May 31, 2022

San Francisco schools eliminate "chief" from all job titles after Native Americans complain. Wait...was chief a Native word?

The wokie liberals who rule schools in San Francisco have ordered the word “chief” to be removed from all official job titles.


The school district said that momentous decision was made after concerns were raised by Native American community members.

Now, given the sorry state of education in this country, we can't be surprised that a huge number of Native Americans actually believe the word "chief" originated with them.  But of course that's nonsense: the word was used in England a decade before Columbus sailed.

The hoot is that no one in the San Francisco school administration knew that "chief" was an English word meaning “head of a group” long before the discovery of the New World.

You'd think San Francisco schools would have had at least ONE English teacher who could have explained this.

Actually there probably was just one, but that person was too scared of being canceled if they interrupted the sacred virtue-signaling ritual of the adminishits.

Source: Moonbattery

May 30, 2022

Elite San Francisco high school that dropped merit-based admissions in favor of a lottery

Last fall an elite highschool in San Francisco scrapped its old merit-based admissions for one that made far more sense to the liberals who run everything in that city:

The new system was...wait for it...a lottery.  Meaning admissions were essentially open to everyone regardless of grades and test scores.

Those who supported the lottery system said admitting students based on their grades and scores was...wait for it... racist because it resulted in fewer black and Hispanic students than their percentage in the population.

By contrast, raaacists who wanted to keep merit-based admissions warned that scrapping that system would lower standards at the school because teachers would be quietly  pressured to make tests easier so less-qualified students would still pass.

So how did that work out?

According to internal records obtained by the San Francisco Chronicle, 24.4% of the freshman class earned a D or F in their first semester.  (No word on the spring semester yet.)

Outgoing principal Joe Dominguez said “there are way too many variables that contributed” to the spike in D’s and F’s.  He cited "distance learning," then "half of our student body new to in-person instruction at the high school level" and "absences among students/staff for COVID" as explanations for the sharp drop in grades.”

“It is important not to insinuate a cause on such a sensitive topic, at the risk of shaming our students and teachers," he added.

Yes, Joe, certainly.  We should never try to discover the true reasons something suddenly gives bad results if the cause could be related to a "sensitive topic."  Sort of like no one wants to examine whether biden canceling drilling permits and 18 months of competitive-bid leases could have had any effect on oil production.  It's just silly, citizen.

The ability of Democrats and liberals to totally ignore reality, and to refuse to even entertain the notion of cause-and-effect is both astonishing and predictable.


NASA and NOAA's own published works show both have altered the original, recorded US temperature record

For the past decade or so, statistical experts skeptical of claims that the climate is warming--let alone of the claims that the claimed warming is caused by CO2 emitted by human activity (burning carbon-based fuel) have been documenting how NOAA and NASA have both been altering US temperature records to make it appear that the climate is warming.

If you're not fluent in science the sentence above seems totally bland, unalarming.  So let me re-phrase: Both NASA and NOAA --the two government agencies charged with recording and publishing temperatures in both the U.S. and around the world--have been deliberately, systematically altering the official records to make people think there's been significant, alarming global warming.

For example, here's a graph of what NASA claimed--in 1999--was the average U.S. temp record:

Just 20 years later--after Democrat politicians realized they could win votes by claiming Americans were killing the planet by using "too much energy"--and after NASA realized they could change the "official" record without causing a huge public outcry--here's the "new, improved" NASA graph of the supposed "historical record."  See if you can spot the difference.

Both agencies literally take a measured temperature reading from some station in 1930 and...change it.  Do they think the observer from 90 years ago just didn't know how to read a thermometer?  Or that the 1930 observer who read the thermometer as, say, 74 degrees hen had a brain hiccup and wrote "78," so that 90 years later the "government experts" are just correcting that "error"?

NASA/NOAA experts:  "Hahahaha!  Of course not, citizen!  We would never even think about suggesting that an observer 90 years ago didn't know how to read a thermometer!  That's silly!"

But if that's true, why have you changed the record from actual, observed temperatures--and always in a direction that reduces  reported temperature of 90 years ago, while INcreasing reported temperatures from the last 20 years--thus making it seem as if we've been having scary Global Worming...sorry, "climate change"?

NASA/NOAA experts: "Um...uh... We didn't do that.  What happened was, we used a thing called a 'computer algorithm' to calculate a more accurate temperature for an area instead of just relying on one datapoint.  Cuz that's how Science works, citizen!"

Okay, if that's true, give us a copy of this algorithm so we can examine it to see if it's sound, or might just possibly use bad logic.

NASA/NOAA experts:  "Um...uh... Our policy prevents us from doing that."

What's the basis for that policy?

NASA/NOAA experts:  "Uh...the algorithm is 'proprietary.'  We own it, so we don't have to give you a copy."

Wait, asshole: If you developed this alleged algorithm using gruberment employees, they were paid with government funds, right?  That means you don't own it.  It is NOT "proprietary."  That's horseshit, as your legal counsel surely would have told you if you'd bothered to ask   Do you seriously think that claim will hold up in court?

NASA/NOAA experts:  "It's whatever we say it is.  Cuz we're Scientists!  You silly people just don't have the education to understand complex things like computer algorithms.  And Science!  And why it's not Sciency to rely on a measured temperature from 90 years ago to be accurate!"

[Lawsuit follows.  Court rules against NASA/NOAA experts.]

Okay, now stop stalling and give us a copy of this algorithm you claim made you alter the official temperature records.

NASA/NOAA experts:  "Um...uh... We'd really like to do that, but unfortunately we can't.  See, the only copy we had was accidently erased.  You may find this hard to believe, but we didn't have any backup copies.  So, we win, you lose.  Now go away."

As noted earlier, skeptics have been reporting NASA and NOAA's alterations to the official temperature records for over a decade now, but it's always ignored by the press, dismissed as just another conspiracy theory.  This happened as recently as yesterday on DailyKos.

Reality is that the data alterations are no secret, and that NOAA and NASA admit they do it.  They just claim the alterations are based on sound scientific principles, and not done by hand to produce a desired result, but by a totally logical, unbiased computer.

Twenty years from now one of two things will have happened:  Either the warmies will have succeeded in killing the U.S. economy by banning the use of carbon-based fuel--in which case you'll be eating insects and soy--or most Americans will have learned about the scam, and how it was carefully concocted by communists at the U.N. and their lackeys in the Democrat party to try to destroy the U.S. economy.

If you have kids--or if you're a young American and look forward to having kids--which outcome results should make a great deal of difference to you.


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On this Memorial Day, a summary of where the Left has taken us in the last 50 years

The Left in this country...
  ..banned schools from reciting a morning prayer over the PA before class...but it wasn't enough for the Left, so...
  ..they banned any display of the Ten Commandments in any public building...but it wasn't enough for the Left, so...
  ..they even banned schools from having a "moment of silence" to start off the school day, since that was a vague approval of prayer to some...but that wasn't enough for the Left, so...
  ..the got the Supreme Court to legalize same-sex "marriage"...but that wasn't enough for the Left, so...
  ..they decreed ("case law") that a business that depended on decorum and solemnity--a funeral home--could not fire a six-foot, 250-pound man who decided to start dressing in drag--because they claimed his "right" to do that outweighed the right of the business owner to maintain decorum.  But that wasn't enough for the Left, so...
  ..their president ORDERED that men claiming to be girls must be allowed to use girls' bathrooms and locker rooms...but that wasn't enough for the Left, so...
  ..the Left's president allowed schools to help children "change gender"--*without informing the parents*.  But that wasn't enough for the Left, so...
  ..the Left's president ordered federal agencies to withhold school lunch funds from any school system that refused to allow men claiming to be women to use girls' facilities.  But that wasn't enough for the Left, so...

  ..the Left got their president to ORDER that if a person joined our military and then wanted to "change genders" (cleverly mis-named "gender *reassignment* surgery), the military must pay for that surgery.  But that wasn't enough for the Left, so...

Beginning to get the picture yet?

Keep voting Democrat, citizen.  And have a great Memorial Day.

"Law & Order, MVU (Microagression Victims Unit)"

"In the social-justice system in New York City, words are considered violence...  Tto deal with this violence, New York's rulers established a special police unit: the Microagression Victims Unit, known as the MVU.  These are their stories..."

