June 16, 2013

Father of the year?

A Tennessee man is being taken to court for failing to pay child support.

It would be a common story except this guy's fathered 22 kids by 14 women.  (And yes, that's obviously using "fathered" in the purely biological sense.)

In a rational society, after he sired number two without paying support for his first, guy would be thrown in jail for a year and been given a court-ordered vasectomy.  But of course, the folks running this doomed society have decided that a) kids don't need fathers; and b) people can have as many kids as they like and not worry about supporting those kids, because taxpayers will pick up the cost.

And of course, our betters assure us virtually daily that there are NO negative consequences what. so. ever. to this.

Guy sounds like a perfect Democrat voter.


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