October 31, 2021

An entire continent tests the effectiveness of ivermectin. Results?

Ivermectin has been used with HUGE success in India (population 1.1 Billion) and Africa.  And in the latter we have a particularly informative side-by-side comparison, since about half of that continent uses the drug and the other half doesn't.  

So how did each of thse groups do?   Take a look:  Deaths per 100,000 people:

The brown line is for countries that do NOT use ivermectin, blue is for the ones that do.

It's an outrage that people in the rest of the world can get this amazingly effective, safe, inexpensive drug, but the U.S. government--FDA, CDC and Democrats--won't allow Americans to have it.  This policy is literally killing thousands of Americans who could easily have been saved.

Source: Johns Hopkins.

Intercepted: Dem strategy letter from The Speaker

From: Speaker Pelosi
To: Members of our Party--eyes only; do not copy!
Subject:  Leadership strategy for November

1.  Like all good Americans we were delighted with our president's order that every American who worked for a company with 100 or more employees had to take the safe, effective vaccine or be fired, but some of you were concerned by the resistance to that reasonable order.  Fortunately focus-groups show that our campaign to get voters to blame the unvaccinated--i.e. conservatives--for all new Covid-19 deaths and cases is working well.  So when you return home for the winter recess, help our president, by blaming the unvaccinated in every speech.
    Blaming the vaccine-hesitant is also a good tactic if someone complains that they still have to wear a mask outside even though they've been vaccinated.  A line that tests well is "Yes, we're all angry about that.  Unfortunately we have to wear masks because a few science-deniers still refuse to take the vaccine.  If everyone got vaccinated we wouldn't have to wear masks."

2.  Parents at school board meetings:  We were concerned for a few days by some bad optics, but our media friends have really helped by repeatedly showing the most-obnoxious, stupid parents whining about wanting to have some sort of input to what schools teach.  Yes, that's crazy.  In any case, Terry McAuliffe helped by trashing that idea, and the Post published a piece doing the same, so we think that issue won't hurt us.  And of course with the winter holidays we can expect almost every voter to forget the issue by year-end, just as they've forgotten about Afghanistan.

3.  State legislators introducing measures to reduce vote fraud:  Thanks to my leadership we were ready for this.  With the help of our Media allies we've portrayed all such measures as really being pushed by Republicans and designed to suppress the minority vote.  Our focus groups show this tests very well.  I'm proud to report that no state has managed to pass any effective measures to reduce fraud.  So in your speeches back home during the winter recess, continue to stress that all such measures are actually efforts by Republicans to suppress minority votes.  Our focus groups show that's a huge winner.

4.  Some members have asked how we can counter our opponents' claims that inflation is happening, caused by the administration printing too much cash.  Our focus groups have shown two strategies work:  First, just claim "inflation is no worse than the historic average."  This works because no one has any idea what the "historic average" for inflation is; and frankly, few young voters even know what inflation is, let alone what causes it.
   The second strategy is to blame higher shipping costs.  Our media allies have helped by doing hundreds of stories on "supply-chain problems" and the resulting higher shipping costs, so your listeners will find this convincing.  Don't use our normal go-to excuse of "OPEC keeps raising the price of oil" since a few voters may recall the president cancelling some dangerous oil pipeline on his first day in office.  Obviously we don't want that.  

5.  Some of our members are concerned that Republicans are warning voters about scary effects of cities firing employees who refuse to be vaccinated.  The GOP focus has been on police, firefighters, nurses, airline pilots and so on.  Don't worry, several lines to counter this have tested very well in focus-groups:  One is to claim cities can easily replace the refuseniks, because so many people in every profession are now looking for work now that the economy has started to recover from the Trump disasters.  (No one will know what those might have been.)
   You can also claim the airlines can easily replace pilots because so many pilots are leaving the Air Force right now.  (Just remember to NOT say they're being discharged because they refused the vaccine.)

6.  Hearings on the January 6th insurrection:  After our opponents grilled our attorney-general about whether some of the rioters were actually undercover federal agents, some of you have expressed concern that if we hold hearings that information might reach voters.  Let me assure you that our committee chairs have all been briefed on this, and will refuse to allow any questions along those lines, on the grounds that "We can't comment on an ongoing investigation" or "We can't discuss this because of national security concerns, but we'd be glad to take this up in closed hearings."

7.  Finally, if meetings back home get difficult, we have a bill that will be strongly supported by all voters:  We're hearing reports that chairs have collapsed when some of our larger supporters sit on them.  Selling chairs that can't support "robust" Americans  is unconscionable-- a hate-crime!  Our bill, the "Americans for Fair Chairs Act, will prevent these hate-crimes from happening, by requiring all chairs sold in the U.S. to be able to support at least 700 pounds.  The extra cost is trivial compared to the emotional well-being of gravity-challenged Americans.


For the satire-challenged, the above may not actually be Dem strategy.

A story about insane Dem politics, with some energy-related science thrown in

The Democrats run California, as they have for the last 50 years.  The state's legislature has a "veto-proof Democrat supermajority," and with a Dem governor any insane law the Dems want to pass becomes reality.

Of course you don't live in California so you think what happens there doesn't affect your life at all.  Wrong, because Cali is what happens when the Democrats control every power structure--which started here last November.  So read on.

Two years ago the abysmally corrupt governor of Cali, Gavin Newsom, signed the Democrat legislature's Assembly Bill 5 into law.  

If you're a normal American you never heard of AB5. Yet it's part of the huge inflation we're just beginning to see.  Let me explain:

AB-5 was a corrupt law from the outset, passed because a powerful union paid state lawmakers to pass it.  The bill not only made it against state law for any state resident to be an "independent contractor," but ALSO made it against state law for any California company to USE independent contractors.