Source: The Babylon Bee--fabulously creative folks--via Citizen Free Press, a great source of news the Mainstream Media will never tell you.  Which of course means it never happened, right?


May 29, 2022

Young Americans don't know how many states, or the capital of the U.S., or who fought who in our Civil War

American taxpayers pay more per student for K-12 "education" than any other nation.  By far.  So what are we getting for all that damn money, eh?  For a quick and depressing answer, click here to see for yourself.  (Pic below is just a screenshot.)

Lots of the young Americans interviewed thought there were maybe 15 states in the U.S.  Several didn't know the capital.  One didn't even know the U.S. had a capital city.

Then or a ton of laughs, click here and read the comments.

Just FYI:  New York City spends an average of $28,000 per student per year--well over twice the national average.  And try to find out how much the corrupt city pays the head of the city's school system.  The city doesn't want you to know.  They'll tell you the average for all NY chancellors, and the average for all superintendents in the country, and the salary for the one in 2015 and 2017.  But not now.  Curious. 

Half of the American public believe whatever the Mainstream Media tells 'em


When biden's Sec. of Education is asked if males should compete in girls' sports, he carefully disguises the answer

Biden's hand-picked secretary of "education" is a slimy, dodgy, corrupt POS named Miguel Cardona, who headed the corrupt, dysfunctional New York City school system.  In the clip below he's asked a simple question: "Do you support biological males competing in girls' sports?"

Watch his response closely.  He says "I believe all students should have access to sport."

By carefully, cunningly wording his "answer" this way, he's reiterating the biden regime's insane policy of forcing every school in the nation to let males competing in girls' sports.  But instead of stating that outrageous policy plainly, he cunningly phrases his answer to make it seem as though anyone who objects to biological males competing against girls is being cruelly DENIED "access to sport."

That, of course, is horseshit.  Males--even mentally ill ones--are welcome to compete in school sports.  Against other males.

The person questioning Cardona then summarizes the regime's position: "So you believe biological males should be able to compete in girls' sports."

Cardona: "I believe I've answered the question."

Questioner: "No, you haven't.  It's a simple question."

Even after the prepared questioner has pinned him down and taken away any "wiggle room," Cardona won't give a yes or no answer, but says "Do I believe transgender GIRLS should have access to sports?  Yes I do"--carefully avoiding the admission that the students he's calling "girls" are actually males claiming to be girls..

Now, I realize that our nation is struggling with problems far more serious than this one.  I merely bring this to your attention because it shows pretty clearly how slimy and dodgy the regime is.  They want to be unfair to girls by forcing them to compete against stronger males, but don't want to openly admit that this is their policy.  It's sneaky.  Underhanded.  Slimy.

If you corrupt bastards think this is such a great damn policy, why not be HONEST about it, and let voters decide if they agree?

We all know the answer to that question. 

May 28, 2022

biden orders federal agencies to WITHHOLD FED FUNDS from schools unless they allow males to use girls' bathrooms

If you're a hard-working American with kids in public school, you were probably thrilled when Porridgebrain announced his intent to "allow" boys claiming to be girls to use girls' restrooms and locker rooms, right?

Wait...unless you're one of the 0.014 percent of parents of a boy claiming to be a girl, you were probably outraged.  But you probably figured "My school system isn't that crazy, so they'll simply decline to sign on to this dumb policy."

Ah, I see you're new to Democrat politics.  Cuz Porridge didn't actually mean he'd have his lackeys issue rules to "allow" boys to use the girls' bathroom.  What he meant was "If a public school system fails to obey, we will cut off all federal funds for lunches and breakfasts."

Naturally you think this is hyperbole--a nutty right-wing conspiracy tale.  I mean, it's insane enough to push the policy on schools, but it's far more outrageous to threaten to cut off federal money for lunches (and for some districts, free breakfasts for certain favored students).  But that's what biden's Department of Education just announced.  Here's the release, verbatim:

WASHINGTON, May 5, 2022 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service announced today that it will interpret the prohibition on discrimination based on sex found in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 [many other "laws" omitted] to include discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Under the leadership of the Biden-Harris Administration, USDA and FNS are issuing this interpretation to help ensure its programs are open, accessible and help promote food and nutrition security, 

This action is in line with President Biden’s Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation,

This is Orwellian, because while the first 'graf, above, says the regime is issuing this "interpretation" "to help promote food and nutrition security,"  the rest of the release says they'll do that by cutting off federal funds for schools that refuse to allow boys claiming to be girls to use the girls' bathroom.

Let's also note here that the Democrat-controlled House passed a bill amending Title IX of the Civil Rights Act, to add "or gender identity" to the long list of specially-protected classes--giving them the power to comel all behavior in the nation.  In this case the biden regime interpreted this to allow trannies to use girls' facilities.

The bill then went to the senate on 1 March of last year--just 5 weeks after Porridge was sworn in.  But even though the Democrats control the senate, for some reason the Dem majority leader didn't bring the thing up for a vote.  Now why do you suppose he chose not to do that, when the Dems had an effective majority in the senate, eh?

Because he knew more than a few Democrat senators were afraid that voting for the thing would cause them to lose their precious seats.

So the term "or gender identity" has NOT become the law of the land.  And yet three weeks ago the biden regime has declared that the regime will order all its agencies to interpret Title IX AS IF the law had been amended.

Is that cool or what?  The Constitution says the power to make laws rests solely with congress, but when a lawless regime wants to do something that's NOT law, it simply...orders agencies to interpret the law in whatever way the regime wants.  

In case you were unclear about what that means: that violates the Constitution, and should be an impeachable offense.  Remember, this is the exact interpretation that Chuck Schumer refused to bring up for a senate vote that could have passed it into law (since Porridge was eager to sign it).  Schumer didn't, because he knew he couldn't get his members to pass it.

But wait, there's one more twist hidden here:  The agencies that have issue press releases so far--Education and Agriculture--say they will be issuing rules next month.  So the twist is that if there's a huge pushback from the public, it's quite possible the agencies won't actually issue rules, but will act as if they had, counting on cooperative Dem-ruled school boards to use the press release as a cover to do what they wanted, and counting on the public to be too preoccupied with inflation or crime or drug overdose deaths or crazy shooters to actually see if the school boards are lying about being "required" to let goofy boys use girls' facilities.

Sound far-fetched?  Yeah, did the idea of totally open borders and busing illegals to New York and Florida too, when you were first warned about it.  "Just a conspiracy story," they bleated.

Guess well know in a month.

It's also interesting that a federal judge RULED that Trump couldn't withhold federal funds from police use in Democrat-ruled "sanctuary cities" that refused to honor "holds" issued by Immigration for aliens illegally in the U.S. who were in local jails.  But when the Dem biden orders federal funds for SCHOOL LUNCHES withheld unless schools bow to tranny demands, does anyone think the courts will be the least bit concerned?

Georgia election "irregularities" should have rejected 300,000 votes; biden allegedly won by just 11,779

According to a January 2020 report from the Texas Secretary of State, Texas three times rejected using ballot- counting machines and software from Dominion Voting Systems over concerns that the machines and software were vulnerable to manipulation (thus to election fraud).

Georgia apparently didn't bother having any experts examine Dominion machines, because in July of 2019 Georgia's RINO secretary of state Brad Raffensperger announced that Georgia had awarded a $107 million contract to Dominion to replace every voting machine in the state with the company's machines and vote-tabulating software.
  It's simply coincidence that Jared Thomas--a former Kemp staffer when Kemp was Georgia’s Secretary of State--was a paid lobbyist for Dominion when the contract was awarded.

Later an election worker in a rural Georgia county demonstrated how Dominion software allowed officials with the right authorization to change batches of votes from one candidate to another.  (The demo was recorded on video.)

The *stated* reason for this feature was that if a ballot was marked in a way the scanning machine couldn't interpret, officials could try to interpret the voter's intent.  That sounds at least reasonable.

Any decision by those officials as to which candidate would be awarded that questionable vote was supposedly logged to a supervisory action file.  But in Georgia and other states,some of these files (usually in high-population counties) were often missing.  

The stated reason was "The file doesn't exist because there were no ambiguous or unreadable ballots, so we didn't award any votes."  But obviously if the file was missing there would be no way to verify that claim.  

