April 30, 2022

Public school stages "drag queen" show in school auditorium; teacher who organized it says drop dead

Saw a story today that a public school (carefully un-named) in the Hempfield school district (Lancaster, Pennsylvania) hosted a performance *in the school* by four "drag queens"--described as "professional dancers" who weren't students.

The performance was billed as an after-school event connected to the school's "Gay Sexuality Alliance Club."

Keep in mind this is the same nation where a few years ago Democrat-ruled school systems DECREED that they would not let students meet anywhere on school grounds either before or after school--to pray.

See, the problem the Dems have with that was that the students wanted to pray, rather than, say, learning how to cross-dress.

Because the drag-queen show was supposedly initiated by a *student organization,* the school didn't see any need to notify parents.  See how that works?  "Totally done by the students, citizens.  We din' know nuffin' 'bout it!  Reely!  And no, we're not gonna let you interview any of the students who attended cuz we are absolutely determined to safeguard personal info of all students, cuz we're reeely ethical and moral like that."

After photos and video of the show were posted online and parents saw the show, most weren't pleased.  So the school and district immediately went into cover-your-ass mode:  According to a statement by school district officials, dey din' know nuffin 'bout draggy queens.  But never fear, citizen: Dey has stahted an ennn-vestigation!

The district has refused to name the teacher who served as faculty sponsor for the "Gay Sexuality Alliance Club" but did say one person was been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation.  That means they get paid but don't have to show up.

Someone in the school district hierarchy quickly issued a statement apologizing to students, parents, and the community.

“We are appalled at what took place and in no way condone this type of activity in our schools. Neither the dress of the invited guests nor the performance was appropriate in our school setting.
   "We are taking the incident seriously....
   "It is important that you trust us....
   "We gonna investigate dis reel gud an' will hold those involved accountable...

No, you won't.  You'll dodge and deflect and refuse to take questions.  You'll go do great lengths to discredit and intimidate any whistleblowers, cuz no "superintendent" is willing to lose his or her $250,000 salary.  C'mon, man, the report has already been written, and here it is:  "No teacher or staff member approved this event.  Instead it seems to have been planned entirely by the students.  No, we won't name the students who run the Gay Sexuality Alliance Club, cuz federal law (which we always obey, eh?) says we can't do that.  (Really?)  Yes, we realize that prevents you from asking 'em questions.  Tough."

"In any case we don't keep records on officers of student organizations,, cuz we don't want people questioning us.  You'll just have to trust us.  Cuz have we ever tried to get away with stuff like this before?  Perish the thought! 

Tellingly, the teacher who enabled the club to put on the event was totally unapologetic. According to “Libs of Tik Tok” she released a statement on social media expressing her delight that the event had taken place.

“I don’t know how to explain the joy I feel when these queens come take time out of their busy schedules to perform for us (year 3!) and to be with my students,” the statement proclaimed. “As GSA co-advisor and a queer teacher, it makes me emotional to think of this space we have created.  I would have loved nothing more than to have a space like they have, an opportunity to attend their own drag show.”

One more interesting note: the teacher's tweet implies that this is the third year in a row that this show has been put on--which makes it far harder for the school district to reasonably claim it knew nothing about the event.

If any local "newz" outlet wanted to learn the truth (they don't), here's an idea: Ask the student president of the "Gay Sexuality Alliance Club" whether their faculty sponsor had any...shall we say, input to choosing the "entertainment" for the event.  Ask the student if the school paid any part of the cost of the "professional" dancers.  

Then find out if the teacher/sponsor cleared this...unique... entertainment with the principal or anyone up the power chart.  If so, ask the supervisory person what he or she knew about the event beforehand.

But of course, none of that will be done.  No one will be fired.  It's all just a perfectly normal day in public ed.  But don't you DARE say we're pushing a gay or trans agenda, citizen!



April 29, 2022

80% of all dollars in circulation have been printed in the last two years-- causing record inflation

If you just arrived on this planet you may not have heard that the United States is struggling with the highest level of inflation in 41 years.

If you're under age 60 or so, you really don't know what that means.  You know even less about WHY it's happening--and the Democrat Party and their friends in the Mainstream Media are perfectly happy to make sure you don't find out.

While there are many contributing factors that cause inflation, far and away the largest factor is when a government prints lots and lots of paper money.  Governments do this if they  have to fight big wars, or if they want to hand out "free" money to voters after some catastrophe--including catastrophic policies and decisions by that same government.

To keep prices reasonably stable a government shouldn't increase the money supply more than the yearly percentage increase in the value of goods and services.  Increase the money supply by more than that, and the result is inflation.

But in the last year, for some reason the gubmint has printed a LOT more currency than the increase in the value of goods and services.

So how much more currency did "your" gubmint print?  Well, between 1 Feb of 2020 and Feb of 2022, the total value of goods and services only increased by about two percent or so.  So how much do ya think the gubmint increased the amount of currency in circulation during the same period?  A rational target would have been two percent or so.  So how much do you think the gubmint expanded the amount of currency by?  

Five percent?  Ten percent?

Brace yourselves: The amount of currency in circulation today is five-HUNDRED percent more than in February of 2020.

"WAIT!"  I hear my smart-but-ignorant liberal friends saying "Dis not true!  Dis fake newz!  Our Dear Leader would NEVAH do dat!  You lie!"

Ah, the screams of denial from the passengers on an airliner about to get an unpleasant reunion with Mother Earth.  That's one of the stages of coping with impending death.  But what, me worry?  Take a look at the graph below:

"WAIT!" my sophisticated, Hahvahd-educated Dem friends purr, "Dis graph bees from some right-wing 'disinformation' conspiracy website!  Yeah, dat's it!  So dis bees 'disinformation'!  Our Dear Leader warned us about 'disinformation'!  PLUS, inflation is GOOD!  Our president said so!  And our brilliant VP agreed!  Besides, if you choose to argue that inflation is bad, we'll counter that it's transient. "

Democrats  certainly WISH this graph was fake, eh?  Except the graph and the info is from the damn Board of Governors of the U.S. Federal Reserve System.  

Still think it's a fake, Democrats?

To review: 80 percent of the paper money in circulation today was printed in the last two years.  And THIS is the main cause of the inflation you're seeing.

Of course the Democrat party--like the biden regime--blames record inflation NOT on Democrat policies but on greedy industries.   This is a cunning lie to voters, to deflect blame from Dem policies..  While a percent of the record inflation might be due to industries having to out-bid international competitors for scarce raw materials, the biggest driver by far is five times more currency chasing an essentially fixed amount of goods.  

 But Dems and the Left know that with the help of the Mainstream Media, roughly half of all voters will believe that the record inflation is due to "businesses making too much profit.”

At the start of 2020 there was $4.0192 trillion in circulation. By January 2021, when the faux president was "inaugurated" after a year of Democrat-imposed lockdowns--that number had jumped to $6.7 trillion.  But if you think that's worrisome, consider this:

By November of 2021--just ten months after the bidenfail regime was installed--the amount of currency in circulation had climbed to $20.354 trillion dollars.  So since January 2020, the United States has printed nearly 80% of all US dollars in existence. 

