August 17, 2023

House passes bill barring males from competing against girls in sports; Dem tranny activists scream

On April 20 of this year the House passed a bill titled the "Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act" (H.R. 734).  If passed by the senate and signed by your utterly corrupt "preznit," the bill would prohibit males from competing against girls in sports.

Seems totally reasonable and fair, eh?  Yet not a *single* Democrat in the House voted for it.  Think about that for a minute. 

Dems claim to be pro-women, but when it comes down to a choice, they happily sacrifice your daughters in favor of trannies.  That shows you where their true loyalty is.

Three days *before* the bill passed, the biden regime fired a warning shot, announcing that it "strongly opposes" the bill:

Office of the President, April 17, 2023
The Administration strongly opposes House passage of H.R. 734.

For students, participating in sports and being part of a team is an important part of growing up, staying engaged in school, and learning leadership and life skills.  H.R. 734 would deny access to sports for many families by establishing an absolute ban on transgender students—even those as young as elementary schoolers—playing on a team consistent with their gender identity.

Lying rat-bastards.  As anyone who can read can easily see, the bill does NOT "deny access to sports."  It just says males have to play sports on the guys' team.  That is clearly NOT "denying access to sports."
   And note how the cunning propagandists throw in the irrelevant word "families," knowing most people have warm-fuzzy feelings about that word.   Finally, note how instead of phrasing it as "would ban males from competing against females in sports," the clever bastards disguise the effect as not allowing someone to play on a team "consistent with their gender identity."  Nice disguise, eh?

Schools, coaches, and athletic associations around the country are already working with families to develop participation rules that are fair and that take into account particular sports, grade levels, and levels of competition.

Irrelevant horseshit.  So "schools, coaches" etc are "working with families" (that warm fuzzy association again) to "develop participation rules" taking lots of word-salad bullshit into account, eh? Yeah, they could "take into account" the inflation rate and CO2 levels, but those are irrelevant to this analysis--as are "grade levels and levels of competition."  It's a distraction.  

The single issue is, Dems *demand* that biological males be allowed to compete against biological females in sports.  It's clearly unfair, but Dems are only interested in "fairness" when it benefits them.  So in this case, they ignore the obvious unfairness to advance the tranny cause.

As a national ban that does not account for competitiveness or grade level, H.R. 734 targets people for who they are and therefore is discriminatory.

To understand what the biden regime is trying to fast-ball by ya with that so-called "reasoning," consider this statement: "Laws against adult men having sex with children target people for who they are, and therefore are discriminatory."  Rational people immediately recognize this as clearly flawed reasoning.

Politicians should not dictate a one-size-fits-all requirement that forces coaches to remove kids from their teams.

Wow: "...forces coaches to remove kids from their teams."  How about if we just don't allow males to join girls' teams in the first place, eh?

At a time when transgender youth already face a nationwide mental health crisis, with half of transgender youth in a recent survey saying they have seriously considered suicide, a national law that further stigmatizes these children is completely unnecessary, hurts families and students, and would only put students at greater risk.

Ah, got it:  If a group politically-favored by Democrats bleats "If you don't agree to our demands we may seriously consider suicide," that's supposed to get us to surrender, eh?  Good to see what passes for Dem logic.

Discrimination has no place in our nation’s schools or on our playing fields.

Translation: "We Dems don't care if your daughters can no longer win because males take first place, cuz our agenda of fucking up the country to please trannies is much more important to us.  So if your 14-year-old, 110-pound daughter playing field hockey suffers a  concussion or broken leg from being clocked by a 200-pound male claiming to be a 'girl,' tough.  Not our problem.  If she was worried about that, she shouldn't have been playing!"

Now here's the classic Dem bullshit mislead in the summary:

Instead of addressing the pressing issues that families and students face today, such as raising teacher pay, keeping guns out of schools, addressing the mental health crisis our youth face, and helping students learn and recover academically from unprecedented disruptions [you mean the lockdowns ORDERED by your Dem governors?], congressional Republicans have instead chosen to prioritize policies that discriminate against children.

SO seductive!  Mention four things the bill has nothing to do with, and criticize the bill for NOT addressing those things.  Classic.  And  "...have chosen to prioritize policies that discriminate against chirren," eh?  Wait...your insane DEMAND that males be allowed to compete against girls discriminates against biological girls, by forcing them to compete against stronger, heavier males.  But you simply ignore *that* discrimination, while screaming that fairness to girls is...ooohh, "discrimination."  Got it.   And finally:

If the President were presented with H.R. 734 he would veto it.

End of White House propaganda piece.

Now: because the Democrats control the senate, that chamber obviously won't pass this bill.  But it's still worth doing, because it puts the Democrats on the record as opposing fairness for girls in sports.  And every GOP senate candidate should start drafting campaign ads NOW for November of 2024 pointing out the shit-eating, anti-female Dem incumbents who voted against this bill to protect girls in sports.

Source. White House pro-tranny activists.


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