May 29, 2022

Young Americans don't know how many states, or the capital of the U.S., or who fought who in our Civil War

American taxpayers pay more per student for K-12 "education" than any other nation.  By far.  So what are we getting for all that damn money, eh?  For a quick and depressing answer, click here to see for yourself.  (Pic below is just a screenshot.)

Lots of the young Americans interviewed thought there were maybe 15 states in the U.S.  Several didn't know the capital.  One didn't even know the U.S. had a capital city.

Then or a ton of laughs, click here and read the comments.

Just FYI:  New York City spends an average of $28,000 per student per year--well over twice the national average.  And try to find out how much the corrupt city pays the head of the city's school system.  The city doesn't want you to know.  They'll tell you the average for all NY chancellors, and the average for all superintendents in the country, and the salary for the one in 2015 and 2017.  But not now.  Curious. 


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