Now: Forty-four of the 50 states are so clearly D or R that the winner of the presidential election in those states is known before the election.  Only six states are considered toss-ups--the so-called battleground states.
  In five of these six battleground states, vote counting was mysteriously stopped after midnight of election day.  As far as I know, in prior elections officials have never stopped counting before all votes had been counted, yet on the night the polls closed in 2020 it happened in five states.

For something that never happened in one state before, this seems to be improbable.

Fulton County is Georgia’s most populous county.  Vote counting for Fulton was done at the State Farm Arena.  At about 6 a.m. on the morning of election day, arena maintenance staff reported a toilet fill line was leaking.
   Local stations reported this as a "water-main break."  The line was repaired in two hours and had no effect on vote counting.  But 14 hours later it was reportedly used as an excuse by election officials to order vote-counting stopped--and crucially, to order poll-watchers to leave the arena.
   "Poll watchers" and media crews obediently left.  But interestingly, just two people stayed in the counting area and continued to feed stacks of ballots two inches thick into vote-counting scanners.  
    This went on for over two hours *and was recorded on time-stamped surveillance video.*
    That video shows the two employees--who were easily identified--feeding the same stack of ballots into scanning machines multiple times.  No explanation has been offered as to the reason these two workers alone were allowed to keep scanning after everyone else--specifically including poll-watchers--were ordered to leave the arena after counting was supposed to have stopped, nor has anyone explained why the workers clearly fed the same stack of ballots into the scanner multiple times.
   Finally, the two workers have never been required to give depositions.  It's like none of this ever happened.
   biden supposedly won Georgia by 11,779 votes.

On December 7 one Gabriel Sterling--"voting implementation manager for Georgia" and whom Newsweek took care to note was a Republican--addressed the issue of the water-main controversy:
   "There was no water-main break," he said. "There was a urinal that they turn off during the downtime at State Farm [arena].  And it had a little slow leak that came over the side."

Okay, so if the honcho says it was NOT a "water-main break," why did the Democrats running the counting operation stop the count and order everyone to leave, including poll watchers?  Every local TV station claimed they were told it was because of the "water-main break."  So if that WASN'T the reason, what reason did the managers give for (supposedly) stopping the count?

Frances Watson, chief investigator for the Georgia secretary of state, echoed Sterling's statement in an affidavit.
   "The Secretary of State's Office opened an investigation into the incident at State Farm Arena. Our investigation revealed that the incident--initially reported as a water leak late in the evening of November 3rd--was actually a urinal that had overflowed early in the morning of November 3rd, and did not affect the counting of votes by Fulton County later that evening."
   Watson's affidavit also states that "observers and media were NOT asked to leave. They simply left on their own when they saw one group of workers, whose job was only to open envelopes and who had completed that task, also leave," the affidavit said.
   This is horseshit.  Poll watchers are supposed to watch the entire process of scanning the ballots, not just the opening of envelopes.  Many GOP poll-watchers claimed they were ordered to leave by county officials, and that the stated reason was a "water-main break."

So how did the story about a "water-main break caused counting to be halted" arise?  Two weeks later (Nov 17), the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that "the water leak was originally reported as a burst pipe, but days later officials corrected themselves to say it was a leaky toilet spilling water into a room with ballots early on Election Day."
   Fulton County's Twitter account said
      "Around 6 a.m. on Nov 3 a pipe burst in the room at State Farm Arena where absentee ballots were processed.  Work resumed in approx 2 hours."

State Farm Arena also published a statement saying, "Within 2 hours, repairs were complete. No ballots were damaged, nor was any equipment affected. There was a brief delay in tabulating absentee ballots while the repairs were being planned, Fulton County will continue to tabulate the remainder of absentee ballots over the next two days."

According to CNN, Fulton County finished processing ballots two days after election day, on November 5.

So clearly, except for a "brief delay" around 9 a.m, the alleged "broken water-main" didn't cause vote-counting to be halted.  But in that case, why did the Dem officials running the counting operation stop the count around 10 pm?  

And why did so many poll-watchers report that Democrat officials told them the reason was a broken water-main?

Here's how the totally Trump-hating rag "Newsweek" summarized things.  See if you can spot the trick:
    "Officials determined that there was a water leak from a urinal at State Farm Arena on November 3 that took two hours to repair. Approximately two hours after the repair was completed, vote counting resumed.
    "There was a four-hour delay, but members of the media, election officials, observers and poll watchers were not asked to leave *while repairs were being made.*

Did ya spot it?  Newsweek attempts to debunk the story by saying that observers and poll watchers were not asked to leave "while repairs were being made."  But of course that's not the claim.  The red flag--the thing that makes this event suspicious--is that poll watchers claimed that at about 10 pm they were told that counting was being stopped because of a broken water-main, and that they were instructed to leave the arena.  Yet by everyone's account, it was NOT a water-main, and was fixed by 9am.

One more example of Newsweek's bullshit:  Trump supporters claimed Democrat election officials--hired by Fulton County supervisors--ran the vote-tabulating operation at the arena.  Here's how Newsweek *supposedly* disposed of that:
   "Election officials in Georgia report to the secretary of state, Raffensperger, *a Republican, so the election apparatus is not run by Democrats.*

This is laughable.  Notice the cunning use of the phrase "the election apparatus."  Newsweek used that to make readers think Republicans run the vote count, so there couldn't be any anti-Trump fraud, eh?  But of course the people running vote-counting in Fulton County were Democrats.  RINO Raffensperger was not involved in Fulton County in any way.  Newsweek deliberately used Raffensperger's (nominal) "Republican" label to make you think he was running things in Fulton County.

Missing "chain-of-custody" documents

When ballots (including scans of actual hand-marked ballots) are transferred from the voting place to the counting facility, there's supposed to be a written series of signed receipts, called a "chain of custody."  Without that, fraudsters could pick up ballots and destroy them.  

As of this day, the legally required chain-of-custody documentation remains missing for over 18,000 ballots in Fulton County, and 355,000 ballots throughout the state--a state biden supposedly won by 11,779 votes.

If chain-of-custody documentation doesn't exist, votes aren't supposed to be certified--yet somehow they were counted.
Superior Court Judge Brian Amero recently ruled that 145,000 Fulton County mail-in ballots must be recounted due to evidence of fraudulent ballots and improper counting.  In response, the Fulton County board of elections immediately hired outside attorneys to block the audit. 

biden supposedly won Georgia by 11,779 votes.

A month after the 2020 election Kemp gave a speech in Athens, Ga. to over 200 members of the state's General Assembly, warning them not to try to convene a special session to deal with what appeared to be massive election fraud a month earlier.

Honest people don't try to shut down investigations.  Dishonest people do.


Leftists support regime's cancelation next two rounds of oil leasing by claiming "companies don't need more leases"

Article from May 4th, 2020 (just two years ago!):  

“The average price of regular gasoline in the U.S. increased almost 2 cents from the previous week to $1.79 per gallon, but that was $1.11 *lower* than a year earlier.”  On the Gulf coast the price dropped 2 cents to $1.49 per gallon."

 Remind me again: who was president in May of 2020?

"The average diesel fuel price in the U.S. decreased more than 4 cents to $2.40 per gallon, 77 cents *lower* than a  year earlier."

Remind me again...

August 29, 2019, headline: U.S. oil and gas regulatory rollbacks under President Trump.

"The rollbacks come amid surging oil and gas production that put the United States output ahead of historical leaders’ Saudi Arabia and Russia. In May (2019), the United States pumped a record 12.4 million barrels of oil per day." 

Wait...what are "regulatory rollbacks"?  Democrats and their leaders think punitive regulations have no effect on production of *anything.*  Same with refusing to allow companies to bid to win oil leases in federal waters--at least according to Democrats.  An' duh *proof*--according to the leftist media, is that oil companies have lotsa leases dat dey not drillin' right now!  

To Democrats that absolutely *proves* that oil companies don't need any more leases, "cuz dey ain't usin' duh ones dey gots now."

Dear Democrats:  With one or two exceptions, you know absolutely nothing about oil exploration.  So let me try to put you some knowledge.

Imagine you inherited 10 acres of land, and you have reason to believe that somewhere under that land is a chest of gold coins, worth ten million bucks.  The chest measures three feet on a side, and you are confident it's no more than 500 feet below the surface.  You propose to drill a few 500-foot holes on your ten acres, hoping one of those holes will hit the chest.