This is according to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and not some conspiracy theory.

Now, time to show young Americans what inflation does: It destroys the value of savings.

Take a look at a thing called "history." After the first world war the economy of Germany had a hard time getting re-started, so the leaders of Germany reasoned like this: "We're the leaders, so we must be smart, right?  And government owns the printing presses, right?  So why don't we just print as much paper money as we want?  What could go wrong with that?

Well, take a look:

Now, one of the things you should have noticed is that the vertical axis uses a "log" scale, so each tick-mark is TEN times more the one below it.  So from mid 1922 to the end of 1923--a mere 18 months--the value of the German mark--thus of any savings-- dropped by a factor of ten BILLION.

Unless you're really fluent with numbers, such vast factors are hard to grasp, so here's an example: If a hard-working, prudent German family had managed to save a breathtaking 100,000 deutschmarks by mid 1922, then a mere18 months later that entire fortune was worth just 1/100,000 of ONE mark.

Starting to get it yet?

Liberals: "Dis nevah happen!  Dis fake newz!  Disinformation!  You lie!"

The Mainstream Media doesn't want you to know any of this.  But it's a fact.  History.



April 28, 2022

Democrats pushing to have bidenfail "cancel" $50,000 in student loan debt--pure bribery

Did you or your parents work hard to send you to college?  Maybe you had high enough scores to get into an Ivy-league school but the cost was so high that you chose a small state U close to home, to cut down costs.

Did you get student loans to make it work?

Did you pay off those loans?  If your parents had some disposable income left at the end of tax season, perhas they gave you a gift to help.  If so, congratulations.

Now because you've been prudent, realistic and hard-working, and paid off, say, $10,000 in student loans, your fake president and the members of his socialist Party have decided to give you a reward: 

They're planning to make you and your parents pay off $50,000 in student loans for their supporters--many of whom went to Ivy-league universities.  So it's only fair that your parents help out these po', po' oppressed chillens.  And the beauty of it is, you and your parents won't have a choice:  The "reward" will come out of your and your parents' income taxes.


See, the Democrat Party ("The Party") claims they're all about "fairness."  So it's only fair that you and your parents help deez po' kidz wif' dere student loans from getting degrees in African studies or "gender studies" from Hahvahd.

Democrat senate bribe-master Chuck Schumer said sainted, installed resident Biden is getting closer to canceling up to $50,000 in student loan debt for every po' oppressed student who was forced to take out a student loan.  Of course this is nothing more than a bribe to win votes, and is totally unconstitutional.  But bidenfail will get it, either thru three RINO morons voting with the Dems, or if not, by "executive action."

Wait...do I hear some of you saying "It's not fair that I worked my ass off (often with your parents helping) to repay MY student loans, but now the Biden regime is gonna make me and my parents pay off $50,000 in some *slacker's* loans?  This is nuts!  This is the kind of thing a totalitarian regime does.

Of course you're right.  And with that and four bucks you can buy an overpriced cup of Starbux.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) speaks during a press conference about student debt outside the U.S. Capitol.

See, duh bidenfail regime know that over 43 million Americans owe a total of about $1.75 trillion in student loan debt, a number that has nearly doubled in the past decade.  So communists like AOC and others in the so-called "progressive wing" of The Party have been pushing bidenfail to use "executive action" to cancel $50,000 in student loan debt.

In an effort to fend off bad publicity last year, Biden didn't support their proposal.  But in an effort to minimize Dem losses, biden's handlers have told him this is a winnah.

GOP senators countered, saying "The majority of Americans do not have college degrees.  So why should they be forced to pay off the student loans of wealthier college students?  This is nothing more than a bribe--a taxpayer-funded handout to appease far-left activists."


Bet you didn't hear about this: In California, illegal alien drug addict murders his 3 daughters during "supervised visit"

Here's a story you won't see anywhere else:  In California last month a drunk, drug-addicted illegal alien killed his 3 daughters--ages 13, 10 and 9--during a "supervised visit."  He also killed the adult who was "supervising" the visit.

You never heard about it because the Lying Mainstream Media--which is where y'all get all your "newz"--claims stories like this are "local interest only."

But the real reason the Lying National Media won't carry this ghastly story is that it contradicts so many key elements of the Democrat party's Narrative:  a) that illegal aliens are good for the U.S.; b) that "sanctuary states" that prohibit their police (at all levels) from cooperating with federal immigration authorities are a good thing; c) that restraining orders against drug addicts keep victims safe from the person who eventually kills them; and d) that releasing addicts and drunk drivers without penalty--and even without having to post bail-- is a good thing.

The story: A year ago David Mora's common-law wife sought a domestic violence restraining order against him.  In court documents she claimed he was mentally unstable.  The court granted a restraining order, to last five years.

Five days before murdering the 4 victims Mora--who was in the U.S. illegally--was arrested for drunk driving, resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer.  The arrest alerted ICE, but thanks to California's "sanctuary state" law, the arresting office was barred from notifying ICE of Mora's release date.

And thanks to the Democrats' "hip" bail laws, he was indeed quickly released, with no penalty or restrictions.  Cuz Dems think criminals should all be released without having to post any bail. (Unless they harm or threaten a Democrat politician, of course.)

And five days later Mora murdered his 3 daughters and one adult, then killed himself.

The people of California had many chances to kick this monster out of the country, or to keep him in jail or in a mental hospital.  The deliberate, with malice aforethought, put those options off limits.  And now the headlines--only in local papers, of course--are all screaming that the murders were because we don't have tight enough gun laws.

Stupid, stupid people.  Once this drug-addicted wacko decided to kill his daughters, he could have used a knife or a hammer or his bare hands.  The gun didn't do it.  The drug addict did--with the crucial help of the morons who populate (and steal elections in) California.  Hope you dumb bastards can't sleep at night for thinking about these poor murdered girls.

Wait, what am I thinking?!  They're Democrats, who simply do not believe that their dumb policies result in thousands of innocent victims being killed each year.

Source 1: local CBS station

Source 2: local ABC station 



biden regime has established a "Disinformation Governance" board, to censor posts it doesn't like

With Elon Musk having offered to buy Twatter--one of the Left's biggest supporters--the biden*harris regime needed to have a counterattack ready right away.  And they've done just that.

Bidenfail's "Department of Homeland (In-)Security has created an official gruberment "board" to censor any post or speech it doesn't like.  But of course if they named it a "government censorship board" some silly conservative judge might claim such a board was unConstitutional or something.

Never fear, the regime's handlers have found the solution: they've named this censoring board the "Disinformation Governance Board."

See, they've heard the First Amendment says "Congress shall make no law limiting freedom of speech," or some such blather.  They know they can't get that repealed, but they also know they don't NEED to.  All they have to do to avoid alarming the sheep is to call speech or posts they don't like "disinformation."

