October 20, 2023

Wokie bureaucrats in Democrat-ruled state refuse to re-start proficiency tests for graduation

Duh wokie "educrats" who rule Oregon's public "skoolz" haz RULED that there's no need for their students to prove they're proficient in either reading, writing, math, understanding our government--*anything*--to graduate from that state's public high schools--at least not until 2029.

This DECREE was from the morons who rule the state's Board of Education, and there wasn't a single dissenting vote.

The DECREE extended a "pause" that began three years ago on the what the wokiez called a "controversial" graduation requirement that students had to pass basic proficiency tests.

See, dat hurt duh illegals an' duh uddah minorities, an' it jus' not rite to *force* dem po' darlins to be proficient in the basic skills we exspeck erryone ta haz, rite?

But leaders at the Oregon Department of Education and members of the state school board said requiring all students to pass one of several standardized tests wuz jus' aksin way too much of "historically marginalized students."  Duh woke edjakaysun bureaucrats sed makin' em take "tests" was "a misuse of state tests."

Dey sed makin' duh "marginalized students" bee proficient made 'em hafta study too hard in dere seenyor year, which (brace yo'sef) kept 'em from takin' a "elective" like how to figger out what gender yo is.

Duh wokiez sed dey wudnt no "evidence the extra academic work helped them in the workplace or at college."  Cuz mos' all dem kidz gonna go t' college, right?

Duh wokiez made sure to tell taxpayers dat students would still *take* the tests--which state law sez, so dat very nice of duh wokiez, eh?  But the test results just won’t be used for anything!  See, dat keep duh taxpayers frum seein' wheddah duh skoolz iz doin' their job, eh?  

Dis also let duh wokie edjakayshun bureaucrats give a huge "F U" to duh lawmakers, cuz duh wokiez din' like tests!  Din' wanna worry bout low test scores maybe makin' taxpayers vote against mo' cash fo' teachers...an wokie bureaucrats!

Dis way duh teachers' union an duh state officials don' hafta worry bout nuffin!

Now here's where things get really wacky: A member of the state board of ed bleated “We haven’t suspended any sort of assessments.”

Dat wuz state board member Vicky López Sánchez, a dean at Portland Community College.  “The only thing we are suspending is the inappropriate use of how those assessments were being used.  I think that really is in the best interest of Oregon students.”

You bet, Vicky!  Cuz it beez "inappropriate" to find out if duh skoolz beez doin dere job-- which we thought was turnin' out kidz who were at least minimally proficient in reading and math, if nothing else.  But now you've DECREED that using the "proficiency tests" to determine...proficiency...is "inappropriate."

We can definitely see how you're well qualified to be a dean at a community college in a Democrat-ruled state, cupcake!

When the Chyna virus--the plandemic--allowed schools to close for a year or two, Gov. Kate Brown signed a bill suspending the proficiency requirement.  Then a year ago, after what the leftists called a "broad outreach to families, educators, students and employers, with a particular focus on people of color," the state Department of Education recommended ending the requirement to show mastery of reading, writing and math.

State lawmakers have not acted on that recommendation, but of course lawmakers never buck the teacher mafia if they wanna win re-election, so the department asked the state board to not require proficiency "through at least the 2027-28 school year."

One of 435 "assistant superintendents" for the state board of ed--this one in charge of "research and data"--told the state board “The tests didn't work.  They were designed to protect student interests. We have no evidence that they did that.”

Sorry, sparky: "Designed to protect student interests" is horseshit.  Word salad.  The tests were designed to see if the tax-gobbling schools were doing their damn job.  They aren't, so instead of figuring out how to teach, the educrats took the much easier route: scrap the tool that told whether the schools were really teaching or just fucking around.

The board's report also claimed student success in college relies more heavily on other factors than writing or math skills.  I'm gonna call bullshit on that, cuz pipo who haven't mastered those skills aren't likely to master college either.

Suspending the requirement at least until the class of 2029 gives the state board time to invent more excuses for why it's *unfair* to require proficiency in reading and math.

Commenters noted that ending proficiency requirements “risks leading Oregonians to believe that our state is lowering expectations to hide disparities in outcomes.”  Gee, ya think?




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