Democrats pushing to have bidenfail "cancel" $50,000 in student loan debt--pure bribery
Did you or your parents work hard to send you to college? Maybe you had high enough scores to get into an Ivy-league school but the cost was so high that you chose a small state U close to home, to cut down costs.
Did you get student loans to make it work?
Did you pay off those loans? If your parents had some disposable income left at the end of tax season, perhas they gave you a gift to help. If so, congratulations.
Now because you've been prudent, realistic and hard-working, and paid off, say, $10,000 in student loans, your fake president and the members of his socialist Party have decided to give you a reward:
They're planning to make you and your parents pay off $50,000 in student loans for their supporters--many of whom went to Ivy-league universities. So it's only fair that your parents help out these po', po' oppressed chillens. And the beauty of it is, you and your parents won't have a choice: The "reward" will come out of your and your parents' income taxes.
See, the Democrat Party ("The Party") claims they're all about "fairness." So it's only fair that you and your parents help deez po' kidz wif' dere student loans from getting degrees in African studies or "gender studies" from Hahvahd.
Democrat senate bribe-master Chuck Schumer said sainted, installed resident Biden is getting closer to canceling up to $50,000 in student loan debt for every po' oppressed student who was forced to take out a student loan. Of course this is nothing more than a bribe to win votes, and is totally unconstitutional. But bidenfail will get it, either thru three RINO morons voting with the Dems, or if not, by "executive action." I hear some of you saying "It's not fair that I worked my ass off (often with your parents helping) to repay MY student loans, but now the Biden regime is gonna make me and my parents pay off $50,000 in some *slacker's* loans? This is nuts! This is the kind of thing a totalitarian regime does.
Of course you're right. And with that and four bucks you can buy an overpriced cup of Starbux.

See, duh bidenfail regime know that over 43 million Americans owe a total of about $1.75 trillion in student loan debt, a number that has nearly doubled in the past decade. So communists like AOC and others in the so-called "progressive wing" of The Party have been pushing bidenfail to use "executive action" to cancel $50,000 in student loan debt.
In an effort to fend off bad publicity last year, Biden didn't support their proposal. But in an effort to minimize Dem losses, biden's handlers have told him this is a winnah.
GOP senators countered, saying "The majority of Americans do not have college degrees. So why should they be forced to pay off the student loans of wealthier college students? This is nothing more than a bribe--a taxpayer-funded handout to appease far-left activists."
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