I was browsing through old posts and found this, written last August. Fortunately the election results have postponed the re-writing of our amazing Constutution by the so-called "progressives" and Democrats.
Of course that doesn't mean they've stopped trying!
In any case, in light of the election results I've reposted it below.
"The new Constitution of the United States of America (as re-written by liberal Democrats and 'progressives'")"
I. Every person in the United States, regardless of national origin or citizenship, has the right to an equal share of the nation's wealth.
II. You are entitled to this share even if you choose not to work--because to deny anyone this right based on his or her lifestyle choices wouldn't be fair, and fairness is very important to us Democrats.
III. This Constitution is a "living document." This means that like all living things, its meaning is always changing. Change is good. Why would anyone want to be tied to the stodgy, fixed ideas of White males who died 200 years ago? We Dems are really big on Change.
IV. Because it's always changing, the actual legal effect of this Constitution at any given time can't be determined from the words it contains--since those are obviously fixed. Instead, the meaning at any given time will be determined by Congress, and Democrat-appointed judges.
V. All citizens are encouraged to work and pay their taxes. Of course wealthier citizens will be required to pay a much higher percentage of their income than people who don't work, or who work just enough to get by. This policy is fair because all wealth is amassed through theft. Plus it's simply not fair that some people choose to work harder than others. Democrats are really committed to the idea of fairness.
VI. As long as you keep voting for Democratic control of Congress, we'll continue to cut taxes for the poorest 80% of Americans. If you already don't pay any federal income tax you'll get a big fat check. To pay for both these things we'll raise taxes on the rich, since they're only rich because they're white and had rich parents. Remember, Democrats are all about fairness.
VII. Everyone knows that war is bad. As we Democrats always say, war is never the answer to anything. So in order to reduce war in the world, we hereby promise that the U.S. will never again go to war. Accordingly, why in the world would we need a huge military? So we will cut the Pentagon's budget by ten percent every year, and use the savings to create more federal jobs.
VIII. Capitalism is bad. Corporations are beyond bad--in fact we'd call corporations evil except Progressives aren't really comfortable with this whole notion of "good and evil." Accordingly, we will make every effort to strip corporations of any legal rights. When we're done with 'em, the only thing a corporation will be able to do is pay taxes. And create well-paying, dignified jobs for every American who wants one.
IX. All sexes are now equal, in every respect. Because the terms "miss" and "ma'am" carry an implication of a woman's marital status and are therefore potentially offensive to women, from now on those terms shall be illegal. Instead all people will be addressed simply as "citizen." This will also end the hurtful practice in some states of calling dislocated travellers who may not have all their documentation "illegal immigrants."
X. All rights not explicitly granted to the states or to the People in this document are reserved to the Federal government.
XI. A well-regulated Army now being unnecessary, and guns being responsible for the death of so many innocent people, the possession of firearms by anyone except bona fide law enforcement officers or government agents is prohibited.
XII. Everyone knows that totally free speech can often be hurtful. This is particularly true in political races. Accordingly, all advertisements, bumper stickers, editorials, blog posts and "other communications, whether print or electronic" must be approved by the Federal Election Committee before publication or dissemination. Republicans or conservatives submitting any of these forms of political speech for approval are advised to allow at least six months for the Committee to approve or disapprove your submission. So plan accordingly.
XIII. All members of Congress are hereby exempted from compliance with any law passed by Congress. (We've been running that way for decades anyway, but were starting to hear some complaints, so we thought we'd put it right in the Constitution.)