October 31, 2023

biden's "border patrol" uses front-loader to lift razor wire at Rio Grande to allow invaders in

You're not gonna believe this.  You may have heard that Texas state troopers have rolled out "concertina wire" along our side of the river to discourage invaders from crossing, right?

So what did biden's White House handlers do?  They ordered laughably misnamed "Border Patrol" agents to CUT THE RAZOR WIRE and welcome the invaders in, so they can be flown to interior U.S. cities at taxpayer expense.

Texas responded by suing the biden regime in federal court to prevent the "Border Patrol" from cutting the wire.  And a federal judge has issued a temporary injunction granting that request.

So if that's not already unbelievable enough, here's the topper: yesterday the Border Patrol--well aware of the judge's injunction saying "You are not allowed to cut the wire"--drove a fucking FRONT-LOADER to the river and used its bucket to raise the wire, allowing 300 illegals to quickly run under the wire.  The "border patrol" promptly put 'em in buses and took em to the release point.

This is the textbook definition of lawlessness.  The regime quibbles that "We din' CUT duh wire, so we iz, like, TOTALLY complying with the law!"  It's as if, after a judge ordered an abusive husband not to have any contact with his battered wife, he hits her in the head with a bottle and then bleats "I didn't have contact with her, the rock did!"

biden and the Dems aren't just letting every illegal invader waltz into the U.S., they're actively blocking a border state from defending itself.

Sheer, brazen lawlessness.  And Democrats: your kids are seeing this and taking notes.  Since you voted this lawless rat-bastard in (and his moronic VP, and all the trannies and homosexuals and assorted wackos), you obviously wanted this.  Hope you're proud of yourselves.



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