June 21, 2013

Amnesty set to pass senate with no border security

If you haven't been following the maneuvering on the so-called immigration "reform" bill you've missed one of the most cynical, cunning displays of arrogance, brazen lying and in-your-face betrayal that it's been my misfortune to see in many years on this planet.

The game works like this: Dems want amnesty, while most Repubs--recalling that the 1986 amnesty was supposed to be a one-time deal, and that Dems had blocked LAWS previously passed requiring the building of a secure border fence--wanted a bill that would require that the border actually be secured before amnesty was given.  But senate Democrats used their majority to defeat every Republican amendment that would require that.

Instead Dems have crafted a bill that grants amnesty without securing the border first.  The bill merely requires that Homeland Security set *goals* for apprehending border crossers, with no penalty if those goals aren't even remotely met.

So...the path is clear for senate Dems to pass a "reform" bill that simply grants amnesty to 11 million illegals, without taking any meaningful steps to secure the borders.  Which means we'll get *another* round of amnesty in another ten or 15 years.

Hey, business as usual for Democrats.

Oh, and I see the Congressional Budget Office has calculated that legalizing 11 million new Democrats will increase unemployment as the new citizens displace American workers.  But no matter: Dems will just vote to give the newly unemployed more weeks of unemployment benefits, so...problem solved!

And don't worry about how it'll be paid for, because Bernanke is printing $85 Billion in new bucks every month, and they've gotta spend it on *something.*

Nice knowing you, amigos.


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