For years, the Left bleated that Twatter and Fakebook had the absolute right to delete any posts they didn't like, and to either lock or cancel accounts of people who posted those things.  And in the ultimate reveal of their communist colors, both told users that in order to get their accounts unlocked, the user had to delete the "offensive" post himself!

"We're not deleting ANYTHING, citizen!  Perish the thought!  These people deleted their OWN posts, because they knew they were posting 'disinformation.'  See?"

So according to the Left censorship was totally fine, provided it wasn't done by the gruberment itself.  See the diff?

But now that the regime is faced with the possibility of one of its biggest social media supporters being bought by a man committed to free speech, the regime has dropped the mask and set up a naked censoring agency.

It's brazen, in-your-face censorship, but moronic, corrupt Democrats in congress will support it--because it benefits their party.

If you think this is an unfair analysis, imagine how the Lying Mainstream Media would have reacted if Trump had done this!

The media would correctly call this censorship.  But when it's done by a Dem regime it's simply "an attempt to combat “misinformation.”   Clever, eh?

biden's head of "Homeland Security"--the open-borders stooge Alejandro Mayorkas--revealed the existence of the new censorship board yesterday.  He said the “just established” board would help reduce domestic threats to the United States.

Notice that accidental reveal: according to the communist Mayorkas, the only folks who post "misinformation" are domestic extremists, not Leftists.

Nina Jankowicz, who's been working for the Left at the Wilson Center, confirmed reports that she would direct the board.  And echoing the bullshit uttered by Mayorkas, she claimed the board was created to “protect free speech."

It's classic: "We will delete posts we don't like, to "protect free speech."  To a Democrat that makes perfect sense.

George Orwell, call your office.

In October 2020 Jankowicz testified to a corrupt congressional committee that “disinformation is a threat to democracy.”  She claimed government should combat ”domestic disinformation.”

There's that telltale again: This bitch is only concerned about "domestic disinformation."  Translation: free speech threatens the power of the Dem party.

So who will decide which internet posts are considered "domestic disinformation," eh?  And based on what set of rules?

"Well, we won't actually have a written set of rules, since disinformation can take so many forms.  But we'll know it when we see it."

Ah, so you'll censor anything you don't like.  Typical fascist move, like every other Dem policy.  Got it.

If you want to know what an utter con-job this is, read Jankowicz's own words 

“Election meddling wasn’t the only reason Donald Trump won the [2016] election, but it was a significant contributing factor”

She goes on to write that Trump used the term “fake news” to “describe any narrative they [sic] find politically inconvenient.” Ah, just like Twatter, eh, you fascist bitch?

According to Jankowicz, any efforts to ensure elections are honest--that signatures on mailed-in ballots are authentic, and that only U.S. citizens vote, and that people don't vote twice, etc--are "thuggery."  Just before the 2020 U.S. election she wrote a piece  in leftist rag The Atlantic titled “Trump’s Version of Poll Watching Sounds Like Thuggery.” 

She even considers conservatives urging other conservatives to run for local seats on "election boards" to be ourrageous, writing “I feared this would happen when the Trump campaign injected violence into election observation last year. Now, far from just sending observers, they’re infecting the process itself.”

"Infecting the process," ya say?  And Trump "inject[ing] violence into election observation," ya say?  Funny, the only violence that made onto the leftist-ruled "news" was cops in Dem-ruled shitholes throwing conservative poll-watchers out, and letting Dem election workers block the windows with cardboard so watchers couldn't see the massive fraud going on.

So...no surprise that biden's handlers selected this fascist bitch to run the new censorship board, eh?  Say, you don't think she's biased toward Dems, do ya?  Nah, just like the newest "supreme court" justice who refused to define "woman," but is black and female, this Jankowicz tool is perfect to head the new agency created to censor posts by conservatives.

Hey, FJB and you too, fascist.



April 26, 2022

Tranny NPR reviewer gushes over novel by tranny author that features J.K. Rowling being killed

In my younger days I used to listen to a left-wing propagtanda outlet called "NPR."  All Leftist propaganda, all the time.  But it was so HIP.  ALL the "cool kids" listened to NPR, because...well, it was Lefist, meaning cool, and...all the other cool kids listened to it, so...you get it.

Of course in wanting to keep being "cool" to the Democrats who listen to it, NPR (like every other government-funded entity), has gradually gone so FAR to the left that the "network" recently aired a gushing review--by a female claiming to be male--of a novel--by a male claiming to be female--in which one plot element features real author J.K Rowling dying in a fire--as a positive event!

Here's a pic of the male-claiming-to-be-female author of the novel NPR slobbered over, which should give you a good idea of the author's agenda:

So why would author Gretchen Felker-Martin want to see fellow author J.K. Rowling die in a fire--and describe it in a positive way?

It's because as noted, Felker-Martin is a tranny, and J.K. Rowling has said there are only two sexes and that simply declaring that one is now a member of the opposite sex doesn't make it so  And as you might imagine, for uttering this "heresy" Rowling has been condemned by the Left.

That's the same Left that screams that we all must "follow the Science!"

So naturally NPR chose one of its hundreds of tranny staffers--a female claiming to be male, Liam McBain--to review her fellow-tranny's novel.

See, NPR helps uplift the rubes in flyover country who aspire to urban leftist sophistication, by embracing every leftist position being pushed by the Democrat party--especially all things LGBTQ. 

McBain summarizes the plot "as a faction of authoritarian trans-exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs) slowly taking over the Eastern seaboard, killing trans people."  And then for those still unclear on the author's (and NPR's) agenda, adds "Told from a trans perspective."

The New York Post quotes Felker-Martin bragging about "writing 'the most disgusting books in the English language."  But to the leftists at NPR, the book is worth devoting airtime to--and to praise it, not criticize it.

Tranny (female to male) NPR reviewer McBain loved it--as did NPR's producers and editors.

Starting to understand things yet?  Starting to understand why biden appointed a tranny to head the "health division" of the department of Health and Human Services?

NPR reviewer McBain: who better than a trans reviewer to review a book by a trans author, eh?

April 25, 2022

biden chief of staff claims Macron's "win" after 36% approval rating shows how biden can be re-elected

White House Chief of Staff Ronald Klain claimed Emmanuel Macron's surprising "re-election"--after having a record-low 36% approval rating!--shows biden can do the same in 2024.

Despite a stunningly low approval rating of 36 percent just before yesterday's election, the "official" tally showed Macron receiving an astronomically unlikely 58.54 percent of the votes, 

This is as plausible as claiming biden really got 81 million votes from living people voting legally--far more than the guity-white-elected Obozo.  That isn't even remotely plausible, and every day more evidence of massive Dem election fraud surfaces. 

So back to Ron Klain, and you can see the leading edge of the strategy for--not 2024, but for the mid-term election in November:  Opinion polls are showing huge (64-36) dislike for the Dems' policies.  But Klain points to the results in France to make it seem normal for a president with a 36% approval rating to win by 13 percentage points, 58.5% to 45%.

