January 29, 2022

CDC: "You can't trust our VAERS data cuz it's unverified!" Military: "Um...we have 100% reliable data" Regime: "Shut up!"

If the first couple of paragraphs below surprise you, you're WAY behind the curve.  But that's okay--you can recover if you want to.

When people started dropping dead from the non-vaccine "vaxxes", those deaths (and other bad effects) were reported to a CDC computer database called VAERS.  One problem: reporting deaths and other adverse effects was *voluntary*, and many hospitals and docs didn't bother.  After all, it took an hour or so to fill out the form, and the regime didn't pay you to do it.  So only a fraction of deaths and other effects were reported to VAERS.

So what percent of deaths have been reported?  Quality-control surveys have repeatedly shown only about one percent are reported.  So the true number of vax deaths could easily be 100 times the number claimed on the VAERS database.

But even the number reported was starting to cause Americans to rebel against the regime's "vax or be fired" ORDER.  So the regime had the CDC discredit its own database!  Seriously: here's the CDC website:
   "VAERS reports alone generally cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness. Some reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable.
   "VAERS gives vaccine safety experts valuable information so they can assess possible vaccine safety concerns. It is especially useful for detecting unusual or unexpected patterns of health problems (also called “adverse events”) that might indicate a possible safety problem with a vaccine.
    If a health problem is reported to VAERS, *that doesn’t mean that the vaccine caused the problem.*

Of course this Narrative was immediately echoed by the regime's media allies, so that most Americans now believe reports of vax deaths on VAERS tell us absolutely nothing useful.  

Do a search for "accuracy of VAERS data" to see how effectively the media has pushed the regime propaganda on this.

NOW, the new stuff that almost none of you knows:  There's *another* health database that is NOT run by the CDC.  It's run by the military, and unlike VAERS, the only people who can input data are military officers.  And as you probably know, the regime ORDERED all military personnel to vax or be discharged.

Hopefully you already see where this is going, eh?  Yep, they lying bastards in the regime canNOT *plausibly* claim adverse effects reported to the military database are unverified, thus unreliable.  (Oh they'll try, certainly, but it's like trying to claim no election fraud.)

Several military docs have used this database to establish the number of adverse effects before the vax was distributed, and then in 2021. Turns out adverse effects on the military database are showing huge multiples of adverse effects after the military began getting 100% vaxxed.

For the past 5 days senator Ron Johnson has held hearing in which these military doctors have come forward with their findings--from the most accurate dataset on vaccine safety available.  And the results are devastating for the bullshit claims that the vaxxes are safe.

For example, the five-year average of cancer diagnoses in military personnel before the vax was 38,700 per year.  In the first 11 months of 2021 this shot up to 114,645.

Neurological issues increased ten-fold pre-vax versus 2021--from a baseline average of 82,000 to 863,000!

Heart attacks: up 269%
pulmonary embolisms: up 467%  
Bell’s palsy: up 291%
birth defects (for children of military personnel): up 156%
female infertility: up 471%

The whistleblowers started analyzing the military database after they began seeing a big jump in cancers, auto-immune diseases, and heart and circulatory disorders among in-shape young soldiers.

Why has this stayed hidden til now?  The docs say many military docs have been ordered to keep quiet.  This is understandable since virtually all the top military officers are now Democrat loyalists (Obama having purged officers who weren't loyal Dems).

It remains to be seen how the regime will discredit this military database.  Because they WILL try.  One likely avenue is to declare all the military data "secret," thus making it illegal for anyone to disclose it, regardless of the reason.

Now consider what you just learned: The VAERS data were a clear warning that the vaxxes were unsafe.  An honest regime would have acted on that warning.  The porridgebrain/cackler regime not only didn't heed the warning, they actively used their CDC and media allies to get Americans to ignore the warning.

To say this is evil and criminal doesn't even begin to touch on the crime here.

By contrast, members of the armed forces are predominantly young and overwhelmingly healthy.  The military medical data is the most reliable and indisputable.  AND YET, the regime will try to make you ignore this clear, unequivocal data ALSO--almost certainly by ordering their media allies to ignore the story, and ordering the data classified.

They've already tried, by ordering the docs who analyzed the date and established the baseline figures to shut up.  If the regime gave a damn about your health, why would the regime have ordered the military not to warn Americans that the military data confirmed the VAERS data, and even more convincingly?

Starting to see how the regime has played you for fools yet?  Biden ordered everyone to take the jab or be fired--and 70 percent of you took the jab (many eagerly).

And the regime STILL will not let Americans take ivermectin or HCQ--two safe, approved drugs known to cure covid (no death).

Starting to see it yet?


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