes a statement that so clearly contradicts obvious reality, it's because they're desperate.  They know they're losing, and are trying to kill the opposition's momentum. 

Baghdad Bob could not be reached for comment.


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