Now, if U.S. polling showed that biden and the Dems were only underwater by a couple of percent, one wouldn't be shocked at a Dem win.  After all, polls have a margin of error, eh?  But this French election--eagerly cited by Klain--just isn't plausible.

So you can see the Narrative forming: In the two weeks before the November elections, Democrat-friendly polls will show the gap narrowing, perhaps to 55-45.  Other, more honest polls will still show 64-36 or so, but of course those won't get any airtime or print coverage.  Then magically (!), the Dems will end up only losing a few seats.  

The Mainstream Media will hail it as a huge indicator of support for Dem policies, like open borders, "universal basic income," more censorship by social media, higher gas taxes, the need for more trannies in K-6, the importance of making all U.S. military vehicles all-electric; eliminating the filibuster; federalizing control of elections; closing off more federal lands to oil/gas exploration; legalizing all drugs; "green new deal," the entire armada.

Yeah, cuz it's really plausible that a 28-point deficit in honest polls could become a 13-point win for the Dems, eh?  Just like France.  If it happened there, could happen here too, right?   


April 24, 2022

Biden doesn't know the difference between Title 42 (which he has ordered be junked) and the "mask mandate"

If you pay attention to national events--you DO pay attention to national events, right?

(sigh) No, you don't.  Not really.  You're too busy raising your kids, or passing college courses, or working an entry-level job to keep up with your car payments, or whatever.  And I don't blame you a bit.  But while you're busy, the nation is going down the tubes, fast.

So let's start over:  Do you know what Title 42 is?  If so, explain it aloud in one sentence.

Yeah, well--if you're not sure, don't feel bad.  No one outside DC knows either.

Title 42 is a part of U.S. law that allows Customs and Immigration to turn would-be illegal immigrants around at the border, without letting 'em enter the U.S, if they haven't taken the covid jab.

Of course duh gruberment is yellin' "If'n you don't take duh jab y'all gonna DIE!  And worse yet, you're gonna kill everyone else cuz of your stubbornness!"  So...if dey worried 'bout dat, how can duh bidenfail regime bring in two million future Dem voters this year?

Fo' sure they don' wanna let Title 42 interrupt their grand plan.  So...by executive DECREE, Porridgebrain simply cancelled Title 42.  

Oh, 'scuse me:  Porridge didn' cancel it.  He "lifted" it.  Cuz dat way bettah den "canceling," cuz dat suggest Porridge bees canceling laws n' stuff.  An' a few right-wing extremists say duh Konstitution say duh preznit cain't do dat.  So...he "lifted it." Now no problem.  Way bettah.

But now a couple of duh Dem big-wigs be thinkin', "Dis might cost us a few tousand votes in November, cuz some voterz maybee tinkin' bout how jus' a week ago duh regime be orderin' 'Merkins to wear dem masks on dem planes n' sheeit, but now dey gonna let any illegal in even if dey gots duh Chyna virus?  Oooh, dat might not look good!   Optics, baby.

Now, dey know dey can easily offset dat--simple as changin' a seven to a nine!  Hey, 81 million votes, right?  Got even mo' den Obama!  But maybee it bettah--safer--to jus' not "lift" Title 42 until we safely past duh Novembah 'lection.  Yeah, dat bettah.

So duh bigwigs tell dey frens in duh Media, "We prolly not gonna lift Title 42 right now.  So...last Thursday, at the end of some sort of pony show, a reporter called out to Porridge, “Are you considering delaying Title 42?”  Meaning delay junking 'scuse me: "lifting it."

Problem is, Porridge not sure what Title 42 is.  He t'ink Title 42 bees his ORDER dat ebryone who wanna fly gotta wear mask.  He heard dat a judge done rule dat his agency, duh CDC, passing along his order dat ebryone gots to wear duh mask on duh plane, exceeded its power.  An' Porridge, he tell his DOJ to appeal dat judge order, so "extend duh mask mandate."

So Porridge t'ink "Title 42" is about dat court case.

See, dat bees totally reasonable, citizen!  Cuz Title 42 and duh order 'bout wearin' masks on planes both have sumpin' to do wif duh Chyna virus.  An' dey names sound so much alike: "Title 42" and "mask mandate."  So much alike dat anyone could confuse the two.

An' Porridge did, responding, “No, what I’m considering is continuing to hear from my, my — first of all, there’s going to be an appeal by the Justice Department because as a matter of principle, we want to be able to be in a position where if in fact it is strongly concluded by the scientists that we need Title 42, that we be able to do that. But there has been no decision on extending Title 42.”

But hey, Porridgebrain bees *real busy.*  Lotsa reely impo'tant decisions to make.  So don't t'ink Porridge be confused or such.  He sharp!  Reely sharp!  Jus' one o' dem "brain hiccup" things.  Duh Democrats gots everyt'ing under control.  Reely.

So nex' time yo' worry 'bout what happnin' to duh economy or such, jus' t'ink about duh reeely sharp Dem team we gots runnin' t'ings.  An' remember to vote Dem in Novembah!

Cuz elections have consequences.  Sometimes bad ones.

April 23, 2022

"Wind farms" kill birds. Dilemma for "environmentally friendly" Democrats!

Headline in Washington Post: "Energy company to pay up to $35 million after turbines killed eagles"

By U.S. law, eagles are protected.  It's illegal to kill them.  But it's been known for decades that big power-generating windmills--with blade tips traveling 200 miles per hour--kill birds.

Lots of birds: one group estimated between 150,000 and 300,000 per year.  And among those are eagles.

This puts Democrats in a dilemma: They LOVE windmills cuz windmills support one of the Democrat party's top crusades: fighting "global warming" by reducing CO2 emissions.  But if too many voters learn that windmills kill up to 300,000 birds every year, the Dems risk losing some votes.

Oooh, can't have that, eh?

Cynics might also point out that pushing policies that kill protected species breaks U.S. law, but of course breaking "laws"--whether those governing storing classified material on a Democrat server or accepting illegal campaign contributions from foreign donors--is never a concern for Democrats since they're protected by the Mainstream Media.  

So if a few hundred eagles are killed each year by windmills, the fact that there's a law protecting eagles doesn't bother the Dems at all.  The problem is that they don't want to look *too* contemptuous about one of their pet projects killing lots of eagles because it might cost them some votes.

Oooh, what to do now?  Can't let bird-loving Dem voters know that our faaaabulous "green energy" windmills kill up to 300,000 birds every year, but we need to constantly push dat faaabulous wind power or a few tens of thousands of "green" voters might stay home in November.

Ah, solution!  Find just ONE wind energy company that doesn't donate much to our party, get 'em to admit killing a few eagles and hit 'em with an impressive, headline-making fine!  Then both bird-lovers and greenies love us!

So the biden regime's DOJ has pressured one American wind-energy company--ESI Energy--to admit that its "environmentally friendly" wind turbines have killed at least 150 bald and golden eagles at just three of its facilities in Wyoming and New Mexico, and agree to pay an
$8 million fine.  

