Apparently lot of folks who live in other countries follow U.S. presidential politics with more than passing interest. In fact, with more interest than fully half the U.S. electorate. A guy in Norway--name of Kjetil Eilertsen--seems to be one of those.
Way back in April of 2011, when King Barry's minions were gearing up for the 2012 election they were facing a much more savvy opponent than RINO John McCain, and it looked like a tough fight. So they were trying to solve several little inconsistencies in Barry's background: For one, his SS number was originally issued to a dead guy from Connecticut. Second was not being able to produce any proof he was born in Hawaii as he'd claimed.
So there was a lot of surprise when the White House suddenly uploaded to its official website a document they claimed was Obama's long-concealed "long-form birth certificate."
Of course skeptics wondered why--if Obama had had this document all along--he hadn't posted it before the 2008 election and settled the question. The release of this magic bullet three years after it was most needed gave it a presumption of forgery. But of course the logic of this argument got no traction whatsoever against the media's adoration of Duh Won.
In any case, many people were curious to see what the alleged certificate showed, and one of those people was Kjetil. He downloaded the .pdf from, opened it with Adobe Reader, and saw what everyone else saw--everything perfectly normal, saying what Barry had claimed all along. But wait...
Kjetil happened to do design work, and owned a different Adobe product from the free reader that everyone has. The product--Adobe Illustrator--is far more powerful, and is used to create an manipulate graphics. In fact, if a document has been saved in "unflattened form" it's trivially easy to use Illustrator to manipulate any layers or objects it contains.
Opening the pdf using Illustrator, Kjetil found that the document on the White House's own, official website wasn't just a single-layer, as it would have been had it been scanned from a paper copy. Instead it contained numerous layers. In fact, ten of 'em.
Kjetil then used Illustrator to turn off these layers one at a time. (To watch him do this pull up this Youtube vid-- --it's a bit boring for the first 3 minutes but gets to the point at 3:10.)
As each layer is turned off, one or more blocks of information vanish--leaving a rectangular hole.
Now if you're proficient with Illustrator you instantly knew what this meant. But since only one percent or so of the public falls in that category I'll explain:
It shows quite conclusively that the alleged "birth certificate" was not scanned from a real document but was created--fabricated--by cutting and pasting from scans of other documents.
In other words, it's a forgery.
But shocking as that is, that's not the most disturbing thing. Can any of you guess why?
Even more disturbing than the forgery is that *no one* in the circle of advisors Obama selected to create this forgery *knew enough to ask a real expert* if a document forged with Illustrator could be detected by the same program.
If this doesn't hit you like a hammer consider this: These super-smaht advisors to the president--his most inner circle--had only the most superficial grasp of the tools they were using...and weren't savvy enough to ask someone with real expertise in the field. (Through several layers of cutouts, of course.)
And then you think...Wow, this explains SO much about the cluelessness, the amateurishness, the ineptitude of the Obama gang, in virtually every area: Giving Queen Elizabeth an iPod loaded with his speeches, giving British leaders DVDs that wouldn't work on players from their region; "Cash for Clunkers;" making what he claimed were "recess appointments" while the senate was still in session and literally dozens more.
These people remind me of the moron who murdered his girlfriend and then sent texts to himself from her cell phone to make it appear that she just needed some time alone, thanks. He was stunned to find that the cell towers determined both phones were within a few feet of each other when the texts were sent.
Now let me quickly add that because of the connivance and cover of the corrupt U.S. media, this revelation of a *really* amateurish forgery (Kjetil posted his YouTube vid in 2011) never gained traction. So they got away with it. So if you look at it from that standpoint, they knew exactly what they were doing: They knew they didn't have to worry about being sloppy because the media would cover for 'em.
If that's the case, what does it say about the contempt they have for the mental ability of the American public?