May 29, 2022

When biden's Sec. of Education is asked if males should compete in girls' sports, he carefully disguises the answer

Biden's hand-picked secretary of "education" is a slimy, dodgy, corrupt POS named Miguel Cardona, who headed the corrupt, dysfunctional New York City school system.  In the clip below he's asked a simple question: "Do you support biological males competing in girls' sports?"

Watch his response closely.  He says "I believe all students should have access to sport."

By carefully, cunningly wording his "answer" this way, he's reiterating the biden regime's insane policy of forcing every school in the nation to let males competing in girls' sports.  But instead of stating that outrageous policy plainly, he cunningly phrases his answer to make it seem as though anyone who objects to biological males competing against girls is being cruelly DENIED "access to sport."

That, of course, is horseshit.  Males--even mentally ill ones--are welcome to compete in school sports.  Against other males.

The person questioning Cardona then summarizes the regime's position: "So you believe biological males should be able to compete in girls' sports."

Cardona: "I believe I've answered the question."

Questioner: "No, you haven't.  It's a simple question."

Even after the prepared questioner has pinned him down and taken away any "wiggle room," Cardona won't give a yes or no answer, but says "Do I believe transgender GIRLS should have access to sports?  Yes I do"--carefully avoiding the admission that the students he's calling "girls" are actually males claiming to be girls..

Now, I realize that our nation is struggling with problems far more serious than this one.  I merely bring this to your attention because it shows pretty clearly how slimy and dodgy the regime is.  They want to be unfair to girls by forcing them to compete against stronger males, but don't want to openly admit that this is their policy.  It's sneaky.  Underhanded.  Slimy.

If you corrupt bastards think this is such a great damn policy, why not be HONEST about it, and let voters decide if they agree?

We all know the answer to that question. 


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