But to make the biden regime's so-called "justice department" look like this was an even bigger penalty (i.e. that the regime was really working hard to keep wind-energy companies from killing birds protected by some quaint "law"), WaPo headline writer bumped this up to "...company to pay *up to* $35 million."  I'll explain the "up to" part below.

In March 2019 ESI decided to build a wind-turbine "farm" (described by the Post as "wind power facilities") in Wyoming.  As part of the permit process the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service noted that there were an “unusually high number” of golden-eagle nests in the area, and warned that "up to 44 golden eagles and 23 bald eagles could collide with a turbine blade within the first five years."

That last quote is from the Post.  Note how the author used the phrase "collide with a turbine blade" instead of the far more accurate "could be killed."  

ESI moved forward with the project anyway.  And as it turns out, the FWS estimate of bird fatalities was far too low, as in the two years the windmills have been operating they've killed 150 eagles instead of the estimated 67.

A spokeswhore for duh DOJ said “For more than a decade, ESI has violated [eagle-protecting federal] laws, taking [?sic] eagles without obtaining or even seeking the necessary permit.”  

Note how "killing" is carefully altered to the much less emotional "taking."  As in, taking a picture.  Taking a vacation.

As part of a plea agreement, ESI agreed to pay $8 million in fines.  Here's the kicker: "The company has also agreed to implement up to $27 million in measures to minimize future eagle injuries and deaths, prosecutors said."

Those "measures" were carefully not specified.  Gosh, that seems...odd, cuz you know the Environmental Justice Division of the DOJ wants to look like the great enforcer of environmental laws and savior of doomed eagles, eh?  So you'd think that if what ESI proposed in "measures to minimize future eagle injuries and deaths" were...uh...halfway effective, the EJD of the DOJ would have bragged about how well they were doing in enforcing federal law and saving the eagles, right?

Eh, probably doesn't matter.  At least the DOJ law-enforcers said that from now on ESI will pay $29,623 for each bald or golden eagle killed by its "environmentally-friendly" wind turbines.

The DOJ added that the settlement agreement gives the company three years to apply for permits for any "unavoidable killing of eagles."

Note that psychological nudge: "unavoidable."  I mean, how can any good Democrat blame wind turbines for killing eagles if even the DOJ itself says that's "unavoidable," eh?  And it's just coincidence that Rebecca Kujawa, president of ESI parent NextEra, criticized the government’s enforcement policy, saying some animal deaths are “unavoidable” with wind turbines.  So there ya go.

Unfortunately the eagles haven't found a way to sue.

Kujawa again:  “Unfortunately the federal government, at odds with many states and a number of federal court decisions, has sought to criminalize *unavoidable accidents* related to collisions of birds into wind turbines while at the same time failing to address other activities that result in far greater numbers of accidental eagle and other bird mortalities.”

Say, what might those "other activities that result in far greater numbers" of bird killings BE, Becky?  And that was plural.  So could you tell us exactly what "activities" you mean?

In 2017, a group at Oregon State University announced that it was working to make wind turbines safer for eagles, using cameras to determine whether one is approaching the blades and, if so, triggering a deterrent using brightly colored facsimiles of people to make them go the other way.

“If we strike a generic bird, sad as that is, it’s not as critical as striking a protected golden eagle,” said an associate professor at the university. That, he said, “would cause the shutdown of a wind farm for a period of time, a fine to the operator, big losses in revenue, and most important the loss of a member of a protected species.”

Really?  You're implying that the feds shut down wind "farms" when an eagle is killed (or as he more soothingly puts it, "struck")?  Examples, please.  Never heard of that happening.  But surely since you said it, you have examples, right?

Cuz no one could *possibly* believe the WaPo would...um...lie to readers, eh?



After CNN scraps CNN+, laying off hundreds, wokies warn us "be nice"; one governor responds

After CNN scrapped their $300 MILLION startup subscription channel CNN-plus, laying off hundreds of low-level employees with "only" SIX MONTHS of severance pay, libs on Twatter and other social media rushed to Twatter to warn conservatives (the unwoke) to "be kind" and not celebrate the layoffs (with "only" six months of severance pay!).

Which prompted the semi- "Republican" governor of oil-rich South Dakota to give this response:

Of course not a single Democrat--voter or politician--gave a damn about the fact that Porridgebrain's DECREE shutting down construction of the Keystone XL--on his first damn day in office, no less!--put something like 5,000 construction workers out of a job.  Not to mention that the company building the pipeline had already gotten all the permits and had borrowed a BILLION dollars, and had already bought hundreds of millions of dollars of pipe, and dug hundreds of miles of trench.

Nope, Porridge destroyed all that with a flick of his socialist, anti-American-energy pen.  

And was wildly cheered by the moronic Leftists of the Lying Mainstream Media.

My father and grandfather were both in the oil business.  I was in the business for a few years, and know a great deal about energy and energy markets.  And here's my prediction (hint: it's not a hard one to make):

In the next three years the supply of oil, gasoline and electricity in the U.S. won't keep up with demand.  So following the iron laws of supply and demand, prices for all three will roughly double--at which point the liberal Democrats who rule the Mainstream Media will assure Americans that 

     a) any shortages and high prices were caused by...Republicans.  The mechanism won't be explained, because it doesn't have to be.  The mere claim will convince every moronic Democrat;

     b) dumb-ass Democrat policies--policies supported by virtually every Democrat voter--had nothing whatsoever to do with causing these shortages, or the far higher prices; 

     c) higher energy prices are actually GOOD, because they force Americans to use less energy--which is a Great Thing because it fights duh deadly "global warming," which all good Americans know is caused by...Americans;

    d) if voters return all branches of government to Democrat control, Dems will pass a LAW that will give Americans making less than $30,000 per year, including non-working people, $500 every month to offset the higher energy costs.  Illegal immigrants will be eligible;

    e) anyone who opposes this proposed law is anti-immigrant, xenophobic and raaaacist.

If you're skeptical about any of this, watch what happens in Europe this winter.

The "elites"--who make the rules you must obey under penalty of law--are immune from all the negative consequences

In this and every other country there are two distinct classes of people: the elites, and "ordinaries."

The elites make public policy, either by directly voting on it, or by creating wokie programming that all the "cool kids" assimilate.  Or by making "rules" in all the myriad gruberment agencies--rules that have the force of Law.

"Ordinaries"--you and I--are forced to live under all those rules.  

Elites are secure, successful, in large part because they have power or access to it. They're have lots of money, and the combination of money and political power protects them from the roughness of the world.

So if the rules they either pass--or through Media propaganda, *exert pressure to pass,* like pushing for the gruberment to confiscate guns--they are protected from the predictable, inevitable results of what they force on the rest of us.

The doormen at their Manhattan condos will keep muggers and rapists from entering.  For politicians and cabinet members, their taxpayer-funded personal security will ensure they're never mugged or carjacked.