Wait, I hear my liberal friends saying "I'm not an independent contractor, so this has absolutely nothing to do with me."  This is what passes for "thinking" in liberals.  Keep reading and I'll explain what it has to do with you.

The powerful realtors' and bar-association groups used their huge campaign-donation funds to be sure the law wouldn't apply to them.  But oddly, two *very* profitable companies that used ALL independent contractors--companies that certainly had enough money to be able to bribe legislators to ensure that AB-5 would NOT apply to them--had no such luck.  Can you guess the identity of those two companies?

Uber and Lyft.  The success of those companies had cost cab companies LOTs of income.  Since the law doesn't force companies to provide contract employees with medical insurance or pay overtime, Uber and Lyft could offer rides at far lower cost than taxi companies.  So the owners of cab companies saw AB-5 as an easy way to kill the upstarts that were eating their lunch.

The Democrat legislature bleated that AB-5 was simply about "fairness."  And what good American doesn't like "fairness," eh?  But what it REALLY was was an effort by the owners of cab companies and members of the taxi-drivers' union to end the ability of Uber and Lyft to offer rides at lower cost, by forcing those companies to treat all their freelance drivers as employees.

Clever, eh?

Another planned effect of AB-5 was that as soon as drivers for Uber and Lyft were classified as employees, the taxi-drivers' union would essentially force them to join!  Clever again, eh?

But the union's (and taxi owners') cunning bribe of the Dem legislature had some effects that the cunning Democrats may not have anticipated: their bill outlawed contract *truck drivers.*

[Average low-info Democrat:  "Why is that a problem?  That doesn't sound like a problem to me.  'Everybody knows' that trucks belong to, um...'trucking companies,' right?  So truck drivers must already BE employees.  Surely there can't be more than a few dozen contract drivers, right?  Cuz if that wasn't true, the brilliant Dem lawmakers who control passing laws in California would have recognized that and exempted truckers from AB-5, right?"]

Again, this is what passes for "thinking" by Democrats.  Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Democrat-world, where all info comes from CNN, and independent thought is forbidden.

At last report there were about 380,000 independent truckers in the U.S.  Many own their own rigs, while others drive for trucking companies when they have free time.  AB-5 outlawed both in California, and the state has even hauled Cali trucking companies into criminal court for hiring contract labor in *other* states, in violation of AB5!

By making it illegal for companies to use contract drivers, AB5 has removed all those drivers from the pool of drivers eligible to drive trucks in California.  Yet you haven't heard a single word about that.  The Mainstream Media have completely ignored it, because it was rammed through by the Democrat-dominated legislature, and the Media never criticizes anything Democrats do.  

But AB-5 was just one assault on the trucking industry by California Democrats.  In January of last year a DECREE by the California Air Resources Board took effect, banning trucks more than 3 years old from operating in the state.  New trucks are equipped with dozens of chips and systems to reduce pollution, and as a result they cost about $70,000 MORE.  And owners say the finicky exhaust-treatment systems frequently fail, costing thousands of dollars per, and keeping the tractor out of service for months.

Already the state is refusing to register thousands of older trucks.  With the new high-tech trucks costing $70,000 more, many independent truck owner-operators have been priced out of the California hauling market.

Apparently this was all part of the plan.

Cali produces LOTS of agricultural products, most of which is shipped to other states.  If independent truckers are barred from entering California, how do you think Cali food will get to the rest of the country, eh?

Hey, no problem: Lower your expectations, citizen!  Get used to shortages, and much higher prices.  It's Science(tm), citizen!  You have to "follow the science"!

And speaking of Science:  Got any idea how much gasoline the U.S. currently uses per day?  C'mon, man, you're well informed, right?  So you know how many illegals Porridgebrain has allowed into the U.S. this year (1.7 million so far), and how much the Dems' "social infrastructure" bill will cost ($3.5 Trillion), and how many American have died within a week of getting "duh vax" (wait, you don't have the faintest idea).  So with gasoline and diesel being so vital to the economy, you'd think the media would tell ya how much of it we use every day, right?  

Of course they don't.  Think there's a reason?

It's 8.6 million barrels of gasoline a day--or to use terms familiar to the average American, 360 million gallons every day.

Now, let's say the Democrat snowflakes scream that we need to go to electric cars and trucks--as Cali has already decreed.  But because Democrats are very reasonable rulers, let's say that *for now* they only demand that we switch, say, a quarter of those cars and trucks to electricity.  But because they hate nuclear, and refuse to build any more dams to produce totally non-polluting, renewable, non-carbon hydroelectric power, they insist all the electric vehicles be powered by...wait for it...wind turbines--what we used to call "windmills" but which the Dems re-labeled "turbines" cuz that sounds a lot more sciency.

How many new wind "turbines" would we need to add to power just a quarter of our cars?  Ten-thousand?  100,000?  Ask your Dem friends if they have any idea.  Hint: They don't.  So let's find out:

Most windmills more than four years old average 1.5 MW (megawatts) of "nameplate capacity"--their maximum rating in a 50 mph wind.  New ones--a lot bigger--have a 3 MW "nameplate."  But again, actual output is almost never the "nameplate capacity" because wind speeds rarely reach 50 mph.

The actual relevant figure is "capacity factor"--the percentage of the max rated capacity that the "wind turbine" actually puts out over a whole year.  When wind speed drops, electrical output falls fast--if the wind speed drops to half the rated speed (over 50 mph!), power output drops by a factor of EIGHT, so capacity factors are just a fraction of "nameplate capacity."

For 137 U.S. wind projects in 2012, average capacity factor was 30.4%--as self-reported to the gruberment's Energy Information Agency.  But the average capacity factor for 27 EU countries in 2007 was 13%, according to the EIA.  

Perhaps the Europeans have inferior designs or low windspeeds.  Or perhaps the wind-power pushers in the U.S. government are...let's say "fudging their numbers."

