June 21, 2013

Gallup: 41% of small businesses have frozen hiring due to Obamacare, 19% have cut workers

One of the things that neither the incompetent community organizer nor Harry Reid cares about is small business.  And it's pretty simple: 95% of the folks who own and run small businesses are NOT big donors to pols--cuz' they're too strapped to live large.

With that background, we note that a recent Gallup poll showed that 41% of small businesses said they'd stopped hiring because of Obamacare.  Another 19% had actually laid off workers to avoid getting saddled with huge and unpredictable costs--and presumably in some cases to get under the cutoff for the number of employees that will trigger the full cost on employers.

You stupid congresswhores knew this would happen.  And once we finally had a chance to read your damn bill--after you passed it (thanks, Nancy)--we warned you this would happen.  But by then it was too late, eh?

Now worried owners are doing just what any rational being would do, and Democrat pols profess to be absolutely surprised, shocked, by this revelation!

Don't worry, dudes:  All you need to do to fix this is pass another law requiring that everyone with over $20,000 of net assets start a small business and hire ten people, and voila!  unemployment will vanish, the economy will boom and everyone will vote Democrat for the next 50 years.

Did I hear a small voice say such a bill might not be constitutional?  Gimme a break!  You jerks didn't give a goddam about the constitutionality of Obamacare, so why worry now?  Hell, even Barry's own handpicked attorneys had to argue that the penalty for not buying mandatory health insurance was NOT a penalty but was instead a tax, in order to get the damn thing past the court.  Ignoring, of course, that the Constitution requires that all tax measures must originate in the House, and this didn't. 

But again (ahem), "What difference does it make at this point?"  (Thanks, Hillary!)

But hey, why fret about a few million more unemployed folks?  You pols are set for life, and you can keep approving borrowing a trillion bucks a year from China, so you can pass laws extending unemployment benefits for another 52 weeks.  And then another after that.

Hey, it's all good in the land of Democrat control of the senate, White House and Ministry of Propaganda (thanks MSM!).


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