The "elites"--who make the rules you must obey under penalty of law--are immune from all the negative consequences
In this and every other country there are two distinct classes of people: the elites, and "ordinaries."
The elites make public policy, either by directly voting on it, or by creating wokie programming that all the "cool kids" assimilate. Or by making "rules" in all the myriad gruberment agencies--rules that have the force of Law.
"Ordinaries"--you and I--are forced to live under all those rules.
Elites are secure, successful, in large part because they have power or access to it. They're have lots of money, and the combination of money and political power protects them from the roughness of the world.
So if the rules they either pass--or through Media propaganda, *exert pressure to pass,* like pushing for the gruberment to confiscate guns--they are protected from the predictable, inevitable results of what they force on the rest of us.
The doormen at their Manhattan condos will keep muggers and rapists from entering. For politicians and cabinet members, their taxpayer-funded personal security will ensure they're never mugged or carjacked.
Think Bill deBlasio ever had to worry about personal safety?
The elites live in nice, safe neighborhoods--often gated, with security guards. Their kids go to private schools. Gangs may beat up your kids in public schools, but their kids are safe. So if the public schools are cesspools of violence, the Elites aren't affected in the least.
Because the Elites are protected, they can literally do anything they like, impose any rules, knowing the rules they impose will have no consequences for them. For example, the biden regime can DECREE that every American who works for a company with 100 or more employees must take the experimental jab or must be fired. But Democrat pols and the rest of the Elites are exempt.
They make a DECREE that you must obey if you want to keep food on your family's table, yet they are exempt.
They DECREE that you can't buy either of two safe drugs--approved decades ago by the f'n FDA for human use, and known to be effective against the Chyna virus--but they can and do get those drugs instead of having to take the jab. Interesting. Protected. Elite.
Or take illegals pouring across our open southern border. It's against U.S. law, but the regime brazenly defies that law without consequence. The courts are silent. Deadly drugs (fentanyl and heroin) pour in, and judges refuse to force the regime to enforce valid U.S. law.
When illegals drive drunk and kill your kid, it doesn't affect them in the slightest. Fentanyl deaths don't affect their kids. What matters to them is future Democrat voters.
As many have noted, if illegal aliens were likely to vote Republican, the southern border would have been shut down years ago.
If you're not an "elite"--your family income barely covers your monthly expenses, you're not creating content for Hollywood or a DC insider--you know the Democrats won't stop illegal immigration, and the Republicans won't do anything to force the Dems' hand, because they're afraid of being called racists.
The Democrats want to keep the border open--to keep letting two or three MILLION people to illegally enter the U.S. every year--to win the Hispanic vote.
"Ordinary," hard-working Americans have suffer hugely from illegal immigration. But the elites were and are totally unaffected. Literally no effect of illegal immigration hurts them personally.
Think about who makes the rules you have to live with, and who suffer the consequences of those rules.
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