But let's be *very* generous and assume all the new "turbines" are 3 MW--twice the power of the ones you normally see--and will operate at that suspiciously high 30% of nameplate.  Thus the average output of a new "turbine" would be 0.9 MW

To replace gasoline in one-fourth of U.S. vehicles would require 125,000 more "turbines" than the entire nation has today.  Is that a lot?  Well, today there are about 67,000 "wind turbines" in the whole country.  So we'd need to install about twice as many "turbines" as have been installed in the entire U.S. to date.

And that cost would be dwarfed by the cost of transmission lines and transformers needed to distribute that new power across the entire nation to recharge all 75 million cars (and who knows how many trucks).  Of course the Democrats aren't talking about these unavoidable costs, because they don't want you to know the real cost of switching to electric vehicles.  Or in this example, switching just a quarter of registered vehicles to wind power.

What can we conclude from this?  Do ya think maybe the Dem pols don't know--or care--about the actual cost?  If they continue to control both chambers of congress and the presiduncy (yes, that was intentional), do ya think they'd pass a national law banning the sale of gasoline-powered vehicles at a future date--as Cali already has?

Does anyone think a projected cost of literally $20 TRILLION would keep the Dem pols from banning gasoline-powered cars, so they could crow about having "stopped global warming"?

So since the Dems are likely to control the entire government for the rest of our lives, let's see if we can predict what will happen when they force everyone to buy EVs. What's likely to happen then?
 Almost certainly extreme energy rationing:  The Dems would know that people had to have enough electricity to power businesses, and home fridges and duh TeeVee (oh, always duh TeeVee).  So if we didn't have enough new generating capacity to power all the cars, what would be cut?  For starters, only "essential driving" would be permitted.  If you wanted to go on a vacation or even out to dinner, you'd have to use public transit.  Air-conditioning private homes would likely be made illegal.  

In other words, complete control of the citizens and an end to the lifestyle you've all grown up with, all done without firing a shot.


But wait, it gets worse:  CARB has now ORDERED that diesel trucks won't be allowed to operate in Cali after 2045.  Instead the board has ordered that all trucks must be electric.

California’s "Secretary of Environmental Protection" (yes, that's a real position) smugly announced "We are showing the world that we can move goods and grow our economy without dirty diesel."

Leaving aside the disastrous result of AB5 outlawing contract truck drivers, the CARB DECREE forcing the trucking industry to use only electric trucks is equally stupid.  Next time presidunce Porridgebrain and Pelosi and AOC start bleating about how EVs will save the whole world from the dreaded Global Warming, keep that in mind.

NYC council votes to remove statue of Thomas Jefferson. (School kid: "Who dat?")

Last week a cabal of unelected communists in New York City voted--unanimously--to remove a statue of Thomas Jefferson from the city council chambers.

The communists were (and are) members of an official gummint body called the Public Design Commission.  They're unelected, instead being appointed by...wait for it...the ghastly, corrupt, hypocrite mayor of that cesspool, Bill deBlasio (real name Warren Wilhelm).

One of the communists, who has declared Jefferson a racist, is himself a racist:  black State Assemblyman Charles Barron.

When asked what the city should do with the statue Barron replied “I think it should be put in storage *or destroyed* or whatever.”

For public-school students, Thomas Jefferson was the main author of the Declaration of Independence.  Of course this means nothing to Barron.  And by the way: Another group of wackos is also big on destroying statues: ISIS.  Of course you don't hear much about those wackos anymore, eh?

You won't be surprised to hear that Barron supports Louis Farrakhan.  He also called former Libyan president Muammar Qaddafi his “hero” and an “African freedom fighter.” Similarly, he supported Robert Mugabe, the communist president of Zimbabwe, who was accused of torturing and killing thousands in the country he ruled with an iron fist for 40 years.

Barron doesn't try to hide his hate for whites, once saying “You know some days I just want to go up to the closest white person and say, ‘You can’t understand this, it’s a black thing,’ and then slap him, just for my mental health.”

Imagine if a white person said that about a black person.

Barron has also worked against the interest of black parents by opposing charter public schools for blacks.  In 2011, when 12 failing NYC public schools were slated to close, he protested the decision to close them.

As to be expected, Barron refuses to salute the American flag and is opposed to the Pledge of Allegiance.

If Barron knew anything about history, he would know that when Jefferson owned slaves, slavery was commonplace all over the world. While slavery was made illegal in the U.S. in 1865, it's still legal in some African countries.

Nowhere in the world at that time had any country had anything like the Declaration, which is why slavery was considered unobjectionable. Not to acknowledge this is pure ignorance.

In his annual address to Congress in 1806, our third president (Jefferson) called for the “criminalization of international slave trade” on the first possible date. The following year he signed into law the provision barring importing slaves into the U.S.  

Barron doesn't care, and wants Jefferson's statue destroyed.

It is said that Jefferson fathered slave children with Sally Hemings. The fact is there is no existing DNA of Jefferson available. The DNA that was used in tests to settle this controversy came from descendants of Field Jefferson, his uncle. Any one of two dozen Jeffersons could have been the father of Hemings’ 5th child.

The commission hasn't decided what to do with Jefferson's statue. It originally planned to move the statue to the New York Historical Society.  However, the commission's president objected because the historical society charges an admission fee.

But that shouldn't bother Barron, since in his world no black person would ever want to see a statue of Thomas Jefferon.

Back in 2017, after statues of Confederate figures were targeted, President Trump predicted that soon enough it would be statues of Jefferson and Washington that would face the axe.

“This week it’s Robert E. Lee," said the president.  "I see they're taking down Stonewall Jackson.  I wonder, will they remove George Washington next week?  Will Thomas Jefferson be removed the week after? You really do have to ask yourself: ‘Where does it stop?’”

As usual, Trump was right.

