Two days after the first case of Covid-19 was found in the U.S., I happened across a paper titled "Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag"
Interestingly, this paper was in "pre-print" on Jan 31, 2020--roughly two months after the Wuhan outbreak, and just two days after the first confirmed case in the U.S. The authors had done a huge amount of research in the two months since the virus hit Wuhan. But the paper was never officially published, instead being withdrawn after "criticism."
I haven't been able to find the specific complaints made against the paper or its methods. It's possible that the same group of conspirators--led by the notorious Peter Daszak--who conned the editors of the Lancet into publishing a letter claiming the virus could not possibly have been modified in a Chinese lab sank this paper with the same pressure--but no actual scientific basis.
The authors call the virus 2019-nCoV, which WHO and others renamed Covid-19. For brevity I'll often shorten this to just C19.
I've omitted the really technical stuff for easier reading, but the link above has the details if you're curious.
Coronaviruses are common in both humans and animals. In fact the common cold is caused by a coronavirus. Before Covid-19 coronaviruses were rarely dangerous to humans, usually causing only symptoms much like the common cold.
Before Covid-19 only two coronaviruses had been found to be dangerous to humans: SARS and MERS. Each killed a few thousand Americans. Although a vaccine was developed for SARS and was given to a few thousand Americans, the vaccinations were quickly stopped after fewer than ten vaccinated people died right after taking it.
(Think about that: After fewer than ten unvaccinated people died right after taking it, the government pulled that vax. Over 10,000 Americans have died after taking one of the jabs Americans were ORDERED to take--on penalty of being fired if they refused. Yet the regime continued to insist that everyone--down to age 5 (!!) take the jab. Think about it.)
So during the SARS epidemic, after the U.S. government pulled the only vaccine against the deadly SARS virus off the market, eventually everyone in the world got the virus and died. The End.
Oh wait, we're still here. So what happened to the two epidemics of SARS and MERS?
Say, that's a great question, citizen! Go stand in that line over there and the nice men with the guns will answer all your questions.
But as Fauci et al constantly told us, Covid-19 is FAR more lethal to humans than most members of the coronavirus family. So it's worth asking two questions: what makes C19 more lethal to humans than other members of that family, and how did it become so much more lethal?
The official party line--the Narrative, which China and the U.S. government and media have constantly pushed for over two YEARS now [updated as of July 2022], and which most of you heard back in 2020--is that Covid-19 became lethal to humans due to natural mutations. Remember hearing that? (Nah, you probably don't.)
Because members of the coronavirus family do mutate, the "natural mutation" Narrative was at least superficially plausible. But what Fauci and his lackeys in the NIH and the Democrat suck-ups in the Mainstream Media carefully didn't tell you is how many mutations the lethal-to-human version of the virus had, compared to the closest natural bat virus--even though they knew. That's important, because natural mutations are random--typically the result of a high-energy particle destroying or altering a single "base" in the RNA genetic code.
They didn't tell you how many mutations because natural mutations change one single letter in the long string, usually making the gene non-functional. But C19's genetic code differs from the closest matching bat virus not by a few random single-letter mutations (i.e."natural"), but by the careful insertion of four new blocks of 8 specific, consecutive letters--"bases"--none of which are present in the closest natural virus.
And now for the kicker--the proof: Each of the blocks of 8 consecutive letters--clearly inserted as a block, since the letters (bases) are consecutive--forms part of a functional gene that was not present in the closest bat virus. And to do that, those four inserts must be in exactly the right location.
If you're a "-studies" major, you should know that the probability of that happening randomly is essentially zero.
You may also recall hearing that the "naturally-mutated," now-deadly virus made the jump to humans when residents of Wuhan ate an infected bat from an open-air market. Other versions of this Narrative claimed the infected animal was a pangolin. Of course the specific animal chosen for the Narrative didn't matter, since the Narrative was a fable--i.e. horseshit. All that was needed for the Narrative to be believed was to name any exotic animal found in the Wuhan open-air market, and the Media would nod that this was totally plausible.
As you'll see below, if the genetic sequencing claimed at the link (and shown below) is correct, it utterly demolishes the official Narrative. The odds of C19 reaching its current form by a series of random natural mutations are trillions to one-- it's essentially impossible.
If not natural, C19 had to reach its deadly form because someone deliberately inserted four carefully-selected groups of eight specific bases into a "natural" bat coronavirus to make it lethal to humans. I'll show you the evidence below. The method used by the Indian team to find those four inserted genes is brilliant and easy to understand. You won't want to miss it.
