April 20, 2022

Twatter cancels account that re-posted videos of liberals exposing themselves as groomers; WaPo doxes creator

For those of you who've been off-planet for the last year, Chyna made a smartphone app called "Tiktok," and like a lot of apps it made it easy for users to post videos of themselves on the Net.

The result was a lot of VERY strange people posting selfie vids of themselves talking into the camera, smugly babbling about their sex lives or feeeewings or non-binary gender or...you get it.

So about a year ago someone realized that some of these videos were so weird that they were actually funny, and began re-posting some of the more outrageous vids on Twatter, under the title "Libs of Tiktok."  Of course the poster knew that anyone lampooning crazy libs could be at risk of being fired, so was careful to maintain anonymity.

Surprisingly to many, it turned out that a LOT of the trannies with green hair and faces full of metal who'd posted videos on Tiktok were K-3 teachers in public school systems.  And these folks seemed to be positively gloating as they videoed themselves telling the world how they were able to use their power as teachers to convince kids that boys might not really be boys after all, and the same with girlz.

This included one teacher who said "When babies are born, the doctor takes a look at them and guesses whether they're a boy or a girl."  Seriously, he said that.

Keep in mind that these people weren't filmed secretly, without their knowledge.  These wackos filmed themselves bragging about how clever they were, and then cleverly posted the vids on Tiktok. 

Nevertheless, as you could have guessed, the legion of pro-trans storm troopers at Twatter was OUTRAGED by this, and cancelled the account.

The legion of pro-tranny troopers at the WaPo were similarly outraged:  How DARE anyone post videos of  green-haired trannies gloating about pushing the wonders of transgenderism on first-graders?!  It just wasn't FAIR!  Or something.  So the Post sent out one of its top, "accomplished, professional" reporters--a hyperdramatic snowflake named Taylor Lorenz--to track down the anonymous creator of Libs of Tiktok and expose her to the world.  

Lorenz--who the Post claimed was "professional" and "accomplished"--claimed Libs of Tiktok was "spreading anti-LGBTQ sentiment" and "fueling the right-wing media's outrage machine."  (The Post staff apparently thought that last line wasn't provoking the desired amount of outrage from readers, so they later juiced that last line up to "SECRETLY fueling the right-wing media's outrage machine.  "Secretly"?  By re-posting open-source videos on the internet.  Say, that's very secretive!  Riiiight.)

Let's review here:  The site's owner posted the vids with NO comment at all, and no editing, just as the original wackos posted them.  And yet the Post's top reporter called that "spreading anti-LGBT sentiment."  It was ludicrous.

So the next day Lorenz shows up at the home of a relative of the creator of Libs of Tiktok, ready to publish her personal information.  Lorenz returned to the Post and the Post did in fact publish the name of the creator and her realtor license number, but then later deleted that posting, and still later lied when asked by email if they'd posted that personal information.

Starting to see how it works yet?  Think you've still got a free country?  Free speech?

Democrats:  "Don't be silly!  Of course you have free speech!  You can say what you want, but of course we have the legal right to pressure your employer to fire you for saying anything we don't like.  And that's perfectly legal because it's not the government restricting your right of free speech.  Your employer just decided to fire you.  So tough shit.

"And of course you can't expect to go trying that 'free speech' stuff on a college campus, cuz rioters and thugs will shut you down.  But that's perfectly constitutional, cuz it's not the government that's prohibiting your free speech.  Just unidentified rioters.  Who won't be charged even if they're known to everyone.  Got it?"


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