August 19, 2023

Judge DECREES that a Texas law requiring applicants for mail-in ballots prove identity violates civil rights

Merrick Garland is a communist who should be tried for treason and (if convicted) hanged on television.  Here's this son of a bitch's latest victory for massive Democrat election fraud:

Mail-in ballots are a total invitation to massive vote fraud.  Obviously no state should send mail-in ballots to every address on file because many voters have moved.  And voters whose ballots are stolen from their mailbox never realize they should have gotten one, and when they show up to vote in person, they're told they already voted.   

But here's a FAR greater fraud: in states that require voters to apply for a mail-in ballot, hordes of paid fraudsters fill out applications in the name of someone they think is registered to vote, but with the fraudster's address.  So how can "election officials" (always Democrats) determine whether the person applying for the ballot--claiming to be entitled to vote--really is?

Since the person is never seen by the "election officials," photo ID obviously doesn't help (even in those few states the Democrats have allowed to require it to vote).

To reduce this type of vote fraud, in 2021 the Texas legislature passed a law that applications for mail-in ballots had to verify the applicant's identity, either by matching a Texas driver's license number--or for those without a driver's license just a DPS ID, which the agency issues for free--or the last 4 digits of a Social Security number on file for the applicant.

In theory the fraudsters wouldn't have those pieces of information.

A pro-Democrat group sued, claiming this resulted legal voters having their applications for a mail-in ballot being rejected.  Law in the U.S. being what it is today, the group didn't even have to pay attorneys to work on the lawsuit, because the corrupt DOJ did all the legal work FOR them.  Yay Democrats!

Now Garland's unbelievably corrupt DOJ is crowing that they got a judge to rule that the Texas law attempting to reduce vote fraud "violates the Civil Rights Act."  And the DECREE came in a motion for "summary judgment," meaning it didn't even go to trial.

The ruling is horseshit, from top to bottom.  But now it's de-facto law.  Eat shit and die, Garland-- you vote-fraud-loving son of a bitch.

Click on this link and read the DOJ's brag.  In particular, note the second sentence:

The court found that parts of S.B.-1 require officials to reject mail-in ballot applications and mail-in ballots based on errors or omissions that are not material in determining whether voters are qualified under Texas law to vote or cast a mail ballot.

"Not material" is a brazen lie.  The entire issue here is, will the fucking Democrats running the federal gruberment allow states to ensure that an application for a mail-in ballot is really from the person claiming to be the applicant?

That's what the Texas law was trying to do--and what the Garland/biden regime is OUTLAWING with this DECREE.

The DOJ press release repeatedly says failing to comply with the state law requiring authentication is a "minor error or omission."  But again, the entire point of the Texas law was to ensure that an application for a mail-in ballot is from someone legally entitled to vote (and registered).  So failing to provide that proof is NOT a "minor error or omission" as the DOJ claims.  It's a lie.

If the judge's RULING had offered another foolproof method of establishing authenticity that would have satisfied the DOJ I might have believed in the regime's good intentions.  But the judge (cunningly) didn't do that--because the DOJ doesn't wan* to offer a workable remedy to legislators.  

And no matter how the Texas legislature amends the law to try to find some other way to prevent this type of massive vote fraud, the DOJ will sue again...and again, using their infinite, taxpayer-funded resources.

Texas should appeal this all the way to the SC if needed.  Problem is, the pro-illegal mafia in the state is so powerful that few legislators are willing to buck 'em, so the state may decide not to appeal.

This summary-judgment DECREE is entirely on biden and Garland. Thanks to the Democrats, Texas is likely to tip to the Dems in 2024.

I've never been so glad that I don't have any children.  But if you do, you may want to do something before it's too late--if it's not already.


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