Inserting genes into a virus to make it more deadly is called "gain-of-function" research. You may have heard that term, and the fact that Fauci denied ever authorizing or funding any such research. Fauci has repeatedly, indignantly, denied that his agency funded any such research, which was considered so dangerous that the U.S. government banned it--but only in the United States. But public records show that Fauci's agency did fund gain-of-function research--at the Wuhan Institute of Virology--using your tax dollars. So Fauci lied.
We have the grant number, and a published paper from the Wuhan lab from 2015 thanking the U.S. NIAID (which Fauci heads).
Bet you never heard any of that before.
Fauci could deny funding that research because the bureaucracy he heads--NIAID--used what's called a "cutout" to funnel money to the Wuhan Institute. If you're not familiar with the term, a cutout is the method lawbreaking agencies use when they want to get something done that would be politically damaging if the agency did it directly.
In this case Fauci's cutout was an outfit soothingly named "EcoHealth Alliance," headed by Peter Daszak. Official NIH documents show the grant numbers and amounts. And to confirm this, when researchers at the Wuhan published a paper in 2015 crowing about their success in inserting a single gene into a bat coronavirus, the paper they published "gratefully acknowledged" the grant from the NIH--and included the grant number. The paper was presented at an international convention in 2015, so neither Fauci nor the Chinese can make it disappear.
But with the help of the Mainstream Media, who have always pushed anything Fauci uttered as if it were true, Fauci can ensure that the public never sees the evidence just noted. It's like it never happened.
Only a member of the Mainstream Media could believe that Fauci didn't know exactly what Daszak was doing with the federal dollars Fauci gave him. So by repeatedly denying to congress that his agency funded the Chinese research that led directly to Covid, Fauci has repeatedly lied, and gotten away with it.
Of course most Americans can't believe a high government official would lie about something so easily proven--and from official NIH records. But considering the number of deaths in the U.S. allegedly caused by C19, Fauci couldn't--and can't ever--admit his role in funding the research that modified the formerly-harmless virus that presumably escaped from the lab, causing the pandemic. That should be obvious even to a Democrat.
So with all this as background we're ready to get to the proof that the genes that made C19 deadly to humans were inserted into the formerly harmless bat virus, apparently by humans:
Most people will be surprised to learn that not only have researchers identified the gene sequence of every coronavirus before Covid-19, they've also published those genetic codes. So using these normal, uncontroversial sequencing techniques, the authors of the paper noted at the top of this article sequenced the genetic code of C-19, then used a computer to compare the sequence they found to the published genetic code of every known (non-lethal) coronavirus.
Genetic code is like a long string of letters. Groups of (typically)
six to eight of these letters produce a specific function in the virus.
The Indian researchers' computer program compared the gene sequence of
C19 to that of all known bat-coronaviruses to find the closest match. They did this by using a computer to slide a string of
1,277 "bases" in the sequence they found, comparing it against the code for the closest natural (non-lethal) bat viruses, one
letter at a time. The program counted the number of times the letters in the
both sequences matched.
(It takes awhile for most people to grasp what's going on from the
explanation above. If you look at the side-by-side comparison of the genetic codes, shown below, it's immediately clear.)
Finally the computer found a known bat virus that had a gene sequence almost identical to that of C19--but not quite. Instead, the sequence for the lethal C19 contained four contiguous 8-letter
blocks of genetic code not found in ANY of the known natural
(non-lethal) coronaviruses.
When you look at the side-by-side comparison of the sequences, the inserted genes are glaringly obvious.
Turns out all four of the inserted genes are in the "spike protein" part of the virus. That's the part that the virus uses to bind to target cells in the host--which the virus must do to penetrate the wall of the cell and insert its genetic code into the target cell's DNA.
And all four of the inserted genes increased the ability of the virus to bind to human cells with "ACE-2"receptors--found in human airways.
If you think that's a coincidence I've got some oceanfront property in Nebraska I'll sell ya.
The figure below shows how they found the insertions. (Click it to enlarge.) They found the closest bat coronavirus to C19, called SARS-GZ02. By sliding the starting point of one RNA strand against the other, one letter at a time, the computer found an alignment where 98% of the bases in the two strings matched--shown in red below. Non-matching bases are in blue, and represent random natural mutations. But in four places in C19 there are contiguous blocks of four to eight bases NONE of which are present in ANY of the known "natural" viruses.
See for yourself. Start at the far end and work backwards to location 700 or so, and you'll see that the match is almost perfect. The four inserted genes jump right out at you.

