Public school stages "drag queen" show in school auditorium; teacher who organized it says drop dead
Saw a story today that a public school (carefully un-named) in the Hempfield school district (Lancaster, Pennsylvania) hosted a performance *in the school* by four "drag queens"--described as "professional dancers" who weren't students.
The performance was billed as an after-school event connected to the school's "Gay Sexuality Alliance Club."
Keep in mind this is the same nation where a few years ago Democrat-ruled school systems DECREED that they would not let students meet anywhere on school grounds either before or after school--to pray.
See, the problem the Dems have with that was that the students wanted to pray, rather than, say, learning how to cross-dress.
Because the drag-queen show was supposedly initiated by a *student organization,* the school didn't see any need to notify parents. See how that works? "Totally done by the students, citizens. We din' know nuffin' 'bout it! Reely! And no, we're not gonna let you interview any of the students who attended cuz we are absolutely determined to safeguard personal info of all students, cuz we're reeely ethical and moral like that."
After photos and video of the show were posted online and parents saw the show, most weren't pleased. So the school and district immediately went into cover-your-ass mode: According to a statement by school district officials, dey din' know nuffin 'bout draggy queens. But never fear, citizen: Dey has stahted an ennn-vestigation!
The district has refused to name the teacher who served as faculty sponsor for the "Gay Sexuality Alliance Club" but did say one person was been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation. That means they get paid but don't have to show up.
Someone in the school district hierarchy quickly issued a statement apologizing to students, parents, and the community.
“We are appalled at what took place and in no way condone this type of activity in our schools. Neither the dress of the invited guests nor the performance was appropriate in our school setting.
"We are taking the incident seriously....
"It is important that you trust us....
"We gonna investigate dis reel gud an' will hold those involved accountable...
No, you won't. You'll dodge and deflect and refuse to take questions. You'll go do great lengths to discredit and intimidate any whistleblowers, cuz no "superintendent" is willing to lose his or her $250,000 salary. C'mon, man, the report has already been written, and here it is: "No teacher or staff member approved this event. Instead it seems to have been planned entirely by the students. No, we won't name the students who run the Gay Sexuality Alliance Club, cuz federal law (which we always obey, eh?) says we can't do that. (Really?) Yes, we realize that prevents you from asking 'em questions. Tough."
"In any case we don't keep records on officers of student organizations,, cuz we don't want people questioning us. You'll just have to trust us. Cuz have we ever tried to get away with stuff like this before? Perish the thought!
Tellingly, the teacher who enabled the club to put on the event was totally unapologetic. According to “Libs of Tik Tok” she released a statement on social media expressing her delight that the event had taken place.
“I don’t know how to explain the joy I feel when these queens come take time out of their busy schedules to perform for us (year 3!) and to be with my students,” the statement proclaimed. “As GSA co-advisor and a queer teacher, it makes me emotional to think of this space we have created. I would have loved nothing more than to have a space like they have, an opportunity to attend their own drag show.”
One more interesting note: the teacher's tweet implies that this is the third year in a row that this show has been put on--which makes it far harder for the school district to reasonably claim it knew nothing about the event.
If any local "newz" outlet wanted to learn the truth (they don't), here's an idea: Ask the student president of the "Gay Sexuality Alliance Club" whether their faculty sponsor had any...shall we say, input to choosing the "entertainment" for the event. Ask the student if the school paid any part of the cost of the "professional" dancers.
Then find out if the teacher/sponsor cleared this...unique... entertainment with the principal or anyone up the power chart. If so, ask the supervisory person what he or she knew about the event beforehand.
But of course, none of that will be done. No one will be fired. It's all just a perfectly normal day in public ed. But don't you DARE say we're pushing a gay or trans agenda, citizen!