Think Bill deBlasio ever had to worry about personal safety?  

The elites live in nice, safe neighborhoods--often gated, with security guards. Their kids go to private schools.  Gangs may beat up your kids in public schools, but their kids are safe.  So if the public schools are cesspools of violence, the Elites aren't affected in the least.

Because the Elites are protected, they can literally do anything they like, impose any rules, knowing the rules they impose will have no consequences for them.  For example, the biden regime can DECREE that every American who works for a company with 100 or more employees must take the experimental jab or must be fired.  But Democrat pols and the rest of the Elites are exempt.

They make a DECREE that you must obey if you want to keep food on your family's table, yet they are exempt.

They DECREE that you can't buy either of two safe drugs--approved decades ago by the f'n FDA for human use, and known to be effective against the Chyna virus--but they can and do get those drugs instead of having to take the jab.  Interesting.  Protected.  Elite.

Or take illegals pouring across our open southern border.  It's against U.S. law, but the regime brazenly defies that law without consequence.  The courts are silent.  Deadly drugs (fentanyl and heroin) pour in, and judges refuse to force the regime to enforce valid U.S. law.  

When illegals drive drunk and kill your kid, it doesn't affect them in the slightest.  Fentanyl deaths don't affect their kids.  What matters to them is future Democrat voters.

As many have noted, if illegal aliens were likely to vote Republican, the southern border would have been shut down years ago.

If you're not an "elite"--your family income barely covers your monthly expenses, you're not creating content for Hollywood or a DC insider--you know the Democrats won't stop illegal immigration, and the Republicans won't do anything to force the Dems' hand, because they're afraid of being called racists.

The Democrats want to keep the border open--to keep letting two or three MILLION people to illegally enter the U.S. every year--to win the Hispanic vote.

"Ordinary," hard-working Americans have suffer hugely from illegal immigration.  But the elites were and are totally unaffected.  Literally no effect of illegal immigration hurts them personally.

Think about who makes the rules you have to live with, and who suffer the consequences of those rules.

ABC "News" snowflakes butcher the grammar to ensure they don't accidentally "mis-gender"

Still think the Mainstream Media is even remotely sane?  Then take a look at the screenshot below, from the website of ABC "News." 

A man tried to set himself on fire.  But the lunatic liberal plotters who run ABC's website are all good little Democrat wackos, so they know that just because someone looks like a man, he may actually have declared that he's female.  If so, it would be a horrific breach of leftist political correctness to "mis-gender" a self-proclaimed woman, right?

The snowflakes don't even slow down to solve this one.


Of course: Even though all witnesses said it was a man, ABC's wokie snowflakes--determined not to mis-gender--lead the headline with "Person."  Singular.  Oooh, but now they can't say "...sets himself on fire" cuz again they don't wanna risk the 0.01 percent chance of mis-gendering xir.  

So to be safe, the snowflakes settle on the collective term "themselves."  Yay, snowflakes!

Except that sets up a grammatical conflict:  After ABC's woke snowflakes said "Person" instead of "Man," but then used the wokie collective form "themselves," do we use the singular form of the verb ("sets") or the plural?

"Hey, hater, you're just trying to oppress us with your so-called patriarchal 'grammatical rules'!  What's important here isn't your oppressive rules, but that a headline doesn't mis-gender someone!"


April 22, 2022

Telomeres--interesting info for my students

As everyone should know by now, chromosomes are long strands of DNA.  

In 1961--long before we learned how to decode genes--researchers trying to replicate human cells in culture found that cells would only divide between 23 and 26 times, no matter how careful they were.  This was apparently first described by Leonard Hayflick, and was soon named the Hayflick limit.  

This limit to how many times a cell can replicate is why a baby's skin is so smooth and opaque compared to your grandparent's hand: the older person has fewer cells.  The limit eventually causes failure of vital systems, leading to death.

In 1971 a Russian biologist, Aleksay Olovnikovat, published a paper speculating that when a cell divided, the ends of chromosomes couldn't be completely duplicated.  If so, this would cause chromosomes to get slightly shorter each time the cell divided.

If true, after a certain number of replications cells the telomeres would be too short (perhaps gone altogether), so in later replications the cell would start losing actual functional DNA, causing the cell to become non-viable.  This would explain the Hayflick limit.  Aha.

But if this was all correct, how were cancer cells able to reproduce indefinitely?  Stay tuned.

In 1975–1977, Elizabeth Blackburn, Joseph Gall and others discovered that the ends of every chromosome contained a simple DNA sequence (TTAGGG) repeated lots of times.  The sequence--called a telomere--was far too simple to be a functioning gene, so what did it do?  Could it be the end of the chromosome that Olovnikovat guessed couldn't be duplicated?

In 1985 Blackburn and Carol Greider found that cells of a species of protozoan managed to replicate without limit, suggesting it had a way to regenerate its telomeres.  And eventually they found how the protozoan did that trick: it produced an enzyme they named telomerase.

With the enzyme identified, other researchers found that embryos produced telomerase, which allowed fetal cells to replicate 40 to 60 times during a time of intense cell division, but that after that the production of telomerase stopped, and further cell division began to shorten the telomeres.

(In 1991 Calvin Harley and co-workers analyzed the weight of chromosomes for subjects from 6 months to 95 years old, and found a linear relationship between mass and age: each time a cell divided, the chromosomes lost between 50 and 100 base pairs .  Presumably the loss in chromosome weight was due to shortening of the telomeres.)

So to review: human cells are limited in the number of times they can replicate, now known to be due to shortening of the telomeres.  But an enzyme--identified and isolated in 1985--regenerates the telomeres, theoretically enabling a cell to replicate indefinitely.

Now: All this is well known in cell biology.  Question is, what's happened with these discoveries in the 37 years since telomerase was identified in 1985?

If someone with lots of money wanted to have the skin and physique of a 40-year-old at age 70, do you think the fact that telomerase hasn't been approved by the FDA would deter that person?  How much do you think such a person would pay for a few micrograms of telomerase?  Think a researcher who was guaranteed secrecy would sell a few for, say, a million dollars?

Finally consider this: researchers have now found that roughly 99 percent of all cancers use telomerase to enable them to replicate infinitely.  If researchers could find a molecule that would block telomerase from regenerating the telomeres, it would appear to offer a way to make cancer cells "mortal," like normal cells.  While it wouldn't eradicate a cancer, such a discovery would seem likely to produce longer survival times.

Well guess what:  The same team that discovered telomerase also found just such a blocking agent.  So did they start controlled animal trials, then on human volunteers to test for toxicity?  If you can find anything on this, let me know.

If you're skeptical about any of this, I don't blame you.  Unless you're in this field you haven't heard a word about it.  Most people think that if a story seems significant, but they haven't seen anything about it on the "news" or in the NY Times, it didn't happen.

But in this case Elizabeth Blackburn, Carol Greider, and Jack Szostaks were awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their work on telomeres and their discovery of the enzyme telomerase 24 years earlier.  Hard to claim that's a con.