October 30, 2021

Does God ever intervene to help good people?

Assume for a moment that God exists, and created the universe, and thus is omnipotent and omniscient.  Can we deduce anything useful from this?  Let's see.

In watching how methodically the Left/socialists/"progressives" have either taken over or destroyed virtually every good institution in formerly free, enlightened nations, one immediately apparent conclusion is...how utterly predictable it's been.

Indeed, every takeover, every institution or tradition destroyed by the Left *was* predicted by conservative analysts, then immediately dismissed by elites and the Left as paranoia or a conspiracy theory.  

If we could and did predict those events, obviously God did too.  

Now, it's certainly possible that God has no preference as to whether his creations are relatively free, good and happy or if evil and misery rule.  

Free will, right?

But IF--and it's a big if--God favors good, and good outcomes, over bad and evil ones, it seems possible that just when evil is about to deal the final defeat to good folks, God might just wink and slip in a miracle.

Let me offer two examples: First is our own Revolutionary War.  A handful of colonial combatants--reportedly just 3 percent of the population--were facing the most powerful nation on the planet.  By all conventional analysis we shouldn't have prevailed.  But by coincidence Britain's global rival, France, decided to help us.

Totally self-serving, probably, but as close as it was, we likely wouldn't have shaken off British rule without French help.

Second:  Before World War 2, battleships were the ultimate weapon.  Virtually all U.S. Navy ships in the Pacific--including all our battleships and aircraft carriers--were based at Pearl Harbor.  This was known to Japan's military leaders, who realized that it might be possible to sink many while they were anchored and virtually defenseless.

The surprise attack on Sunday morning, December 7th, 1941, sank four of our eight battleships, and seriously damaged the others.  Although six eventually returned to service, some would be out of action for over a year.

With virtually all our battleships out of action, by everything known to military strategists of the day the U.S. would have no chance of taking on the Japanese navy.

But although the surprise attack sank or badly damaged all our battleships, by a miraculous coincidence not a single one of our aircraft carriers was even hit--because all of them were taking part in exercises far from Hawaii.

And as it turned out, for the rest of the war most naval battles in the Pacific were decided by carrier-based aircraft.

What were the chances that every U.S. carrier would be at sea instead of anchored alongside the battleships at Pearl on that Sunday morning?

Wait, I hear the U.S. elites sneering that it was just coincidence.  Ah well.

In any case...even if God sometimes intervenes to help the forces of good, it's clear that He allows a lot of sacrifice and suffering before any Divine intervention.  But still, if He does intervene, even at the last second, to help good people fighting against overwhelming odds, that seems reassuring.

No wonder the bad folks rarely believe.

October 29, 2021

Latest outrage: biden regime is negotiating with ACLU to pay almost a million bucks to each illegal-immigrant "familly"

The story below was posted by MSN, which is totally pro-Democrat, so supports everything the biden/harris regime does.  So to my suddenly-totally-uninterested-in-politics liberal friends, since MSN is reporting something that logically cuts against the ruling Dems, it means a) it's almost certainly true; and b) the Mainstream Media will totally support the Dems' plan to pay every illegal $450,000.

The Biden administration is considering paying illegal immigrant families who were separated at the border under former President Donald Trump’s policies up to $450,000 each, The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.

The illegal immigrants filed a lawsuit claiming the federal government detention resulted in major psychological trauma, according to the WSJ.  Since most of the 'families' were one parent and child, each pair could receive around $1 million....

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) sued the U.S. government on behalf of the illegal immigrants, knowing the biden/harris regime wouldn't take the suits to trial, giving the ACLU a quick, generous settlement with little effort and no lengthy haggling.  The ACLU's "lead negotiator"--an anti-American POS named Lee Gelernt--said his organization demanded "not only meaningful monetary compensation, but also a pathway to remain in the country.”

Lawyers for the families and the biden regime have told courts overseeing the cases that they are engaged in settlement negotiations and hoped to reach a deal by the end of November.  And yet this is the first time any of you have heard about any of this, eh?  I suspect they'd hoped to keep it all secret until it was a done deal--which would have allowed the Lying Mainstream Media to ignore it by sneering that "It's old news."

And of course the MSM never prints "old" news.  Well, unless it's something that hurts the GOP, like "Trump-Russia collusion."  In that case it's never too old to keep flogging.

So enjoy yet another "inside job" by the harris/biden regime, which will not only give a million of your tax dollars to each of the illegal-immigrant "families" but will also agree to the demand by the leftist/ liberal ACLU that all of 'em be allowed to stay in the U.S. forever.

And just so you're clear on this:  the illegal immigrants, who entered this country in violation of U.S. law, are now demanding (courtesy of their ACLU lawyers) a huge payoff for "being separated at the border"--something the ACLU and similar liberal organizations had DEMANDED so children wouldn't be housed in the same facility as possibly-threatening adult males.

This regime is so insane, so anti-American, pro-open-borders that if you'd written a novel or screenplay describing it, everyone would have scoffed that it was totally unreal.

Here's a short vid of Tucker Carlson giving his amused you-won't-believe-this-is-real take:

Here's a backup in case the first link doesn't work.

Democrats say parents don't have the right to influence what's taught to their kids in public (taxpayer-funded) schools

Loudon county, Virginia, is essentially a suburb of the Dem-ruled cesspool of DC.  So when a bunch of parents of kids in the county's school system started showing up at school board meetings to complain about the schools teaching "critical race theory" or implementing pro-trannie policies or failing to report students raped in girls' bathrooms--demanding a voice in how their schools were run--Dem candidate for governor shot back that they did NOT have any right to shape what was taught.

So the leftist Wash Post weighed in with a piece supporting--not the parents, but the Democrat candidate, former clinton bagman Terry McAuliffe.  Headline says it all:


October 28, 2021

Maxine Waters: So typical of Democrat politicians


Person claiming to be a nurse working with covid patients says most of her patients are fully vaxxed; you decide.

