October 20, 2023

FDA finds "safety signal" regarding seizures in kids 2 to 4 who took the covid "vaccine"

People like "safety," eh?  So if most people saw a headline reading "safety signal" they'd think it was reassuring...a good thing.

Keep that in mind as you read the piece below.

"The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has revealed that a *safety signal* has been detected" regarding the ineffective "vaccine" for duh Chyna virus.

Ah..."safety signal."  Dat good, right?  Signals ev'ryt'ing reel *safe,* right?

Uh...no.  What the FDA cunningly, deliberately calls a "safety signal" actually means data suggesting that the so-called Covid "vaccine" may be linked to *seizures in toddlers who've taken the jab.

Wait...haven't the biden/garland/mayorkas regime and Lord Fauci--a.k.a. "Mister Science"--been telling us since his installation that duh "vaccine" wuz, like, *totally* safe?

Why yes, yes they have.  So dis "safety signal" mus' jus' be provin' whut dey been sayin,' eh?

Uh...no.  Instead just the opposite: The study shows that seizures/convulsions “met the statistical threshold for a signal” in children aged 2 to 4 following receipt of a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

Wait...no understand: Dey say "met the statistical threshold for a signal."  Is that good or bad?  Do ya think the average 8th-grade student (average IQ of Americans) would know what that phrase actually means?

Researchers found 72 cases of kids who'd taken the jab suffering seizures or convulsions within seven days of an mRNA injection. Most happened within three days of taking the jab.

Now, if we assume half a million kids age 2 to 4 were taken in by their parents to get the jab, 72 seizures is a low percentage.  Problem is, covid had almost no adverse effect on people under 30 or so.  So comparing risk to benefit, the FDA and CDC shouldn't have been encouraging parents to get their 2-to-4-year-olds vaccinated.

Also, instead of admitting that their *demand* was ill-conceived, they've now disguised the discovery so that most Americans have no idea that the "experts" demanded that you put your kid at greater risk than if they hadn't gotten the jab.

Exactly what you'd expect from the Dem regime, eh?  "Protect the regime at all costs." 




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