So what are the odds any given hole will find the chest?

Well, an acre is 43,560 square feet, and your target could be anywhere in 10 acres.  The chest has a plan area of nine square feet.  So the probability of hitting it are 0.00002, or about one in 50,000.

Fortunately you've found a guy with an unused rig who'll drill as many 500-foot test wells as you like for just $10,000 apiece.

Any of you Democrats think this is a promising investment?

Now to bring this to the real world:  instead of drilling in a pasture, you're drilling in water deeper than the former NY World Trade Center, and having to drill another two MILES below the ocean bottom to find your target--which may not even contain oil.

In drilling a hole in your small pasture a truck-mounted rig would do, but to drill two miles under the ocean floor, in water over a thousand feet deep, requires a drilling setup costing $350,000 per DAY.

As a result, major oil companies don't just punch random holes, but first spend millions "shooting seismic" over hundreds of square miles of ocean, looking for a geologic "structure" that might possibly contain oil.  Processing the results of seismic can cost another million and take two more years.

If a company finds what appears to be a structure it will submit a sealed bid to lease the mineral rights.  Winning bids can top $100 million. Then a company that wins the bid usually tries to put together a partnership with other major companies to bring the cost down to a manageable amount.  

This can take another couple of years.  And at any point the biden regime can (and has) revoked leases already issued, meaning all the money a company has already spent is totally wasted.

Think that might have an effect on a company's willingness to risk millions of dollars?  If not let's keep going:

Only the largest companies can take on the entire cost of a couple of offshore exploratory wells, since those usually don't produce commercial quantities of oil or gas.  But if a smaller company can assemble enough partners, it's time to ask for permission to drill a "prospect" you've already spent millions to assemble.  

But even after a permit is issued, it can be canceled.  Indeed, the biden regime has already canceled drilling permits that had already been issued when Trump was president, just as biden canceled the Keystone-XL pipeline when it was already partly completed.  

Think that might have an effect on a company's willingness to risk millions of dollars?

In any case:  because it typically takes companies over five years from shooting seismic to winning a bid on a prospect they like, to getting a permit, to drilling, they usually have several prospects in various stages of development--which explains why they're not drilling *today* on most of their leases.

Interestingly, the leftist morons who wail about "oil companies shouldn't be able to get more leases cuz they're not drilling on the ones they already have" either know what I've just explained, or could easily find out.  But of course they'd rather just kill the offshore oil business.  

"Cuz we need to stop using fossil fuels!  Cuz dat deadly poison CO2 is fatally warming the planet!  Wait...did we say "warming"?  Sorry, we meant "climate change."

Of course no one has ever proposed a mechanism by which CO2 could possibly *cool* the planet.  The only hypothetical effect of CO2 is warming the climate.  But the watermelons dropped "global warming" after a series of strikingly cold winters started making people think the Leftists were wrong about "warming."

And like magic, the Left junked "warming" for "climate change," since that would let them claim to be right regardless of what actually happened.  And the Mainstream Media didn't skip a beat.

Why do we seem to be lurching from one crisis to another under this regime?

Why is crime increasing so sharply, especially in Dem cities?
Why is inflation at a 40-year high, led by $4.50 gas and $6 diesel?
   Everyone claims to be baffled.
Why is the biden regime busing illegal aliens to cities far away from the Mexican border?
   Experts: "There are good reasons."

As the nation sinks into crisis after crisis--all created by stupid policies--many Americans wonder who is actually overseeing the current national catastrophe, given Joe Biden’s frequent bewilderment and cognitive challenges.

Certainly one indicator is the sheer craziness of Biden’s cabinet appointments.  Without exception, they're unbelievably bad--though whether by design or mere incompetence isn't known.

DHS chief Alejandro Mayorkas has essentially nullified federal immigration law.  He simply refuses to follow federal law, apparently with biden's full approval. Over 2 million foreign nationals illegally entered the U.S. last year, and the biden regime is on track to smash that record this year.

But Mayorkas did create a new Disinformation Governance Board. To head his new Orwellian Ministry of Truth, he appointed Nina Jankowicz—an arch disinformationist who helped peddle the Russian collusion hoax, Steele dossier hoax, and Alfa Bank hoax.

"Disinformation" is right.

While Jankowicz’s adolescent videos and past tweets finally forced her resignation, Mayorkas promises that his board is only "paused."

In the days before the recent Virginia election, grassroots parent groups challenged critical race theory taught in the schools.

Eager to curry favor with the huge teachers’ unions, biden's hand-picked attorney-general Merrick Garland declared that parents were "domestic terrorists," and directed both the FBI and the Justice Department to establish a special task force to investigate any parent who complained at a school-board meeting.

We are in a fuel price spiral that is destroying the middle class. Yet when Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm was asked if she had any plan to lower gas prices, she laughed off the idea--literally laughed--saying that was “hilarious.”

Does this sound like someone who gives a damn about doing everything possible to ensure that Americans have affordable, reliable energy?  Of course not.

Later Granholm preposterously claimed, "Administration policies have had no effect on the supply of energy.”

Does Granholm seriously expect Americans to believe that haranguing banks that to get them to cut lending for drilling, canceling the Keystone-XL pipeline, suspending new federal oil and gas leasing and canceling drilling permits already issued have nothing to do with high fuel prices?

Or consider transportation: For the past nine months or so, supply chain disruptions have been hurting the nation's economy.

The huge Port of Los Angeles has been a mess for over a year. Since last fall dozens of cargo ships have been backed up to the horizon. Thousands of trucks are bottlenecked at the port.

During the mess, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was not at work. Instead at the height of the crisis, he took a two-month paternity leave to help out his husband and two newborn babies.

Such paternal concern is a noble thing.

But Buttigieg is supposed to ensure that life-or-death supplies reach millions of strapped Americans.

This winter, trains entering and leaving Los Angeles were routinely looted in the Old-West style of train robbing—without much of a response from Buttigieg’s transpiration bureau.

In Senate testimony Secretary of the Interior Secretary Deb Haaland refused to explain why her department is slow walking federal oil and gas leases at a time Americans are paying between $5 and $6 a gallon for gas.

Haaland was unable to provide simple answers about when new leases will result in more supplies of oil and gas. Her panicked aides slid talking points to her—given that in deer-in-the-headlights fashion, she seemed incapable of providing senators with basic information about U.S. energy production on federal lands.

The United States is sending many billions of dollars worth of sophisticated weapons to Ukraine to combat Russian aggression. We rightly claim it is not a proxy war against Russia but instead an effort to help stop a brutal Russian invasion.

Why then did Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin tell the world the very opposite in a fashion that could only convince Russians that our real aim in Ukraine is to destroy Russia as a superpower?

As Austin put it publicly, “We want to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kinds of things that it has done in invading Ukraine.”

Even if that description of the agenda is true, why broadcast it—given Russia has over 6,000 nuclear weapons and its President Vladimir Putin is increasingly erratic and paranoid?

The common denominator to these Biden appointees is ideological rigidity, nonchalance, and sheer incompetence.  

They seem indifferent to the current border, inflation, energy, and crime disasters. When confronted, they are unable to answer simple questions from Congress, or they mock anyone asking for answers on behalf of the strapped American people.  

(Edited from Victor Davis Hanson at American Greatness)

A health-care worker on the effects of biden ORDERING virtually all Americans to take the jab (i.e. the "mandate")

A commenter on another blog wrote:

I'm a healthcare worker, and our moronic (and surely kickback-compensated) executives told all of us we "had no choice" and had to take the jab.  I declined.

Shortly thereafter the execs again told me I had "no choice," and must take the jab--but I could submit paperwork asking for an exemption.  But I was told it would almost certainly be rejected.

A few more weeks passed, and I learned my request for an exemption would be granted--BUT I would have to submit to testing, possibly daily.

More time passed.  My request for an exemption was granted because the hospital can't afford to lose any more staff--BUT they demand that I get tested every week.

Daily--and sometimes as often as four times a day--we were berated in emails and meetings that we had "no choice" but to submit to the vaccines.  "After all, you're front line healthcare workers so it's your moral duty."

Really?  GFY.

