the past decade or so, statistical experts skeptical of claims that the climate is warming--let alone of the claims that the claimed warming is caused by CO2 emitted by human activity (burning carbon-based fuel) have been documenting how NOAA and NASA have both been altering US temperature records to make it appear that the climate is warming.
If you're not fluent in science the sentence above seems totally bland, unalarming. So let me re-phrase: Both NASA and NOAA --the two government agencies charged with recording and publishing temperatures in both the U.S. and around the world--have been deliberately, systematically altering the official records to make people think there's been significant, alarming global warming.
For example, here's a graph of what NASA claimed--in 1999--was the average U.S. temp record:
Just 20 years later--after Democrat politicians realized they could win votes by claiming Americans were killing the planet by using "too much energy"--and after NASA realized they could change the "official" record without causing a huge public outcry--here's the "new, improved" NASA graph of the supposed "historical record." See if you can spot the difference.
Both agencies literally take a measured temperature reading from some station in 1930 and...change it. Do they think the observer from 90 years ago just didn't know how to read a thermometer? Or that the 1930 observer who read the thermometer as, say, 74 degrees hen had a brain hiccup and wrote "78," so that 90 years later the "government experts" are just correcting that "error"?
NASA/NOAA experts: "Hahahaha! Of course not, citizen! We would never even think about suggesting that an observer 90 years ago didn't know how to read a thermometer! That's silly!"
But if that's true, why have you changed the record from actual, observed temperatures--and always in a direction that reduces reported temperature of 90 years ago, while INcreasing reported temperatures from the last 20 years--thus making it seem as if we've been having scary Global Worming...sorry, "climate change"?
NASA/NOAA experts: "Um...uh... We didn't do that. What happened was, we used a thing called a 'computer algorithm' to calculate a more accurate temperature for an area instead of just relying on one datapoint. Cuz that's how Science works, citizen!"
Okay, if that's true, give us a copy of this algorithm so we can examine it to see if it's sound, or might just possibly use bad logic.
NASA/NOAA experts: "Um...uh... Our policy prevents us from doing that."
What's the basis for that policy?
NASA/NOAA experts: "Uh...the algorithm is 'proprietary.' We own it, so we don't have to give you a copy."
Wait, asshole: If you developed this alleged algorithm using gruberment employees, they were paid with government funds, right? That means you don't own it. It is NOT "proprietary." That's horseshit, as your legal counsel surely would have told you if you'd bothered to ask Do you seriously think that claim will hold up in court?
NASA/NOAA experts: "It's whatever we say it is. Cuz we're Scientists! You silly people just don't have the education to understand complex things like computer algorithms. And Science! And why it's not Sciency to rely on a measured temperature from 90 years ago to be accurate!"
[Lawsuit follows. Court rules against NASA/NOAA experts.]
Okay, now stop stalling and give us a copy of this algorithm you claim made you alter the official temperature records.
NASA/NOAA experts: "Um...uh... We'd really like to do that, but unfortunately we can't. See, the only copy we had was accidently erased. You may find this hard to believe, but we didn't have any backup copies. So, we win, you lose. Now go away."
As noted earlier, skeptics have been reporting NASA and NOAA's alterations to the official temperature records for over a decade now, but it's always ignored by the press, dismissed as just another conspiracy theory. This
happened as recently as yesterday on DailyKos.
Reality is that the
data alterations are no secret, and that NOAA and NASA admit
they do it. They just claim the alterations are based on sound scientific principles, and not done by hand to produce a desired result, but by a totally logical, unbiased computer.
Twenty years from now one of two things will have happened: Either the warmies will have succeeded in killing the U.S. economy by banning the use of carbon-based fuel--in which case you'll be eating insects and soy--or most Americans will have learned about the scam, and how it was carefully concocted by communists at the U.N. and their lackeys in the Democrat party to try to destroy the U.S. economy.
If you have kids--or if you're a young American and look forward to having kids--which outcome results should make a great deal of difference to you.
Labels: climate change, global warming fraud