June 18, 2013

AT&T iPhone4s and 5s will soon send you "presidential alerts"??

When I first saw this I thought it had to be satire.  Could not possibly be real.

AT&T is issuing a "software update" for its iPhone 4S and 5 that will enable users to get emergency alerts from the government.  These will include three classes of alerts:  "imminent threats," like floods and such; "Amber alerts;" and..."presidential alerts"???

Say what??

You can see why I thought it had to be satire.  I couldn't imagine anyone with an ounce of political savvy trying to do something like that.  But of course, I forget where we are!

By what perversion of justice did Odumbfuck just grab the ability to speak directly to us from our phones?  Did you agree to that?  No, citizen, you didn't.  It was rammed down your throat just like Obamacare.

Oh wait...On reading further on AT&T's website I see that phones have a menu setting that will allow their owners/users to turn off the alerts if they don't want to see 'em.  (Assuming you know where to look, of course.)

Ah, well, guess that's not so bad after all, eh?

Ooops.  Turns out you'll be able to use that menu switch to decline all EXCEPT "presidential alerts."

So sure enough, AT&T will force you to get "presidential alerts" and no way to opt out.

Cute, huh.


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