May 26, 2022

Fed up with high gas prices? You ain't seen nothin' yet, thanks to biden and the Democrats

Every order issued by the Biden administration from its first day in office has contributed significantly to last week’s news that the average price for regular gasoline in the U.S. is now over $4.50 per gallon.

And it's crucial to note that every act by the demented biden is totally supported by all Democrat politicians.  He couldn't do any of this without their support.
Every order issued by Biden and the Democrats is intended to reduce the supply of energy in the U.S.  Start with Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline the day he took office.  That act was more shocking than merely the loss of high-paying jobs and an insult to our largest trading partner.  It's the first time to my knowledge that any president has canceled a private-sector project that was already under construction, after getting all required permits.

It's one thing for the government to refuse to issue a permit, but ordering a privately-funded, fully permitted project stopped after construction had begun is unprecedented.

The Obama State Department concluded years ago that the pipeline would have no impact on climate change.  So what was the biden regime's legal argument for canceling the project?

There wasn't one.  Biden canceled the pipeline solely to show his supporters that he sided with them in trying to kil the U.S. oil and gas business.  And you're seeing the results.

Democrats also want to shut down several existing pipelines, such as Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline, under a small stretch of Lake Michigan, that transports more than 500,000 barrels of Canadian oil and petroleum products a day to the United States.

The message to the industry is clear: Don’t even think about proposing a single new pipeline in America.

Ordering construction of the Keystone XL pipeline to be halted was just one act of Democrat hostility to hydrocarbon energy.  The regime also canceled drilling permits already issued by the Interior Department under the Trump administration, and just last week it canceled long-scheduled offshore drilling auctions, killing new offshore exploration and production for the next several years.

If you're a young American you probably don't know how much it costs to heat your parents' home.  Ask your parents if they're ready to pay double for heating their home next winter.  If you're an adult, ask yourself--because thanks to Dem policies you will be.

The only reason gas prices in the U.S. have been kept low is because of increased production of natural gas, due entirely to a technology called "hydraulic fracturing."  (Democrats and the Mainstream Media have shortened that to "fracking.")

Because Democrat pols and their Leftist supporters hate carbon fuels, they want to make natural gas far more expensive, so they want to ban fracking.  But when a regime wants to stop something, it's far easier to do that with punitive rules and regulations instead of issuing a decree banning it.  So biden and the Dems have imposed new rules on hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas production, which will reduce the production of both.

Mission accomplished, for the Democrats.  You'll pay for it--literally--with higher prices, due to the iron laws of supply and demand.

Yet another way the Democrats can kill U.S. energy output is by ordering federal agencies that have never had jurisdiction over oil and gas production to ORDER new rules imposing costly new reporting requirements on energy companies.  Thus Biden and the Dems want the f'n Securities and Exchange Commission to force energy companies to submit reports on how producing their product affects the climate.  

Obviously every million dollars the Democrats force energy companies to spend compiling "reports" to the SEC is money that can't be spent on exploration.  And when exploration drops, what do you think happens to the amount of energy produced?

The Democrats know this.  It's why they're pushing this requirement.  They *want* to make carbon-based energy so expensive that unreliable forms will be made competitive.

Democrats have also signaled to banks that the banks shouldn't loan money for oil and gas exploration.  This is cunningly camouflaged as “environment, sustainability and governance” (ESG).  You've probably seen this acronym, and you'll see it a lot more.  And not surprisingly, banks have gotten the message, and are reducing lending for oil and gas exploration.

But as the price of oil, gasoline and natural gas continue to rise, to avoid losing more seats in the midterm elections the biden regime (and Democrat pols) have to make voters *think* they're actually trying to INcrease production.  Thus we have biden's hand-picked Energy Secretary, the notoriously stupid and corrupt Jennifer Granholm, telling the oil and gas industry to ignore the administration’s attacks.

“We are on war footing,” she told industry leaders a few weeks ago. “That means you producing more right now if and when you can.  In this moment of crisis, we need more supply.”

Except every action taken by the regime *reduces* the supply of oil and gas.  Example: Democrat pols are calling for **price controls on gasoline and diesel.**

If you think that sounds like a great idea, check out an Econ textbook and look up what happens to the supply of any product when the government orders that that product can't be sold for more than X.

Spoiler: "Price ceilings" directly cause shortages.  In which case the Democrats will order rationing as sure as night follows day.

Democrat pols are the same creatures who just a few years ago said it was impossible to “drill our way” to energy independence.  Simply not possible, citizen!  But then under Trump, somehow we were able to produce enough energy to fulfill U.S. demand.

Wait, didn't the Democrats say that was impossible?  The emperor Obama himself said it was "silly" to think that was possible--a statement fully endorsed by the Lying Mainstream Media and all the elites at Hahvahd.

But now that the Democrats run every branch of government (yes, including the courts), they're ending all that.  And you'll all pay for it.  So be sure to thank 'em in November.


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