Also: giving nanomolar amounts of telomerase to normal cells has already been shown to regrow the telomeres and allow cells to replicate far past the Hayflick limit. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Blackburn)

So have none of the promising leads for either telomerase or the agent that prevents it from working panned out?  

Before the covid plandemic that would be the only reasonable explanation.  After all, most Americans would never imagine that the FDA would suppress such a significant avenue of research.  But with what you've seen over the past two years--specifically including the banning of Americans from obtaining the safe, FDA-approved drugs ivermectin and HCQ-- how many rational adults still think the FDA is honest?

For those who like to research for themselves, here's an article from a government website from 2011 (so duh gruberment lackeys didn't flag this as "disinformation"):

Telomerase is activated in fetal development, protecting telomeres from significant loss during this period of intensive cell division.  However, before birth telomerase is repressed in most cells.  All adult somatic stem cells appear to be capable of activating telomerase during tissue regeneration. However, these periods of activation are insufficient to prevent telomere loss.  The ability to produce telomerase also drops with aging and stress.

humans lose telomeric DNA at about 15–60 base pairs per year.  Studies in human cells in culture "point to a causal relationship between telomere loss and cell aging."


From "PubMed," a website run by National Institutes of Health, 1996


Leftist CNN ends "CNN-plus" subscription channel after just 3 weeks, after spending $300-400 MILLION on it

As you may have heard, less than a month ago executives at CNN--one of the Left's steadfastly liberal cesspool media outlets--started a new paid subscription "service" called "CNN+".  

The idea for this came from the profitability of Fox's streaming service featuring documentaries from Tucker Carlson and others.  And Disney-plus was making lots of cash.  So since the Media claimed 81 MILLION people voted for Porridge, the bright boys at CNN figured this was a sure path to profit, eh? 

So on March 30th they launched.  And in 3 weeks they got...100,000 subscribers.  They'd expected a LOT more.  After all, the Media was sure 81 million "people" voted for the liberal Democrats, right?  And the OTHER streaming services had lots of subscribers, so...LOTS of Dem voters should have signed up for this, right?  Totally logical, eh?

So yesterday, three weeks after the launch--estimated to have cost between $300 and $400 MILLION--the network announced that CNN+ will shut down after just one month of operation, on April 30th.  Seems the company that just bought CNN realized that the 100,000 subscribers the "service" signed up in the first 3 weeks suggested CNN+ would never be profitable.

Now, we all make bad decisions from time to time, some of which are costly.  So my point here is not to razz the leftist execs for flushing $400 million down the toilet.  Instead the real education here is reading all the propaganda from all the other Mainstream Media and leftist professors explaining away this failure.

Left-wing racist academic Elie Mystal was almost incoherent, blaming the failure on...you guessed it: raaacism.

If that doesn't make any sense, you're right.  It's the kind of unhinged, illogical denial of people who simply cannot understand why yet another GREAT leftist idea (or government policy) didn't work.


April 21, 2022

Tucker thinks the Mainstream Media has finally decided Joe isn't competent and is pushing him out. I think it's more subtle

Yesterday Tucker Carlson played a compilation of video clips of the alleged president of the United States garbling words, even when reading 'em off a teleprompter,  The compilation also included a number of clips of Porridgebrain making clearly absurd claims as if they were facts  during the 2020 campaign

Among these was the obviously absurd claim that "150 MILLION Americans" had been killed by guns in the U.S. in the previous ten years.  (For the benefit of Democrats and highschool students:  The entire population of the United States is around 340 million, so for the figure Porridge spouted to be true, 36 percent of the population would have been killed.  If you think this sounds even remotely plausible, it's clear you're a Biden voter.  But the Lying Mainstream Media didn't bat an eye.)

Porridge similarly claimed that "his" economic plan would "put 140 million American women back to work."  Hint,  The entire population of working-age females in the country is tens of millions lower than this absurd number.  But it sounded so magical, so inspiring! so plausible!  If Trump had said that, the Mainstream Media would have put it on the front page, and as the lead story in every "news" show.  But since it was Porridge, the mainstream Media ignored it--cuz if they'd reported it, some voters might have (somehow, inexplicably) concluded that Porridge was neither honest nor competent.

Which is why the Media and social media giants tried to discredit the tens of thousands of emails on Hunter Biden's laptop showing corruption (bribery) by the governments of China and Russia.  "Nothing to see here, folks.  It's all 'Russian disinformation' designed to discredit a senile socialist career Dem political hack."

Carlson claims top Dem strategists and the Mainstream Media are now trying to push Porridge out, so he won't run for re-election in 2024.  While it may appear that way, I think the real strategy is FAR more subtle (as we'd expect from the Dems):  I think they're trying to get "Establishment" Republicans to join "concerned Democrats" in pressuring Porridge not to run in '24.  That way they can blame everything bad that happens after that on...Republicans.

So...inflation gets even higher, and persists longer, due to Dem policies?  It's the Republicans' fault for pushing dear ol' Uncle Joe out!

If U.S. energy output drops, it couldn't POSSIBLY be because Porridge cancelled leasing for oil and gas drilling, stopped issuing drilling permits and raised the oil royalty rate (the percentage of the value of oil produced on federal leases) from 12.5% to 18.4%.  Instead it's the Republicans' fault for pushing dear ol' Uncle Joe out of office!

If over two MILLION illegal aliens pour across our southern border, bankrupting welfare and smuggling in millions of doses of fentanyl, that has nothing whatsoever to do with Porridge and the entire Democrat leadership opening the border, because Joe had a PLAN to fix it!  But he couldn't complete that wonderful plan because--all together now--"the Republicans pushed Dear Uncle Joe out of office before he could implement it!"

But watch the Carlson intro and decide for yourself if you think the Mainstream Media is really "turning on Biden."  


April 20, 2022

Twatter cancels account that re-posted videos of liberals exposing themselves as groomers; WaPo doxes creator

For those of you who've been off-planet for the last year, Chyna made a smartphone app called "Tiktok," and like a lot of apps it made it easy for users to post videos of themselves on the Net.

The result was a lot of VERY strange people posting selfie vids of themselves talking into the camera, smugly babbling about their sex lives or feeeewings or non-binary gender or...you get it.

So about a year ago someone realized that some of these videos were so weird that they were actually funny, and began re-posting some of the more outrageous vids on Twatter, under the title "Libs of Tiktok."  Of course the poster knew that anyone lampooning crazy libs could be at risk of being fired, so was careful to maintain anonymity.

Surprisingly to many, it turned out that a LOT of the trannies with green hair and faces full of metal who'd posted videos on Tiktok were K-3 teachers in public school systems.  And these folks seemed to be positively gloating as they videoed themselves telling the world how they were able to use their power as teachers to convince kids that boys might not really be boys after all, and the same with girlz.

This included one teacher who said "When babies are born, the doctor takes a look at them and guesses whether they're a boy or a girl."  Seriously, he said that.

