January 11, 2022

You knew this was coming, right?


And the REEEally good news is that this new $308 million in taxpayer dollars will...how did that sweet spokeswhore put it?  Ah yes..."will directly flow through independent humanitarian organizations"!

Why is my fraud detector going off?   Oh yeah, because every one of those "independent humanitarian organizations" is run by Democrat cronies of Jo and Kami.  So at least half of it will be sucked up by "overhead" of those orgs.  So this is funding Democrat corruption as much as Taliban terrorism.

Why would the Taliban bother to actually build a functioning country when stupid bastards like porridgebrain ensure they'll have enough cash to buy as much food as they want, eh?

This country is SO doomed.  I wanna see the audit trail for every last dollar.

"Gosh, senator, we had all those numbers for you, but they were all on a single 256 GB USB drive.  And you may have a hard time believing this, senator, but a passing dog grabbed the USB drive out of li'l Emily Horne's hand and ran off with it!  And we can't find the dog!  And our backup system mysteriously failed to cover that period of time.

"So see?  It's just another isolated coincidence!"


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