The pic below is from a 90-second video, in which the woman--who says she works with covid patients in a hospital--claims most of the cases and deaths she's been seeing are in people who are fully "vaxxed."

Liberal/Democrat/Biden-harris shill: "This woman isn't a real nurse!  Instead she probably works for some right-wing group and is just spreading misinformation to make people hesitant to take one of the wonderful, totally safe vaccines--which were originally dangerous when Trump pushed 'em, but president Biden has made them perfectly safe!  Yeh, dat's it!"

"See, Doctor Fauci says the vaccines are safe, and that once we got the vax we wouldn't have to wear masks.  And only reason we DO have to wear masks is to protect us from unvaccinated people.  And our president said if you get vaccinated you CANNOT catch the virus.  And the media always say how much he CARES about ordinary Americans, so he would never lie to us about anything, right?

"I mean, both he and Speaker Pelosi did say the government would never ever force Americans to take the vaccine, and sure enough, the government hasn't forced the vax on anyone!  Everyone gets to decide for themselves whether to keep others safe by getting vaccinated.  All totally voluntary.  Of course some companies decided--all by themselves, without any push from the administration--that employees who refused to take the vax would be fired, but that's not forcing anyone to do anything.  It was, like, TOTALLY a decision by private companies!

"And AOC says it's just unbelievable that a few thousand selfish Americans would rather quit than take the vax!  Fortunately all those selfish people aren't important to our wonderful economy, only doing low-level jobs, like cops and firemen and military and nurses and airline pilots and air-traffic controllers, so the administration can easily replace them.  Fortunately none are in a really critical job, like congressional staffers, judges and Hollywood stars!"

October 27, 2021

Head of "Health and Human Services" sets the record straight

Transcript of press conference by the head of the Department of Health and Human Services, the Honorable Xavier Becerra:

Becerra:  "As the head of HHS I can assure you that the vaccines are perfectly safe, and are working exactly as intended.  Thanks to the hard work of the Biden/Harris administration in helping to correct misinformation and overcome 'vaccine hesitancy' among a few dumb, anti-Science Americans, I'm proud to tell you that the survival rate for those infected with this totally-natural virus has now reached 99.7 percent."

Reporter: "Um... wasn't the survival rate 99.7 percent before people began getting the vaccines?"

Becerra:  "I'm not aware that my agency has any official records showing that number.  Of course everyone knows that anti-Science people constantly post misinformation and right-wing conspiracy theories on the Internet.  It's why we need to have a government agency that would screen everything anyone wants to post on the Internet, and not allow any misinformation to be posted.

Reporter #2:  "Do you have a breakdown on how many cases of covid are among fully-vaccinated people--called 'breakthrough cases'-- versus unvaxed?  Same question for deaths due to the virus."

Becerra:  "Today virtually every new case is in those who haven't been vaccinated.  As your president said, this is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated, so there ya go."

Reporter #3:  "But that's not what hospitals are reporting.  They're saying 75% of all new cases are in people who have been fully vaccinated.  Are you saying that's wrong?"

Becerra: "Uh...um...I...I'm not aware that HHS has any official records showing that number.  Of course everyone knows that unvaccinated people falsely claim they've been vaccinated so they won't be fired or put on unpaid leave, so that probably accounts for the reports you may have seen.  Besides, even in the astronomically unlikely case that a fully-vaccinated person were to be infected by Covid-19, they never die from it, because the vaccine makes that unpossible."

Reporter#2:  "Wait, are you saying there are no deaths among people who have been fully vaccinated?  Didn't former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who said he was fully vaccinated, just die of Covid?

Becerra:  "It's possible General Powell was mistaken about being fully vaccinated.  Also, I'm not aware that my agency has any official records about the general, because it's against federal law for doctors and hospitals to share personal medical history of Americans with any government agency.  Cuz this administration is really big on privacy.  Also, my agency has no official record of the cause of his death, but news reports are that it was cancer, so there ya go.  In any case we're sure it wasn't Covid-19."

Reporter #3:  "If you don't have his medical records how can you be sure his death wasn't caused by Covid-19?"

Becerra:  "Because you people reported that it wasn't the cause.  Also, he'd been fully vaccinated.  And as everyone knows, the vaccine prevents anyone who's fully vaccinated from dying from Covid.  Geez, are you people dense or something?  We've told you the vaccine works, so stop being difficult and do your job!"

Reporter #1:  "Wait, last week the former director of the CDC said 75% of the Covid cases in Maryland were in people who'd been fully vaccinated.  Are you saying he lied?"

Becerra:  "Um...uh...I... Well as you said he's the former director.  The president replaced him with the brilliant Rochelle Walensky months ago, and after that he would no longer have access to any official government records, right?  And I'm not aware of any official government records confirming what you say said.  And if there are no official government records, how can you know some wild claim is true, eh?  It's like attorney-general Garland said yesterday, if the head of a government agency isn't aware of any official records, how can you be sure it really happened?" 


For the terminally gullible--all Democrats--yes, the above is satire.

This is how dictatorships operate. Americans should be outraged

Watch here as Porridgebrain's hand-picked attorney-general Merrick Garland repeatedly refuses to answer a simple question from senators: "Were any of the demonstrators on January 6th federal agents?"  It's sickening how smugly this a$$hole repeatedly refuses to answer this crucial question.

Watch Merrick Garland repeatedly refuse to answer direct questions from senators asking "Were any of the demonstrators on Jan 6th government agents?"  It's infuriating.  He dodges by bleating that he can't comment about an "ongoing investigation," but the question wasn't looking for a comment on such.  (For the slow-witted: the investigation ended in May.)

