August 30, 2023

Anything in this pic strike you as...odd?


Democrat: "No, not a thing.  Seems totally normal and routine to me."

And there you have it, right from the source of crazy unreality and depravity: The 260-pound man has DEMANDED that everyone agree with his delusion that he's a girl.

And he won.  The national sorority's rules for members originally said "women of good character."  But in the middle of the night the wokiez on the national board of Kappa Kappa Gamma quietly changed the language, adding '"...or identifying as female."

The national board pressured the local chapter at U of Wyoming to allow the tranny to join, because bleating that males can actually be "real" women is a key plank in the platform of the wokie Democrat party.  And to national, being "woke" was and is their highest priority. 

Now: Suppose instead of a sparsely populated flyover state like Wyoming, the same tranny demanded to join a sorority at, say, Wellesley--elite, wealthy, influential parents who donate to the Democrat party.  Does anyone really think the national board of KKG would have quietly changed the rules to allow the tranny to join in that case?

But not one member of the national board is from Wyoming, or has a daughter attending school there, so the national wokiez could change the rulez and then pressure the local chapter to let the tranny join without any personal sacrifice on their part.

It's exactly like the hypocritical wokiez who scream about "Globull Worming" while constantly flying to Europe in their private jets to attend film festivals or receive awards for being woke:  They demand you sacrifice, but they never do.  

They demand you eat bugs while they continue to eat steak and lobster.  Fourteen wokie (Democrat-ruled) U.S. cities have joined a global pact demanding that by 2030 you'll only be able to buy three pieces of clothing per year, and no meat or dairy.  Seriously.  But do ya think they'll live by those same demands?  Not on your life.

Finally, for the "unintentional irony" file:  Did anyone notice the banner on the right side of the top pic?  It's for a campaign to talk about...wait for it..."mental health."  Which to Democrats means believing boys can turn into girls (and vice-versa) simply by declaring it so.

Wow.  Insanity.


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