Keep in mind that these people weren't filmed secretly, without their knowledge.  These wackos filmed themselves bragging about how clever they were, and then cleverly posted the vids on Tiktok. 

Nevertheless, as you could have guessed, the legion of pro-trans storm troopers at Twatter was OUTRAGED by this, and cancelled the account.

The legion of pro-tranny troopers at the WaPo were similarly outraged:  How DARE anyone post videos of  green-haired trannies gloating about pushing the wonders of transgenderism on first-graders?!  It just wasn't FAIR!  Or something.  So the Post sent out one of its top, "accomplished, professional" reporters--a hyperdramatic snowflake named Taylor Lorenz--to track down the anonymous creator of Libs of Tiktok and expose her to the world.  

Lorenz--who the Post claimed was "professional" and "accomplished"--claimed Libs of Tiktok was "spreading anti-LGBTQ sentiment" and "fueling the right-wing media's outrage machine."  (The Post staff apparently thought that last line wasn't provoking the desired amount of outrage from readers, so they later juiced that last line up to "SECRETLY fueling the right-wing media's outrage machine.  "Secretly"?  By re-posting open-source videos on the internet.  Say, that's very secretive!  Riiiight.)

Let's review here:  The site's owner posted the vids with NO comment at all, and no editing, just as the original wackos posted them.  And yet the Post's top reporter called that "spreading anti-LGBT sentiment."  It was ludicrous.

So the next day Lorenz shows up at the home of a relative of the creator of Libs of Tiktok, ready to publish her personal information.  Lorenz returned to the Post and the Post did in fact publish the name of the creator and her realtor license number, but then later deleted that posting, and still later lied when asked by email if they'd posted that personal information.

Starting to see how it works yet?  Think you've still got a free country?  Free speech?

Democrats:  "Don't be silly!  Of course you have free speech!  You can say what you want, but of course we have the legal right to pressure your employer to fire you for saying anything we don't like.  And that's perfectly legal because it's not the government restricting your right of free speech.  Your employer just decided to fire you.  So tough shit.

"And of course you can't expect to go trying that 'free speech' stuff on a college campus, cuz rioters and thugs will shut you down.  But that's perfectly constitutional, cuz it's not the government that's prohibiting your free speech.  Just unidentified rioters.  Who won't be charged even if they're known to everyone.  Got it?"

U.S. natural gas price is *double* the price this time last year. Fortunately for Democrats, media isn't trying to find reason

From CNBC (which, like the whole Mainstream Media, constantly shills for Democrats):

For the year, U.S. natural gas prices are now up 108%, adding to inflationary concerns across the economy.

Wait...haven't Jen Psaki and the biden*harrisfail regime been constantly claiming higher gasoline prices and food prices and inflation generally is all a result of "Putin's price hike"?

Why yes, yes they have.  But if natural gas prices are up 108% from this date last year, and Russia only invaded Ukraine about two months ago, wouldn't that mean...um...that most of the price jump occurred before the Russian invasion?  Which would mean the Narrative of "Putin's price hike" was...um...uh...like...total bullshit?

Democrats: "Dis not true!  Dis 'Russian disinformation!'  Dis bees 'right-wing conspiracy story!'  Cuz duh higher gas prices all bee cuz of Putin!  "Putin's price hike!"  Putin!  Got it?"

Starting to see how you're being lied to yet?  Nah.  Quick, someone ask Obama to lecture us on the dangers of free speech, which he says produces "Russian disinformation."  

Yep, there does seem to be a lot of disinformation around--starting with the biden*harris regime.


April 19, 2022

WaPo reporter claims state Dept of Ed telling teachers how to push pro-trans on 1st-graders is NOT "policy," just "guidance"

Unless you've been off-planet for the last six months, you've probably heard that dozens of school boards have instructed teachers to teach children in kindergarten thru 3rd grade that boys may not really be boys after all.  And that girls may not really be girls.

Oh wait, the liberal Dems who run the Washington Post are here to set us straight:  The Post claims school boards haven't actually *ordered* teachers to teach this.  Instead, says the Post, dumb conservative parents just *think* school boards ordered this.  

Sure enough, the Post's Aaron Blake absolutely assured conservatives--not by claiming the schools aren't teaching kids below age 8 about the joys of going tranny, but by claiming that teaching exactly this isn't official school-board policy.

Under the headline “Conservative media oversell New Jersey’s guidelines for teaching gender,” Blake noted that "official guidelines" for public-school teachers for educating children on sexual and gender identity and expression, contained on one school district's website, were NOT actually stating a "policy."

Included in those "guidelines" were these clearly approved lines for teachers in discussing gender:
“You might feel like you are a boy, you might feel like you are a girl.  You might feel like you’re a boy even if you have body parts that some people might tell you are ‘girl’ parts. You might feel like you’re a girl even if you have body parts that some people might tell you are ‘boy’ parts.  And you might not feel like you’re a boy or a girl, but you’re a little bit of both.”

Again, these are captioned by the school district--aimed at teachers of first-graders--as "guidelines."

So leftist apologist Blake eagerly defended the school district, writing:  

“Repeatedly, Fox News and others have framed this as something amounting to actual school curriculum.  But the school district [says] that’s not the case — that these were just sample materials that the district shared as it reviews the state guidelines.”

Got it, citizen?  These guidelines--"sample materials that the district shared as it reviews state guidelines"--aren’t “actual school curriculum.”  Just “sample materials that the [school]district “shared”!

Blake helpfully included a quote from the school district's highly-paid superintendent, Raymond González, who offered this simple explanation: 

“The cited sample plans were part of a website that was included as a link to illustrate the type of possible resources for school districts shared by the N.J. Department of Education. We have said repeatedly that these are resources only and that they are not state-mandated.”

See the difference, deplorables? The fact that teachers were given "guidance" telling them how to tell first-graders that just having "what some people might tell you are ‘boy parts'” doesn't make you a boy" (etc) was right from the state Department of Education does NOT mean it's official policy.  Hahaha!  How could anyone be naive enough to think that, eh?  They’re just “possible resources for school districts”!

It's also worth noting that as soon as parents noticed this so-called "guidance," the state Department of Education quickly deleted the "guidelines" and the link on its website.  Of course since according to the Washington Post these were merely "guidelines" instead of policy, why would the DoE quickly remove 'em, eh?

Couldn't be because they got caught and wanted to quickly make the evidence vanish, eh?

Oh sure, it may *look* like official state policy, but it's just--how did the Post try to trivialize it?  Oh yeah: “Conservative media *oversell* New Jersey’s guidelines for teaching gender.” Not policy at all, you just misunderstood.

Actually it’s exactly what it seems.  And as we keep seeing again and again (as with Disney's zoom meeting), the Left and the WP are trying to make you think they're not doing what they're actually doing.

In another month they'll be defending it as a "vital part of K-12 education," and demonizing anyone who objects to it.

Source: The Federalist