October 30, 2023

Graph shows NOT just size of U.S. debt but also *how much faster it's increasing*

The graph below shows U.S. debt from just before 1988 to July 1 of 2021.  If you study it you'll see that in 1988 it took 12 years to add $3 TRILLION to the national debt.


On January 20, 2021--the day biden was installed as "preznit,"--the national debt was about $27 trillion.

Today the national debt is $33.6 TRILLION.  So it's risen by $6.6 TRILLION in less than three years.

For the math-phobic that's a little over $2.2 TRILLION per YEAR.  The federal government is now adding debt NINE TIMES FASTER than in 1988.

Is there a single rational person who believes this is sustainable?  And certainly this isn't just the fault of Democrats: congress keeps passing LAWS to give away more free shit to voters--i.e. to bribe voters to keep electing 'em.  A small handful of congress-critters try to rein in gruberment spending, but they're always defeated by the majority, who know that voters love free shit.

Democrat "elite" policy-maker:  "You dumb deplorable!  You can see that even though the debt has gone from $3 trillion to--something--nothing bad has happened to us.  So nothing ever will!  And you're deluded and stupid and dangerous to get people worried about dis!  We may have to arrest you for 'spreading disinformation'!  That'll teach ya!  See, we'll label anything you say that we don't like as disinformation."


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