As Garland knows, the DOJ and FBI organized and planned January 6th.   They invited Antifa to pose as Trump supporters. They had agents on the ground, dressed like Trump supporters, urging people to go into the capital building.  They broke windows to let others enter.  They coordinated with the Capital Police to allow people to enter.  

The deep-staters running the DOJ and FBI then coordinated with Democrats and their media supporters to blame Trump supporters.  This propaganda blitz made it virtually impossible for any judge to grant defense demands for the pre-trial release of the jailed demonstrators, who are still jailed to this day, with no bail allowed, and the kind of charges you see when dictators want to intimidate citizens: "unlawful assembly," and so on.  Charges that have never been brought against mobs of rioting, looting, burning BLM/Antifa thugs.

And what happened to the FBI agents who infiltrated the demonstration and urged Trump supporters to enter the Capitol?  They weren't arrested, nor jailed, and instead are back at their regular jobs, intimidating Americans who refuse to obey the fascists who rule us.

October 26, 2021

Left-wing mag reports more details of the constantly-denied "gain-of-function research" funded by Fauci

[This was first posted on October 26, 2021]

The question of whether the NIH funded risky gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China was officially 'answered' last week after the agency claimed that one of their partners -- EcoHealth Alliance, failed to report that they had 'accidentally' created a chimeric coronavirus that was able to infect humanized mice.

In an obvious ass-covering letter from NIH "principal deputy director" Lawrence Tabak to Rep. James Comer (R-KY) last Wednesday, Tabak admitted that the NIH funded what he cleverly called a "limited experiment" to determine whether "spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model."

That, fellow 'Mercans, is the textbook definition of "gain of function research."

And what was the result of this so-called "limited experiment," eh?  According to Tabak, "humanized" mice infected with the modified bat virus "became sicker" than those exposed to the original, unmodified version of the same bat coronavirus.

If you're not conversant with biological research, "humanized" mice are mice that have had their genetic code changed by researchers to make some of their cells virtually identical to human cells.  And "became sicker" means the modified virus was more deadly to humans.

If either of those things creep you out, you're just a "deplorable Science Denier."  So there.

Tabak's letter claims EcoHealth CEO Peter Daszak failed to report this cataclysmic finding to the NIH.

Except according to the fiercely pro-Democrat mag Vanity Fair, EcoHealth did report this finding to the NIH as soon as they learned from their Chinese partners that it happened, supposedly in April of 2018.  EcoHealth issued a statement saying "These data were reported as soon as we were made aware, in our year four report in April 2018."

So someone is lying: either EcoHealth or Fauci...or both.

If Eco did report this earthshaking news in 2018, Fauci is either lying, or incompetent for not knowing.  If Eco did NOT report the finding, Fauci and the NIH are off the hook.

Seems to me Tabak's letter was obviously an effort to clear Fauci and the NIH of any culpability in the creation of the virus.

But wait, there's more:  Vanity Fair cites a leaked grant proposal in which Daszak sought funding from DARPA (the U.S. government) for "the kind of research that could accidentally have led to the [covid] pandemic."

>>    [A] disclosure last month made clear that EcoHealth Alliance, in partnership with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, was aiming to do the kind of research that could accidentally have led to the pandemic. On September 20, a group of internet sleuths released a leaked $14 million grant proposal that EcoHealth Alliance had submitted in 2018 to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

    It proposed partnering with the Wuhan Institute of Virology and constructing SARS-related bat coronaviruses into which they would insert “human-specific cleavage sites” as a way to “evaluate growth potential” of the pathogens.

DARPA rejected the proposal, concerned that it was too risky.

According to the article, the leaked documents struck a number of scientists and researchers as significant because the genetic code of the Covid-19 virus differs from all other bat coronaviruses in that it contains an extra gene for a 'furin cleavage site' which increases the ability of the virus to enter human cells, making it more infectious to humans--exactly the feature EcoHealth proposed modifying in the leaked proposal.

The odds of a gene for a "furin cleavage site" suddenly appearing in exactly the right place in the genetic sequence of a bat coronavirus to make that (non-threatening) bat coronavirus more infectious to humans, by "natural mutation," are trillions to one.

On Sunday, Fauci appeared on ABC News with trusted Democrat shill George Stephanopoulos, where he used word-games to claim that the NIH's contract with Daszak didn't say it was *specifically* FOR Gain of Function research as such.

Of course now we also know that the NIH shielded one of Daszak's grants from review under said framework.

We also now know that Indian researchers did a complete genetic sequence of Covid-19 and found not just one but FOUR "HIV-like" genes inserted into the original bat coronavirus to create SARS-CoV-2.

I read that paper on January 31st of 2020--just one day after the first confirmed U.S. case of the dread virus.  So to say we only know this "now" is totally misleading: if you knew where to look you would have known this a day after I did.  But surely you saw this in one of the dozens of articles about it in the Mainstream Media, right?

No?  Gosh, that's...odd.  Cuz the genetic sequence utterly demolished the "random mutation" Narrative.  So you'd think that with such a crucial piece of research destroying the "random mutation" Narrative, surely the Mainstream Media would have run lots of stories on it, right?  Maybe you just didn't happen to see any of 'em, eh?  Yeh, dat's it.

No, dat's not it.  The Mainstream Media never said a single word about the Indian paper.  Real mystery, that.

Cuz according to the pro-Fauci, pro-China propagandists the four genes--which were clearly, obviously inserted--just "happened," like, y'know, *totally* by accident.  Just random mutations, citizen, no more unusual than drawing four straight-flushes in a row in Vegas, or winning your state lottery four times in a single year.  Nothing to see here, citizen.

Hey, everyone knows someone who's won the lottery four times in a year.  Totally normal, eh?

And if you were wondering:  Yes, they DO think we're all stupid.

Yet another drunk *illegal* immigrant, speeding without headlights, kills 5-year-old American girl

In Florida an illegal alien from Guatemala drank six 32-ounce beers, then drove to a store to get more.

