October 15, 2023

Summary of covid, and the U.S. regime's response

When the Chyna virus hit Wuhan, China--a city with more people than New York City (over 11 MILLION), the Mainstream Media was flooded with video of Chinese cops forcibly dragging people out of their homes and throwing 'em into vans.  

The morgues were overflowing with bodies.  This understandably caused U.S. doctors to believe the virus was extremely deadly, and that there was no cure.

So the top "health experts" in the U.S. government instantly decided that everyone should stop going out and instead stay home-- "lockdown."  Okay, kinda made sense, cuz if you didn't come in contact with anyone who had the virus, it'd be much harder to get it, eh?

But then something weird happened: a handful of docs overseas reported fast cures from a long-known, safe, cheap drug called HCQ.  President Trump even mentioned it in a one of the *daily* press conferences on the situation.  I read the studies, and they were solid.

The weird part was that U.S. "medical experts" *instantly* DECLARED that HCQ didn't help.  Well maybe it did, maybe it didn't, but the huge alarm was that *they had no fucking idea.*  They hadn't had time to do any studies themselves, and yet they DECLARED it didn't help.

Odd.  Very, very odd.  Almost like they were reading from a script or something.

Only later did we learn that the ineffective mRNA "vaccine" had already been patented, and was in the works for massive rollout, creating $100 BILLION in profits for Big Pharma companies (mainly Pfizer and Moderna).  

Still later a tiny number of Americans discovered that the only way the virtually untested "vaccine" could be cleared for use was thru a thing called "emergency use authorization."  The only way that was legal was if there was *no other known treatment for the disease.*

Starting to see how you've been played yet?

Now: The federal government doesn't control licensing of doctors.  That's left to the states.  And totally ignorant Democrat governors DECLARED that they would cancel the medical license of any doctor who prescribed HCQ for covid.  And they'd yank the license of any pharmacist who *filled* such a prescription--even though HCQ had been approved by the FDA for human use back in 1940!

Facing these lethal threats from governors, doctors meekly obeyed.  And due to the states threatening docs, it's likely that 250,000 Americans who could have been saved died needlessly.

Dr Robert Malone is one of the few doctors who was and is willing to stand up to the regime and fauci.  He recently penned a piece on the results of a "literature search" he did on a government website called "Pubmed."  That's a site that publishes peer-reviewed research.

Malone found 6,000 peer-reviewed studies on "vaccine hesitancy"--and how the people who RULE you could overcome your "hesitancy" and get you to take the ineffective "vax."

Most focused on what groups of people were most "hesitant" to let the gruberment inject 'em with a risky, ineffective jab.  Their conclusion was that what was needed was a huge propaganda offensive, to entice or convince Americans to take the jab.

This became a monumental worldwide effort by all tyrant governments to convince their citizens that the vax was "safe and effective," even though neither of those things was true.

What *is* true is that the risk of dying from the jab is very low.  But for all but a few people--the elderly and those in poor health-- the risks of dying from the jab are greater than the risk of dying from duh Chyna virus.

The biden/garland/mayorkas regime didn't want you to know that.  And as more Americans started to understand that truth, the regime responded just as you would expect of a totalitarian regime: bidenfail had his *labor department* ORDER everyone who worked for a company with 100 or more employees to take the jab or be fired.

Of course all liberals/Democrats had eagerly taken the jab the moment it was cleared for use.  This ORDER snared most conservatives who'd resisted taking the jab, since being fired would essentially result in your family starving and losing their home.  (If you're a young American you may not see that right away.  Think about how that would happen.)

The key here was that all governments ignored a principle called "informed consent," in which they honestly tell you the risks and benefits, and let you choose.  But they didn't: In fact with the help of the corrupt, Democrat-loving teachers' unions, they were able to get school systems to ORDER that your kids could only go back to school if they'd taken the jab.

This despite ALL (I say again: ALL) evidence showing that people under 25 almost *never* died from covid.  Yet these rat-bastards were demanding that your 5-year-old take the jab.

One of the ways the studies recommended to entice people to have their 5-year-olds take the jab was to label any claim of vax deaths as "misinformation."  So when thousands of fit young athletes started to drop dead of heart attacks on camera, the CDC claimed they never investigated the cause of death.

And for once, they're probably telling the truth.

They knew, because they could get access to the dead person's medical records.  You and other non-gruberment people couldn't.  Think about the implications of that.

The regime could NOT admit that what it had ORDERED killed American kids.  So the CDC stubbornly insisted they'd never investigated the phenomenon of thousands of fit young people "dying suddenly."

See, all those video clips you've seen of TV newsreaders collapsing (dying on-camera)?  Regime say dey all fake!  All fake!  Or if you don't buy dat, dey try again: "Dis always been happening, fo' all time you been alive!  You jus' nevah saw it befo'!  Yeh, dat it!"

Starting to see how they've lied to ya yet?

"Sure, Joe, I remember bein' ten years old and seeing newsreaders collapsing on camera!  You bet!  I beez good Democrat!  I believe whutevah your pipo tell me ta believe!  Cuz I know you always tell us duh troof!"

NOW:  There are a few honest people in the CDC, and they could come forward and say "We made a mistake.  We thought the vax was safe and effective, cuz that was what the companies who made the vax said their trials showed.  We had no way of knowing if that data was fake.  And we really thought there wasn't any other way to save people.  So please forgive us for not telling you the truth."


Yeah, that'll happen, right?  No, of course it won't.  One of the fundamental principles of tyrants is: "Never admit you made a mistake!"

See, admitting a mistake can get you executed by some poor sumbitch who lost his mom or dad or kid needlessly.  Far safer to just bluff it through!  "We always right!  You bettah lissen to us and obey!

Oh, and take your "booster" for the "newest variant" scheduled to hit next month!  Get your kidz vaccinated!  Cuz duh vax beez "safe and effective!"  Keep repeating that: "Safe.  And effective!"  Cuz Lord Fauci and Dear Leader biden done tol' ya dat if ya take duh vaccine ya can NOT get Covid!  Remember that?  Sure ya do!




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