Now 1.5 years later, I'm still in the same office, never got the jab or had a PCR test (they were dropped day after the mandate came and went, go figure).  Haven't missed a day of work due to illness, while everyone around me seems to be out sick constantly.

Interestingly, in the past 2-3 weeks we've been getting loads of patients, most of 'em vaxxed and boosted.  People are getting absolutely hammered by whatever is out there. Maybe because their immune systems have been clobbered by mRNA?
When biden ordered that every company with over 100 employees to fire anyone who refused to take the experimental jab, he should have been impeached.

The fact that he's still sitting in the White House is proof positive that the U.S. is doomed--because a majority of citizens (and illegals) have shown that they're willing to do ANYTHING a government official ORDERS them to do, without bothering to research whether obeying that order will harm them or their family.

When biden issued his unconstitutional ORDER--which the Mainstream Media cunningly avoided calling an order, but instead *universally* called a "mandate"--a few million working Americans obeyed, claiming "I had no choice." But every one of these people had a choice--and they chose to obey rather than risk being fired.  Totally understandable.

Some chose poorly.

They believed the regime when it claimed a) the jab is a real vaccine--which had previously been defined as something that would keep you from getting the disease (lie #1); b) that it was *totally* safe (lie #2).  Well, maybe not "totally," but the benefits outweighed the risk; and c) you had to get all your kids jabbed if you wanted 'em to go to school.  (Wait, almost no kids under 15 have died *from* covid, yet many have died after taking the jab.)

The regime has used every opportunity to lie to you, to get you to take the jab--and worse, to make your kids take it too, even though the risk of covid to them is *known to be* almost zero.

Now why do you suppose the regime would do that, eh?  There are only two possibilities:  either a) the regime knows what I just wrote (almost zero risk to kids), and deliberately ignored that knowlege--to your kids' lifetime detriment; or b) the regime's lackeys *didn't and don't know* that, in which case they're both stupid and incompetent.

Which way would you like to jump, Democrats?  Take your time.

May 27, 2022

After Uvalde, Democrat pols and the Media screaming for more gun-control laws. And they're telling lies to get what they want

In the aftermath of a crazy 18-year-old killing 21 people in Uvalde, Democrat politicians and their allies in the mainstream media are again demanding gun confiscation.  Or alternatively, gun registration, which always makes confiscation possible.

To help achieve this, the Media are uploading a virtually endless series of lies to their political allies: that the U.S. has far higher mass shootings per-capita; and that countries with the strictest gun-control laws have fewer shootings.

Andrew Follett notes that both these claims are false:
  1. The U.S. has a far lower rate of shootings than many other countries with vastly stricter gun laws; and
  2. U.S. cities and states with the strictest gun laws have exponentially higher rates of gun violence.

The Media screams that the U.S. has more shootings than other nations.  But in point of fact the U.S., with almost 5% of the world's population, has just 1.15% of the world's mass shootings.  

Unable to rebut that, the Media then huff that the U.S. has more "mass shootings" than other nations.  But in fact, out of 97 countries with data, the U.S. ranks 64th in frequency of mass shootings and 65th in murder rate.

"Well," huff the Media, "because OUR shooters can buy scary black *automatic weapons--assault rifles,* our mass shooters kill lots more people than shooters in other countries."

But in fact, in France four times more people died in mass shootings per capita than the U.S.  But France has lots of murderous immigrants, so perhaps that's not a good comparison.  How does the U.S. compare to a much more homogenous population like, say, Norway?

On a per-capita basis, Norway had 21 times more citizens killed in mass shootings than the U.S.

Other first-world nations like Germany, Italy, Finland, Switzerland, Spain and Israel have higher mass shooting death rates than we do.

And all of those countries have MUCH stricter gun control laws than the US.

Now let's compare U.S. states to see whether stricter gun laws reduce shootings here:

Wyoming has the highest gun-ownership rate of any state:  59.7% of households have guns.  The state also has  arguably the LEAST restrictive gun laws in the country.

So by Democrat thinking, Wyoming should have lots of shootings, right?  But in fact Wyoming's gun homicide rate is just 1.4 per 100,000-- lower than very tightly gun-controlled Canada, and only about a third of the average U.S. rate.

By comparison, Washington DC is tied for the most restrictive laws against gun ownership, and the lowest rate of legal gun ownership in the country.  So by Democrat logic it should have a fairly low rate of shootings.  But in fact *DC has the highest murder rate of any jurisdiction in the US*--a murder rate of 21.8 per 100,000, 15 times higher than Wyoming, and more than twenty times that of most European countries.

If stricter gun laws reduced gun violence rates, you'd expect jurisdictions with more-restrictive laws to have lower rates of gun violence.  But instead we find just the opposite.

By Dem logic, DC's low legal gun ownership rate and highly restrictive anti-gun laws, it should have fewer shootings per capita.  Yet it has the highest murder rate.  Clearly some other, mysterious factor must be accounting for the incredibly high murder rate.

As an aside: DC hasn't had a Republican mayor since 1933.  It hasn't had a single Republican on the city council since 2008.

Schumer has already been screaming that we need to confiscate guns, and other Dem talking heads on MSNBC and CNN have agreed.  Joy Reid even flatly said we need to repeal the Second Amendment--something the Democrats almost certainly lack the votes to do.  But given the outrage over Uvalde, my guess is that the Republicans will fold, and we'll get some sort of new gun-control law.

Facts are stubborn things--which is why Democrats and the mainstream Media prefer to ignore 'em.  In this case the facts suggest more laws won't reduce our already LOW rate of mass shootings or murders.  Instead we need to look for the real cause.  And in today's America that's not allowed.   

Oh, and one more thing:  Where did an 18-year-old whose only job was at a local burger place get $4000 to buy two rifles and 375 rounds of very pricey ammunition? 

Democrats keep topping themselves: NYC subway now posting ads calling fentanyl use "empowering." Seriously.

SO, you've heard that fentanyl addition and overdose deaths are a problem?  Well, not in the shit-hole capital of the U.S, New York City.  Below is an ad currently posted in all cars of the NYC subway.

"Don't be ashamed you are using.   Be EMPOWERED that you are using...SAFELY."  Cuz it's important to tell people too damn stupid to breathe without being told to that it's perfectly FINE to use fentanyl, and that under the benevolent guidance of the liberals running the shithole, you can use fentanyl "safely."  Just as long as you have the antidote on hand, you'll be fine!

And say, citizen, did you know you can also use cyanide safely?  You bet!  And arsenic.  Both produce out-of-this-world highs!  I mean, like, totally out-of-body experiences, dog!  Of course you need to "go slow," and just take a little bit at first, then work your way up to the really wild trips.

And keep in mind that voting Democrat will ensure you can keep using prescription drugs without a prescription and with no risk of being penalized!  But to get that benefit you must continue to vote Democrat!  Duh Rethuglicans say if dey get in power dey gonna take duh good stuff away from y'all!  Boo!


Last Monday two women were stopped south of Phoenix, found to be smuggling "a little" fentanyl

How much fentanyl is pouring across our southern border because of biden's and the Democrats policy of allowing everyone to come in?   An arrest last Monday offers a tiny hint.

Last Monday two women were arrested south of Phoenix after cops found fentanyl pills hidden in their car when they stopped the women for speeding. 

Martha Lopez, 31, and Tania Luna Solis, 30, were arrested.  Two children were in the car with them.

The pills were found concealed in collagen supplement bottles.  The search also found a handgun and a large amount of cash.

So how much fentanyl were the women smuggling?  An estimated  500,000 fentanyl pills

Democrat pol and Media: "No drugs are coming over the border!  Well, maybe a little weed, strictly for personal use, but that's now legal in many states and thus nothing to get excited about.  Besides, Secretary Mayorkas said 'The border is totally under control.'  That must be true because if it wasn't, our totally unbiased Mainstream Media would have told you, right?"

"Besides, these poor women were just trying to make a few dollars to feed their hungry children, and who can blame them for that?  This was not a cartel operation [really?] so there's nothing to get excited about.   The only people who would support prosecuting these poor women are raaaacist Rethuglicans!  Besides, the southern border is, like, TOTALLY uinder control.  Our president has the complete authority to allow anyone to enter the U.S. if he decides they deserve it.  It's right there in the Constitution!"

Source:  Democrat-loving, Republican-hating ABC "newz," so the real story was probably worse.

