October 20, 2023

Zuck's "search engine" for Threads censors results by...just not showing any for "sensitive terms"

Americans have already forgotten, but before Elon Musk bought Twitter the FBI had insisted that the communists who then ran Twitter should delete any user post the FBI and the biden/garland/mayorkas regime didn't like.

Then Elon Musk spent about $44 BILLION to purchase Twitter--and promised that it would no longer bow to FBI censorship demands.

See, if people can freely exchange ideas and experiences, it threatens a totalitarian regime.

Musk's commitment to free speech angered the biden/garland/mayorkas Regime, which responded by trying to find a way to destroy the upstart.  So back in July Zuckerberg's "Meta" rolled out a clone of Twitter called "Threads."

It had a search function.  But users soon discovered that search function refused to show posts about Covid that didn't parrot the regime party line, such as those warning that the so-called "vaccine" was dangerous and ineffective.  

That's not paranoia: Users searching for terms that were known to produce hits saw either a blank screen or were re-directed to a CDC propaganda page.

In other words, "We refuse to show you anything we don't want you to see, cuz...reasons.  And it's merely coincidence that the biden regime doesn't want you to see any of these terms either!"  

Meta has confirmed that Threads blocks searches for words that could bring up “sensitive” posts ("sensitive" according to...?) but says this is just temporary, and that "real soon now" the platform would start to return results for keywords like "covid"--but only after the company was "confident in the quality of the results.”

Wonder what mischief that involves, eh?

When a Meta exec was asked when this might happen, he promised to "look into the timeline" for unblocking the banned search terms but refused to say when it might happen.  Instead he dodged in a way all too familiar to regime watchers:

"Weeks or months, let me look into it and circle back. The reality is that we have lots of important work to do," he said.

SO...bottom line is that the regime has learned that instead of pressuring social media companies like Fakebook and Instagram to delete just posts the regime doesn't like, the clever way is to simply have your so-called "search engine" refuse to provide *any* results for terms that might expose regime lies.

Clever, eh?  See, the Democrat regime doesn't trust you to think for yourself.  Control what you can see, and they can control what you think and believe.




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