On his way to buy more beer, Ernesto Lopez Morales, 32--thoroughly drunk, and speeding with headlights off at 8:30 pm--rear-ended a car stopped at a red light.

The impact killed a 5 year-old girl in the stopped car.
The impact was so violent that the vehicle that was hit was pushed forward more than 600 feet--the length of two football fields.  Morales immediately fled the accident scene on foot.

He was later found at his home.  He admitted to not having his headlights on and leaving the crash scene.  He also told deputies he ran away because he doesn’t have insurance or a driver’s license.”  A blood test showed a blood alcohol level of 0.108, well above the legal threshold for drunk driving, 0.08 percent.

Bidenfail has imported over 1,700,000 illegal aliens since taking office--and we still have over two months remaining in the year.  Since drunk driving seems to be fairly common among illeglas, if just one percent of those 1.7 million kills someone while drunk, that's 17.000 drunk-driving deaths.

The mother of the 5-year-old wants to thank you Democrats for inflicting both men on us. 

Drunk illegal kills 5-year-old

Watch the first 15 minutes of Tucker

Our border with Mehico has vanished from the Mainstream Media.  But if you think that problem has been solved, watch the first 15 minutes of Tucker Carlson.

1.7 MILLION illegals have entered so far this year--more than the population of Atlanta or Las Vegas. The regime knows this is bad for Americans, but it's good for the Democrats, so there ya go.

Tucker also notes that in refusing to enforce valid U.S. immigration law, Biden is committing an impeachable crime every day.  Yet the Repubs know they don't have the votes to impeach, let alone convict and remove from office.

Stolen elections have consequences.

Yet another victory for Biden's "border czar"

After Joe picked his VP as "border czar" Harris got off to a slow start, travelling to Central America to impress the presidents of those countries with her skills.  Apparently she thought that Guatemala and the U.S. had a common border or something.

Then she went to El Paso, and reported that she didn't see a single person walking into the US..

Of course that may have been because seven- thousand illegals a day were crossing about 200 miles from El Paso.  But El Paso itself was completely under control.

But now that she's had a chance to get up to speed, she and Joe have come up with a MAJOR new policy.  Actually a "strategy," which sounds even better.  It's the first-ever "National Gender Strategy."

You may think that's too dumb for words, and that I must be kidding.  Unfortunately, it's real:

So if you thought the U.S. was back on its heels, as it were, we can now assure you that Kammie and Brandon have things well in hand.  Of course the first 'graf is a bit puzzling:

The Biden-Harris Administration issues first-ever national gender strategy to advance the full participation of all people -- including women and girls -- in the United States and around the world.

The puzzle is that they explain that this "national gender strategy" is supposed to "advance the full participation of all people-- including women and girls.  One wonders why, since "all people" includes women and girls, and that since they're half the population, that's too obvious to need explaining, why they felt the need to put the phrase there.  It's possible their consultants have told 'em Americans are as stupid as the Media seem to think.  But I think it's something else.

I think they specifically inserted "..including women and girls" NOT because without that someone might have been confused by the meaning of "all people," but because they didn't want to specify that the "strategy" was specifically designed to include trannies.  So using the Dem definition of "women and girls" they can now claim trannies are part of this specially-protected group.

It would be amusing to watch Kammie's response if a reporter asked her specifically if the regime interpreted "women and girls" to include trannies. 

October 25, 2021

Harris/biden regime announces huge foreign-policy win!

In times of crisis--like facing the prospect of being fired from a job you've done well for 20 years for not wanting to take a dangerous and almost useless jab posing as a vaccine, or trying to cope with the flood of 1.7 million illegals across our southern border at the invitation of harris/bidenfail--even the most woke among us can lose track of really important things, eh?

For example, some of you may have overlooked the harris/bidenfail regime's biggest foreign-policy victory yet:  "International Pronouns Day."

That's right, citizen!  Don't let anyone try to tell you the U.S. isn't still the world's leader in "gender equity" and proper pronoun etiquette!  Cuz, we are indeed leading the world in that critical field.

Wait, ya say you'd never heard of International Pronouns Day?  How can that be?  It's only the biggest foreign-policy win since Super-Joe and the president took power!  It was all over CNN and MSNBC and The View, so surely you had to have heard about how excited the administration was to share this faaabulous piece of Democrat leadership with everyone.  Surely...?

Oh sure, a few of Science-Deniers may have been distracted by losing your job, but if you've gotten the faaabulous vaccine as you were told, you shouldn't be worried about anything.  So there's still time to get those "Happy Belated IPD" cards out tomorrow!  I think State may still have a few left!


Repeat violent thug given plea-deal parole by commie San Fran DA despite three strikes steals car, kills two women

If you want an insight into "liberal thinking," consider the following case:
Troy Ramon McAlister is a meth addict and career criminal.  Three years ago he was facing a possible life sentence under California's "three strikes" law for repeat offenders convicted of three violent crimes.  That law recognized the screamin'-obvious fact that some people repeatedly choose to commit violent crimes, time after time.

Many studies have established that between five and ten percent of criminals commit 90% of all crimes and have no intention of going straight.  McAlister had previously been convicted of robbery in 1995, an attempted carjacking in 2005 and another robbery in 2010. His record shows additional serious convictions in 2006 and 2007.  In late 2018 he was headed for trial on two counts of second-degree robbery in connection with a 2015 holdup in a San Francisco store.

But just before trial, against all logic, McAlister was magically freed, thanks to newly-elected (by Soros money) DA Chesa Boudin, who simply ignored McAlister's several previous two strikes for violent crimes.  Instead the crook was given what has become a standard sweetheart deal by Boudin's office: a plea deal giving him...parole.