Keep in mind that everything I've just told you was known to honest U.S. scientists beginning one day after the first case of C19 was discovered in the U.S (January 29, 2020). But
with the eager help of the Lying Mainstream Media, the conspirators
were able to keep the bleat going for well over a year that "It's simply un-possible that this virus was created in a lab!!!!"
The Mainstream Media also had another weapon against the lab leak: They claimed that anyone who supported the idea that the virus was modified to lethality in the Wuhan lab was...wait for it...RAACIST!
hearing that, repeatedly, from every single Media outlet? The genetic
comparison makes it clear that the media's claim that "It's just not possible that this virus was modified in a lab!" was a lie, and all honest scientists
knew it. But with Fauci controlling billions of dollars in research
grants, most scientists didn't want to anger the man who could cancel your
grant. After all, the allocation of federal grant money--tens of
billions of dollars--to certain people to study only certain things
ensures that studies that might contradict Fauci, Walensky, the CDC and FDA don't get funded.
As more scientists
discovered the above research--which proved beyond reasonable doubt that
C19 had been modified by humans to make it deadly to humans--you'd
think the Mainstream Media might have admitted the truth. Instead the
Media simply stopped spouting the Narrative that "the virus could not
possibly have been modified in a lab," counting on the fact that almost no one would recall their earlier insistence that it couldn't have been modified in a lab.
Another fact: For C19
to have been a "natural mutation" that infected a human who ate an infected animal, some "animal reservoir" must exist. But to
this day no animal (including bats) has ever been found to carry C19.
Honest scientists know this. Think about the significance of the fact
that no animal reservoir has ever been found.
Now: Fauci and the government and Mainstream Media say that anyone who claims the Chinese deliberately modified a bat virus to make it lethal to humans is a crazy conspiracy-theorist. They point out that RNA viruses constantly mutate (true) and claim that the new lethality of C19 is entirely due to "natural mutation."
While it's well known that RNA viruses constantly mutate, the claim that the four insertions occurred naturally is, to put it nicely, utter horseshit. It's as plausible as a tornado hitting a junkyard and assembling a Boeing 747. [If I knew who said that first I'd give 'em credit!]
Reason is that mutations typically change just one base at a time. But as you can see from the compared strings above, the four insertions aren't simply a single altered letter here or there, as would happen with a random mutations, but instead are contiguous blocks of six to eight letters, none of which were in the original bat virus. People who claim the lethality of C19 to humans is due to random mutations must explain the probability of that happening "naturally."
Not only have four blocks of codons been inserted, but ALL the insertion produced functional genes.
And that happened not just once, but four times--with all the new genetic codes being inserted, rather than altering codons already present.
Even more damning: All of the inserted genes changed the same part of the virus-- the so-called spike protein--and all of them in a way that made the virus bind more effectively to cells in human airways--making it more lethal to humans.
Totally random, eh?
The only reasonable conclusion is that these four genes were deliberately inserted into the genetic code of the closest known bat coronavirus. One look at the side-by-side comparison in the figure above and it's obvious beyond reasonable doubt that the four extra genes were artificially inserted.
The carefully-altered spike proteins are thought to account for ALL the increased infectivity and lethality of C19, as they enable the virus to tightly bind itself to airway cells that have an ACE-2 receptor, and to fuse with those cells more effectively.
Moreover, the researchers found that the genetic code in all four of the inserts--which the Narrative claims are entirely due to natural mutations--is either identical or highly similar to code in the HIV virus which has been identified as helping that virus bind to T-4 cells of the immune system.
But it's a total coincidence, eh?
Finally, for those who think the Indian authors made this up: Chinese researchers (Zhou et al., 2020) confirmed three of the insertions, but they compared fewer spike protein sequences than the authors of the paper noted here.
Again, the orignal paper that was the source for this was posted January 31, 2020. Officials at the CDC and FDA would have seen it that same day. I haven't seen any attempt by either of those agencies to refute--or even acknowledge--the paper's findings or conclusions. That's because they're impossible to refute. If the CDC is ever questioned on this, they'll claim the paper was withdrawn prior to publication, which is true. But no one has disputed the results. And India takes care to avoid angering China.
Think about that. The CDC and FDA have known about the genetic comparison from the very beginning of the plandemic, but they ignored it, and encouraged the Mainstream Media to tell Americans that it "simply wasn't possible" for C19 to have been modified in a Chinese lab, to kill millions around the world.
What the FDA and CDC and NIH did do was to hide Fauci's culpability in funding research that was banned by U.S. law due to the risk of exactly what ended up happening. Fauci would do ANYTHING to hide his guilt in causing the pandemic, and a million or so U.S. deaths.
Labels: Covid, virus