And it's interesting that this single ABC piece was the only national network record of this event.  No other network found it significant enough to print or broadcast, as of 5/27/2022.

As Memorial Day nears, a desperate call to a lost America

As Memorial Day approaches and we struggle with illegal invasions, record-high inflation, crime, massive injections of paper money by a corrupt, lawless and incompetent government, let me give you a different perspective:

In 1986 the top priority of the U.S. Air Force and Navy was producing the best fighter pilots possible.  Of course whether that would enable America to win wars would depend, as always, on what the morons in Washington decided to do, but at least the capability would be there.

And in 1986 a movie came out that celebrated that skill.

Top Gun was an advertisement for Navy fighter pilots.  It celebrated skill, excellence, and unalloyed masculinity.

Today the "elites" in this country sneer at all three of those qualities.  The Navy of 1986--like the rest of our military of that time--no longer exists.

Now, 36 years later, a sequel to Top Gun is about to be released.  Tom Cruise plays the same character, but the country he serves would be unrecognizable to a citizen of 1986.

The original film showed American fighter pilots as an elite group who through grueling training and skill were by most accounts the best fighter pilots in the world.

Through the end of the Cold War, the leaders of our military had one goal: warfighting.  To achieve that goal the military set rigorous standards for men wanting to be pilots, for the sole purpose of making sure the U.S. would have more proficient pilots than any opponent.  

But when the Cold War ended, the goal of having the most proficient pilots was replaced by political correctness.  To do this, standards were lowered, and are now in free-fall.  For example, in the 1980s one-fourth of pilot-training students washed out.  Just ten years later the graduation rate had risen to 90 percent, and by the 2010s the flight school graduation rate reached 96 percent.  

No, the military hadn't figured out how to choose better trainees.  Instead they went the other way: In 1991, obeying their political bosses, the squirrels at the Pentagon announced their intention to put women into jet fighters.  Under political pressure from congress, the Navy accepted several women to fighter-pilot training.  Then, to the surprise of no one, the chain of command pressured instructors and school commanders to pass most of them, despite repeated failed checkrides and red flags that would have caused male students to wash out.

The result was only surprising to the politicians who ordered the policy: the Navy’s first female carrier-based fighter pilot--An admiral's daughter--crashed her F-14 just months after barely qualifying for the position.

That was nearly thirty years ago.  At the time, the idea of adopting double standards solely for the sake of diversity was controversial enough to be mildly criticized even by left-leaning 60 Minutes.  

You'd never hear a critical word about "diversity programs" from any Mainstream Media outlet today.

While you might think the military would have learned a lesson from double-standards, and gone back to a single (high) standard for all fighter pilots, the real lesson was just the opposite: males who want to be promoted learned to say nothing negative.  Everyone who wanted to be promoted enthusiastically supported lower standards (or pretended to) in the single-minded pursuit of "diversity."

And it's not just the Navy.  Here's the Air Force Times:

Air Force leaders have signed off on a new plan to build a more diverse pilot corps by 2030, looking to *level the playing field in a profession that remains dominated by white men.*  

The strategy aims to grow opportunities for women and minority airmen in some of the Air Force’s premier professions, including [everything].

“Maintaining our strategic advantage … requires the agility of a *diverse workforce* to tackle challenges from different perspectives.”

The Air Force has multiple teams *looking at minority and women’s issues* to build a service that works better for everyone, from less stringent hair regulations for women to reconsidering how cockpits could fit people of more shapes and sizes.

The military’s gushing enthusiasm for diversity is so over-the-top that it sounds like parody.  Here's Lt. Col. Edemumo Oboho:

“Diversity is a warfighting imperative. Diversity brings us the best talent, the best skill, it gives us the best potential, it gives us the ability to look at the problem from multiple solutions.  It helps us avoid our blind spots. The innovative potential with diversity is huge.”

The colonel speaks of "retaining aircrews by harnessing diversity and optimizing diversity through data."  “We call this the holistic approach to solving rated diversity,” he said.
In 1986 the military's highest priority was warfighting, and our selection and training reflected that goal.  By contrast, today’s military has become a tool of domestic politics.  The top generals and admirals know that "diversity" is the top priority.  Winning wars is far down on the list.

In the corporate world, making diversity your top priority, at the expense of competence, may cost a company a billion dollars--which of course can be cleverly blamed on some other cause.  But in the combat units of our military, incompetence gets Americans killed.  

Top Gun was not a deep film.  It was a story about the excellence of top pilots.  As such it was an archetype that American boys yearned to be for generations, throughout our golden age.

In 1986 most of America celebrated masculinity, skill and excellence.  Now America's "elites" sneer at all three.  In today’s America masculinity is considered toxic.  Top military think-tanks release reports denouncing “toxic masculine culture" in the service.  The accolade "excellence" is reserved for athletes.

Back in 1986 the U.S. military wanted the best and the most skilled war-fighters.  Today’s military--bowing to its political masters--publishes papers about “systemic bias” and the merits of “cognitive diversity” in military units.

In combat, sacrificing skill and top competence for "dieversity" will get Americans killed..


Former president compares Uvalde slaughter of innocents to death of drug addict and career criminal George Floyd

In Uvalde, 19 innocent children and two teachers (by all accounts well loved) are killed by a lunatic.  Immediately the corrupt, morally bankrupt former emperor, Obozo, couldn't wait to grace us with his consoling thoughts on this tragedy.

So following the Democrat playbook perfectly, Obozo compared the murders of 19 helpless ten-year-olds to...wait for it...the criminal drug addict George Floyd:

Yes, this comparison seems SO appropriate, don't you think?  Cuz when moral Americans think of 19 innocent children and two loved teachers executed by Ramos, good Democrats are reminded of the criminal drug addict George Floyd--who held a gun to the stomach of a pregnant woman when committing a home invasion.

Astonishingly, Democrats (and possibly Dominion) elected this demon to the highest office in our poor, struggling nation not once but twice.  Or so the "official" tally said. 

This is the kind of person Democrats thought was a good leader.  Democrats STILL think the guy was a good president.  The asshole couldn't wait to compare the slaughter in Uvalde to the death by drug overdose of a criminal drug addict.

By all accounts, Democrats consider Obama a great president, and gave him 8 long years to destroy the United States.  It all makes sense now.

Source: Ace of Spades


May 26, 2022

Fed up with high gas prices? You ain't seen nothin' yet, thanks to biden and the Democrats

Every order issued by the Biden administration from its first day in office has contributed significantly to last week’s news that the average price for regular gasoline in the U.S. is now over $4.50 per gallon.

And it's crucial to note that every act by the demented biden is totally supported by all Democrat politicians.  He couldn't do any of this without their support.
Every order issued by Biden and the Democrats is intended to reduce the supply of energy in the U.S.  Start with Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline the day he took office.  That act was more shocking than merely the loss of high-paying jobs and an insult to our largest trading partner.  It's the first time to my knowledge that any president has canceled a private-sector project that was already under construction, after getting all required permits.

It's one thing for the government to refuse to issue a permit, but ordering a privately-funded, fully permitted project stopped after construction had begun is unprecedented.

The Obama State Department concluded years ago that the pipeline would have no impact on climate change.  So what was the biden regime's legal argument for canceling the project?

There wasn't one.  Biden canceled the pipeline solely to show his supporters that he sided with them in trying to kil the U.S. oil and gas business.  And you're seeing the results.

Democrats also want to shut down several existing pipelines, such as Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline, under a small stretch of Lake Michigan, that transports more than 500,000 barrels of Canadian oil and petroleum products a day to the United States.

The message to the industry is clear: Don’t even think about proposing a single new pipeline in America.

Ordering construction of the Keystone XL pipeline to be halted was just one act of Democrat hostility to hydrocarbon energy.  The regime also canceled drilling permits already issued by the Interior Department under the Trump administration, and just last week it canceled long-scheduled offshore drilling auctions, killing new offshore exploration and production for the next several years.

If you're a young American you probably don't know how much it costs to heat your parents' home.  Ask your parents if they're ready to pay double for heating their home next winter.  If you're an adult, ask yourself--because thanks to Dem policies you will be.

The only reason gas prices in the U.S. have been kept low is because of increased production of natural gas, due entirely to a technology called "hydraulic fracturing."  (Democrats and the Mainstream Media have shortened that to "fracking.")

