April 24, 2022

Biden doesn't know the difference between Title 42 (which he has ordered be junked) and the "mask mandate"

If you pay attention to national events--you DO pay attention to national events, right?

(sigh) No, you don't.  Not really.  You're too busy raising your kids, or passing college courses, or working an entry-level job to keep up with your car payments, or whatever.  And I don't blame you a bit.  But while you're busy, the nation is going down the tubes, fast.

So let's start over:  Do you know what Title 42 is?  If so, explain it aloud in one sentence.

Yeah, well--if you're not sure, don't feel bad.  No one outside DC knows either.

Title 42 is a part of U.S. law that allows Customs and Immigration to turn would-be illegal immigrants around at the border, without letting 'em enter the U.S, if they haven't taken the covid jab.

Of course duh gruberment is yellin' "If'n you don't take duh jab y'all gonna DIE!  And worse yet, you're gonna kill everyone else cuz of your stubbornness!"  So...if dey worried 'bout dat, how can duh bidenfail regime bring in two million future Dem voters this year?

Fo' sure they don' wanna let Title 42 interrupt their grand plan.  So...by executive DECREE, Porridgebrain simply cancelled Title 42.  

Oh, 'scuse me:  Porridge didn' cancel it.  He "lifted" it.  Cuz dat way bettah den "canceling," cuz dat suggest Porridge bees canceling laws n' stuff.  An' a few right-wing extremists say duh Konstitution say duh preznit cain't do dat.  So...he "lifted it." Now no problem.  Way bettah.

But now a couple of duh Dem big-wigs be thinkin', "Dis might cost us a few tousand votes in November, cuz some voterz maybee tinkin' bout how jus' a week ago duh regime be orderin' 'Merkins to wear dem masks on dem planes n' sheeit, but now dey gonna let any illegal in even if dey gots duh Chyna virus?  Oooh, dat might not look good!   Optics, baby.

Now, dey know dey can easily offset dat--simple as changin' a seven to a nine!  Hey, 81 million votes, right?  Got even mo' den Obama!  But maybee it bettah--safer--to jus' not "lift" Title 42 until we safely past duh Novembah 'lection.  Yeah, dat bettah.

So duh bigwigs tell dey frens in duh Media, "We prolly not gonna lift Title 42 right now.  So...last Thursday, at the end of some sort of pony show, a reporter called out to Porridge, “Are you considering delaying Title 42?”  Meaning delay junking 'scuse me: "lifting it."

Problem is, Porridge not sure what Title 42 is.  He t'ink Title 42 bees his ORDER dat ebryone who wanna fly gotta wear mask.  He heard dat a judge done rule dat his agency, duh CDC, passing along his order dat ebryone gots to wear duh mask on duh plane, exceeded its power.  An' Porridge, he tell his DOJ to appeal dat judge order, so "extend duh mask mandate."

So Porridge t'ink "Title 42" is about dat court case.

See, dat bees totally reasonable, citizen!  Cuz Title 42 and duh order 'bout wearin' masks on planes both have sumpin' to do wif duh Chyna virus.  An' dey names sound so much alike: "Title 42" and "mask mandate."  So much alike dat anyone could confuse the two.

An' Porridge did, responding, “No, what I’m considering is continuing to hear from my, my — first of all, there’s going to be an appeal by the Justice Department because as a matter of principle, we want to be able to be in a position where if in fact it is strongly concluded by the scientists that we need Title 42, that we be able to do that. But there has been no decision on extending Title 42.”

But hey, Porridgebrain bees *real busy.*  Lotsa reely impo'tant decisions to make.  So don't t'ink Porridge be confused or such.  He sharp!  Reely sharp!  Jus' one o' dem "brain hiccup" things.  Duh Democrats gots everyt'ing under control.  Reely.

So nex' time yo' worry 'bout what happnin' to duh economy or such, jus' t'ink about duh reeely sharp Dem team we gots runnin' t'ings.  An' remember to vote Dem in Novembah!

Cuz elections have consequences.  Sometimes bad ones.


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