June 25, 2013

Government agency orders man not to plant or water flowers on public property in D.C.

Suppose that in 1800 you told John Adams that barely 200 years later a government entity would order a citizen to stop planting flowers in Washington spaces.  Somehow I doubt Adams would have believed that possible.

But of course, in this new age of all-powerful government, it's not even barely surprising.

A guy named Henry has been planting flowers around the world for something like 34 years.  Unfortunately he had the misfortune of landing in D.C., where he planted flowers in 176 barren flower boxes at a Metro station.

Naturally this angered the self-styled gods who dictate every action in the Metro, and they threatened the man with “arrest, fines and imprisonment” if he dared to weed, water or otherwise tend to more than 1,000 morning glories and other flowers whose seeds he planted.

You think this is satire, that it can't possibly be real.

Apparently you haven't been paying attention in this, Barack Obama's version of Amerikka, where no one is to take as much as a breath without asking permission from some government bureaucrat.

Oh, wait, could it be the Metro had already planned to plant its own flowers in those barren boxes?

Oh yeah, citizen.  Just like IRS gruppenfuhrer Lois Lerner was actually just picking applicants for tax-exempt status at random, and they all just happened to be conservatives.


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