Because Democrat pols and their Leftist supporters hate carbon fuels, they want to make natural gas far more expensive, so they want to ban fracking.  But when a regime wants to stop something, it's far easier to do that with punitive rules and regulations instead of issuing a decree banning it.  So biden and the Dems have imposed new rules on hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas production, which will reduce the production of both.

Mission accomplished, for the Democrats.  You'll pay for it--literally--with higher prices, due to the iron laws of supply and demand.

Yet another way the Democrats can kill U.S. energy output is by ordering federal agencies that have never had jurisdiction over oil and gas production to ORDER new rules imposing costly new reporting requirements on energy companies.  Thus Biden and the Dems want the f'n Securities and Exchange Commission to force energy companies to submit reports on how producing their product affects the climate.  

Obviously every million dollars the Democrats force energy companies to spend compiling "reports" to the SEC is money that can't be spent on exploration.  And when exploration drops, what do you think happens to the amount of energy produced?

The Democrats know this.  It's why they're pushing this requirement.  They *want* to make carbon-based energy so expensive that unreliable forms will be made competitive.

Democrats have also signaled to banks that the banks shouldn't loan money for oil and gas exploration.  This is cunningly camouflaged as “environment, sustainability and governance” (ESG).  You've probably seen this acronym, and you'll see it a lot more.  And not surprisingly, banks have gotten the message, and are reducing lending for oil and gas exploration.

But as the price of oil, gasoline and natural gas continue to rise, to avoid losing more seats in the midterm elections the biden regime (and Democrat pols) have to make voters *think* they're actually trying to INcrease production.  Thus we have biden's hand-picked Energy Secretary, the notoriously stupid and corrupt Jennifer Granholm, telling the oil and gas industry to ignore the administration’s attacks.

“We are on war footing,” she told industry leaders a few weeks ago. “That means you producing more right now if and when you can.  In this moment of crisis, we need more supply.”

Except every action taken by the regime *reduces* the supply of oil and gas.  Example: Democrat pols are calling for **price controls on gasoline and diesel.**

If you think that sounds like a great idea, check out an Econ textbook and look up what happens to the supply of any product when the government orders that that product can't be sold for more than X.

Spoiler: "Price ceilings" directly cause shortages.  In which case the Democrats will order rationing as sure as night follows day.

Democrat pols are the same creatures who just a few years ago said it was impossible to “drill our way” to energy independence.  Simply not possible, citizen!  But then under Trump, somehow we were able to produce enough energy to fulfill U.S. demand.

Wait, didn't the Democrats say that was impossible?  The emperor Obama himself said it was "silly" to think that was possible--a statement fully endorsed by the Lying Mainstream Media and all the elites at Hahvahd.

But now that the Democrats run every branch of government (yes, including the courts), they're ending all that.  And you'll all pay for it.  So be sure to thank 'em in November.

May 25, 2022

Getting older sucks

Getting old is NOT for the faint of heart.  Way back in 19XX I saw a really funny movie called "The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai," featuring an actress named Ellen Barkin.  I'm pretty indifferent to Hollywood types, and hadn't heard of her before.  Here's Barkin in 1989:

Ellen Barkin, 1989

Here she is today:

As I noted earlier, getting old is NOT for the faint of heart.  Time is hard on humans. And far harder on leftists.

Things you can count on hearing from the regime and Dem supporters after Uvalde school shooting

  • Democrats: "We need the benevolent government to confiscate um...'offer' a gun buy-back program that will take guns out of civilian hands.  Then follow the buyback with confiscation."
  • "This poor, misunderstood person isn't responsible for his actions.  He was lured by gun ads into thinking 'assault weapons' and 'weapons of war' would solve problems.  The problem is that our nation allows civilians to buy guns."
  • "This poor, misunderstood person is not to blame.  He was bullied because he dared to let his inner woman come out for a moment by wearing eyeliner.  The only reason he did this was because of bullying.  Well, that and the fact that he was seduced by the availability of 'assault weapons.'"
  • "You may have heard that this poor, misunderstood person posted a picture of himself wearing eyeliner, and that he repeatedly cut his own face with a knife for the experience.  But you are advised that this does NOT mean this person was mentally ill.  Instead he was seduced by the lure of all the NRA ads he'd seen."
  • "The most important thing this tragedy teaches us we need to do--aside from outlawing all sales of guns to civilians and confiscating all privately-owned guns--is to stop enforcing any deportation and ID-checking within a 500-mile radius of Uvalde, since we need undocumented residents to feel safe!" 
  • "Why would any good American need a gun?"  That's what the police are for!
  • "Defund the police.
  • "Know what this tragedy teaches us that we need to do?  Stop using fossil fuels!  Oh, and confiscate civilian-owned guns.  No one needs a gun!

Judge uses her position to get special treatment for her son after attempted murder. Liberals outraged! Until...

Below is a glimpse into how utterly, thoroughly corrupt the legal system in the U.S. has become--totally aided by the Lying Mainstream Media.

In Tallahassee, Florida almost three years ago Justin Haynes went to his girlfriend's home for dinner.  Afterward he got angry with her and said he was going to get his gun from his car.

When he left the room, the girlfriend locked herself in the bedroom with her dog.

Haynes admitted trying several times to pry open the door with a screwdriver. He then retrieved a rifle from his car, and fired two shots through the door, hitting both the girlfriend and her dog.

When police arrived they found the victim in the living room with Haynes and his 3-year-old son.

When questioned by investigators Haynes said he was just defending himself and his son from the victim’s dog, which bit him in the leg as Haynes and the victim were arguing.  But later he admitted that at the time of the shooting the dog was in the bedroom with the victim (i.e. behind the locked door), and that his son was in a separate bedroom with the door closed.
Liberals, CNN, MSNBC, AOC et al:  "Violence against women is horrible!  Throw the book at this guy!"

But wait, it gets more interesting:  The state attorney (who would have prosecuted the shooter) disqualified himself-- because it turns out the shooter was related to a local judge.

Liberals, CNN, MSNBC, AOC et al:  "Just as we thought: the fix is in.  If you're white and connected to a judge or politician you can get away with attempted murder!  Dis just another example of 'white privilege!'

Curiously, the local paper didn't name the judge, nor did it specify how the judge and the perp were related.  This would seem to be yet more evidence that some sort of corrupt influence was at work here.

Even the prosecutor declined to give any details.

Two years later we finally find out the judge was the shooter's mother, and used her position to try to get special treatment for her son.

Despite the judge violating numerous rules of judicial conduct, the board of judicial conduct didn't remove her from the bench.

Liberals, CNN, MSNBC, AOC et al:  "Of course!  It's dat white privilege again!  Unfair!  We need to put an end to white judges using their position to get their kids special treatment!"

Oh, absolutely.  

Wait...does it make a difference if the judge who was pulling strings to rig the system to benefit her murderous son

Liberals, CNN, MSNBC, AOC et al:  "Ah, yes, that changes everything.  This judge is just trying to fight centuries of 'systemic raaacism,' so that's perfectly fine.  All good mothers want to protect their kids, right?  I mean, who are we to criticize, right?"

You probably guessed that since the local paper didn't name the judge or tell how the judge was related to the shooter, the judge was likely a member of a protected class--which also explains why the mainstream media didn't pick up the story.  "Local interest only, citizen.  Nothing unusual or newsworthy here!"   
Now imagine how the Mainstream Media would react if a Republican judge did the same thing.


Transcript by judicial board 

May 24, 2022

Washington Post claims George Floyd was "shot and killed in police custody"

The Washington Post iz run by reel smaht folks.  Dey gots LOTS of "fact checkers" an' "editors" an' sheeit.  Dey always tellin' us 'bout how you can trust ev'rything they say.  Got it?

So since it's been almost two whole weeks since duh Post told ya it was your fault that George Floyd overdosed on fentanyl, touching off an orgy of rioting and arson, last night duh Post decided to remind you yet again about how he died., dis new story has something we never heard before:   Did you know Floyd had been SHOT while in police custody? 

Gosh, it's amazing that we're just now getting that totally inflammatory news, eh?  It's really bizarre that we never heard that before, eh?  It's so weird!



But the Post covered Floyd's death ad nauseum--thousands of articles on every possible aspect over the past two years.  So you'd think the Post's editors would know everything about the case, right?  So if the Post writes "Floyd was shot and killed in police custory," surely they're not making that up, right? much for all those layers and layers of editors and "fact checkers."  Cuz Floyd wasn't shot. 

But...but...but duh Post has LOTS of editors, right?  So how did this get by all those editors?

There's a lesson here:  Don't trust the Mainstream Media.

So-called "liberals" (Democrats) are now calling for anyone who disagrees with Dem policies to be *jailed, or worse*

How badly has the biden*harris regime brainwashed its Democrat supporters?  Enought that so-called "liberals" are now urging that their opponents--like Tucker Carlson or anyone else who disagrees with Democrat policies--be jailed "or worse." 

biden*harris regime decides to "pause" its proposed "Disinformation Governance Board" til after the mid-terms

If you've been too busy working to keep food on you family's table (due to record bidinflation) and trying to raise your kids to stay off drugs, or just trying to keep a job, you may not have known about the biden*harris regime's latest FAAAABULOUS scheme:  A new government agency with the mission of identifying and deleting what they termed "disinformation."

Wait...what criteria determine whether something is considered "disinformation"?  Would that be something like "Trump colluded with Putin to steal the election?"  Or how about "The story about Hunter Biden's laptop is 'Russian disinformation'"?

How about "The 2020 election was the MOST honest and secure in history!!!" ?

Or how about "Higher gasoline prices are entirely 'Putin's price hike'" ?

Or how about "The biggest threat to America in our history is...White Supremacy!!!" ?

Well sure, those are all "disinformation."  But they were all pushed by the biden*harris clusterfu*k.  So why would any rational person want to give that corrupt regime the power to DECREE what would be allowed on the internet, versus what they claimed was "disinformation"? 

The new agency was to be called the "Disinformation Governance Board," but conservatives quickly named the proposed agency the Ministry of Truth (an agency in Orwell's "1984"). 

And if you thought that scheme couldn't possibly be more awful, the person hand-picked to be the arbiter of what would be allowed on social media and the rest of the net was a 30-year-old crazy, self-obsessed liberal drama queen, Nina Jankowicz.

Fortunately America dodged a bullet: the idea touched off a firestorm, and the regime decided to "pause" the idea for now.  Jankowicz was outraged:  "How dare they cancel my wonderful power??  The board was a great idea, but our Dear Leaders were forced to pause it because of false stories--by Republicans--that this would amount to ending free speech or something!  How absurd!"

But don't worry, Democrats:  Your Party's precious Ministry of Truth will be back soon enough.  They'll just pick someone less obviously crazy to head it.

Wait, it gets better.  Now four GOP senators have demanded that DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas turn over all documents related to how his agency decided to create the disinformation board, and whether the idea came from anyone in the White House.

The letter noted that during his recent testimony before the senate Mayorkas accepted sole responsibility for appointing Nina Jankowicz as the executive director of the new agency, and said they were surprised that Mayorkas had claimed to the senate that he was unaware of "her long history of partisan public statements."  As a career government bureaucrat it's hard to believe Mayorkas wouldn't have had his staff thoroughly vet Jankowicz before appointing her--suggesting someone higher up the food chain had chosen her for the position.

The letter also noted that at his senate hearing Mayorkas had promised to turn over to the senate committee all records related to the Board, including those related to its formation and the appointment of Jankowicz, but that DHS hadn't turned over a single document addressing those questions.

The letter then called on Mayorkas to produce all records related to the Disinformation Governance Board, including "any communications with the White House about the formation of the Board or appointment of officials to serve on the Board, and "any legal review to determine whether the activities of the Board would be authorized by the Constitution of the United States."

Prediction: Mayorkas and  DHS will simply ignore this letter, knowing that the Democrats' control of the senate will block any attempt to force the regime to submit to congressional oversight.

It's a classic Democrat behavior patter, exactly like Hilliary's "response" when congress subpoenaed her illegal private email server in her New York home:  even though she knew it had been subpoenaed, she nevertheless sent the server to a Colorado company to have it wiped clean "beyond the possibility of forensic recovery."

Classic.  Brazen, contemptuous defiance.  And they'll continue to do it any time a Democrat official or regime is caught out, since they know the Media won't cover their defiance of legitimate congressional oversight.

If congress can't hold the Dem regime to account, who the hell can?  We're ruled by lawless people.

May 23, 2022

Grade-school kids learn "division," brought to you by corrupt school boards


Our third-graders are being taught that "men can have babies." Meanwhile Chinese kids are learning calculus...


May 22, 2022

Philadelphia school system urges teachers to attend annual "Trans Wellness Center" conference, actually pushes kinky sex

You don't live in Philadelphia.  I don't either, so it looks like both of us got lucky.  But a lot of people do live there.  And a lot of them have children.  And many of those kids are in public schools.

Actually you probably went to a public school, as I did.  So most Americans think "Mine was fine, so how bad can it be just a few years later?"  But somewhere along the way public schools on both coasts and in major Dem-ruled cities, changed, radically.

City Journal has a story by reporter Chris Rufo, who found that last year in Philadelphia the school district's "Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" encouraged teachers to attend a 3-day "Trans Wellness Conference," touted as a way to “learn more about the issues facing the trans community.”

That was the cover Narrative.  Turns out it was a lot more.

The conference was organized by the Mazzoni Center, an LGBTQ activist organization that works with the district.  The school district described its promotion of the conference as part of its commitment to “creating equitable and inclusive environments,” and made no comment on the actual content.

But videos show that the conference organizers interpreted the school district’s soothing euphemism about “issues facing the trans community” very...broadly, with sessions titled “The Adolescent Pathway: Preparing Young People for Gender-Affirming Care,” “Bigger Dick Energy: Life After Masculinizing [a.k.a. sex-change surgery],” “Prosthetics for Sex,” “The Ins and Outs of Masturbation Sleeves,” and “Trans Sex: Banging Beyond Binaries.”

The conference was attended by teachers, activists and adolescents. There were graphic sessions on sex toys which some hosts explicitly promoted to minors. As one session host explained, “there’s no age limit, because I feel like everybody should be able to access certain information.”

The conference is an annual affair in Philly.  This year it's slated for late July.  Does anyone think that after they've been exposed (so to speak), they'll tone it down a bit this year?  Or like most Democrat pols, will they keep doing what they've been doing?

Now, you don't live in Philly, but if you think Philly is the only large, Dem-ruled city that's doing this, think again.  Until the people running far too many school districts are tried and imprisoned for life, this will continue--just like massive election fraud, and for the same reason: No one is being punished for it.

More significantly, they're so confident of being able to get away with everything that they're not even *worried* about that possibility.


Female chair of the congressional black caucus blames Dallas shooting in Korean hair salon on "white supremacy." WChairait...

Last week in Dallas a man with a rifle walked into a Korean-owned hair salon and opened fire.  Cops said he fired 33 rounds, but by some miracle only wounded 3 people.  Sure wasn't for lack of effort.

The Dallas police chief announced that the shooting was "motivated by hate"--which was all the information the race-card players needed.

All the race-baiters immediately picked up on the "motivated by hate" statement, so at a press conference outside the Capitol last Thursday, the chair of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), Democrat Joyce Beatty, announced what the Media was certain was true: the shooter must have been...wait for it...a white supremacist.

Chair of the congressional black caucus, Joyce Beatty (D)

"On Monday three people in a Korean-owned hair salon in Dallas were gunned by yet another White supremacy replacement theorist," Beatty said to the assembled crowd.  "We are sick of the pipeline from racist rhetoric to racist violence," she continued. 

Democrat Joyce Beatty

Yep, raaacist white supremacist, no doubt.  Jus' one tiny problem:  shooter positively identified as...

After being told that the shooter was black, the chair of the Congressional Black Caucus immediately apologized for jumping to such a raaaacist conclusion.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!  If you believed that even for a fraction of a second you must have just waded into this country.  Do enjoy all the benefits the regime will force us hard-working citizens to give you!

Nah, if Beatty apologized, the Mainstream Media didn't pick up on it.  Instead a spokeslesbian for the CBC claimed Beatty's remarks were caused by a "staff error."

That's the predictable move for all Democrats who utter brazen lies, eh?  Always some underling's fault, never the Dem official or president, or VP.  

Source: Moonbattery