Thanks to Boudin's liberal insanity McAlister was free as a bird just before last New Year's Eve, when--in an event that could not possibly have been foreseen by any liberal--he stole a car.  Two days later, drunk, driving the car he'd stolen two days earlier, McAlister ran a red light and killed two pedestrians in a crosswalk.

The San Fran Chronicle doesn't see fit to mention the victims--cut down by the drunk career crook/meth addict/car thief who was free to kill them because a communist, Soros-elected DA had given the career criminal parole instead of 40 years in prison--for another 20 paragraphs.  Because like most liberals the reporter and editors at the Chron think innocent victims are a small price to pay to achieve the woke goal of releasing career criminals on parole when they should have been sent to prison for many years.

See, San Fran voters are really woke 'n all.

For the record, the innocent victims were 60-year-old Elizabeth Platt and 27-year-old Hanako Abe.  After killing the pair, McAlister fled on foot but was quickly caught by witnesses and cops.

Also for the record, Boudin is the son of two convicted terrorists, raised by two other convicted terrorists while his parents were fugitives from the law.  Upon taking office as San Francisco's DA, Boudin immediately declared that his office would no longer prosecute theft of items worth under $950.

What the Chron cleverly labels the "shift in McAlister's robbery case"--the plea deal offered by Boudin that put the career criminal back on the streets to allegedly commit a crime spree that ended with two pedestrians dead "raises more questions about whether the pedestrians' deaths could have been avoided."

"Questions about whether the...deaths could have been avoided"?  Gosh, ya think?

So how does the Chron answer these questions?  Why, by criticizing the "three strikes" law, writing "The episode also offers a look at the turn in some counties away from strict laws like "three strikes" that filled prisons and sometimes enabled abuses. Prosecutors, lawmakers and advocates have been debating which of these laws have value, which need to be altered, and which need to end.

Boudin said in a memo that the law "fueled mass incarceration and disparately impacted communities of color."  Boudin's predecessor, George Gascon, who became district attorney in Los Angeles, issued a directive to eliminate "three strikes" from sentencing decisions.

After Boudin released the killer last March, police arrested McAlister several times, on suspicion of crimes including car theft and car burglary.  But rather than charge McAlister with those new crimes, Boudin merely referred the incidents to state parole officers.

The next 400 words of the Chron article are devoted to quoting Boudin blaming every other office in the city for the deaths, and lying about what he slyly says he intends to do to prevent this sort of thing from happening again.

Of course he has no intention of following up on any of that blather.  His stated role is to release as many criminals as possible, as soon as possible, and to avoid charging perps for serious crimes whenever possible.

On Dec 20, just five days before the intoxicated meth-head killed the two women, San Francisco police arrested McAlister for car theft, suspicion of possessing stolen property, methamphetamine possession and possession of burglary tools.  Of course Boudin failed to file charges, and just three days later the thug stole another car and killed the two female pedestrians.

Boudin’s office declined to file charges against the repeat felon in every instance.  Now read his statement carefully:

“We evaluated the facts, the strength of the case and the charges, and decided it was more likely that he would be held accountable through parole,” said Boudin.

"More likely that he would be held accountable through parole," eh?  What utter horseshit.

Boudin then blamed McAlister’s parole officer, claiming the P.O. had “much deeper knowledge of the individual and the challenges that are leading to that criminal behavior than my office is able to obtain.”

Boudin further argued that parole officials have “more leverage” to keep people in custody than his office does.  It's like this guy is speaking a foreign language and just stringing random words together.

The last 200 words are devoted to criticizing the state's "three strikes" law, which was intended to get more violent criminals off the street.  But the Chron claims that "Over the years, though, it fell out of favor among many criminal justice leaders and advocates, who saw it as unfair."

Unfair to whom?  Seems t' me that repeat violent criminals have made a choice to continue beating, stabbing and shooting victims, so whining that being imprisoned for those crimes seems...nuts.  It's also worth noting that crime declined after the law passed.

But thanks to liberals--who think it's just awful to send violent criminals to prison for longer than a few weeks--and to criminal-coddling DA's like Boudin and Gascon, looks like voters in LA and San Fran are going to have a lot of hard years ahead.

Her killer, career criminal, meth addict.  Thanks, Boudin.


October 24, 2021

14-year-old sexually assaulted in school in wealthy lib county; superintendent lies to try to cover it up

If you're a parent now, think back to when you were in grades 7 to 12.  Do you recall any rapes or forcible sodomy happening in the bathrooms of your school?  No?

And you certainly wouldn't expect any of those things now--at least in a well-run school in one of the wealthiest counties in the nation. But of course, "things are different" now that communists run school boards and schools.  

Next: If such a sexual assault did occur, and the Superintendent of the school system lied about it in a public meeting, how long would it have taken for the board to fire him or her, with no severance pay, for lying to the board and the public?  And if the dipshit still had his or her job four months later, what would that tell you about the members of your school board?

In wealthy Loudoun county, Virginia, a 14-year-old girl told her father that on May 28, a boy wearing a skirt entered a girls' bathroom at her school--Stone Bridge High School--and proceeded to beat, rape and sodomize the girl.

The family’s attorney confirmed that a boy was charged with two counts of forcible sodomy, one count of anal sodomy, and one count of forcible fellatio, related to an incident that day at that school.”

The sheriff’s office confirmed via a public records request the existence of a report with "Offense: Forcible Sodomy [and] Sexual Battery" matching the date and location of the attack on the 14-year-old.

Yet at the next school board meeting, on June 22, during a public discussion of a proposed policy for transgender students, the Superintendent of the county's school system (Scott Ziegler) flatly lied about the assault, implying that it didn't happen.

The exchange happened after a parent claimed that letting transgender males use girls' bathrooms was dangerous.  Crazy lefitst board member Beth Barts--the person mostly responsible for pushing pro-trans and CRT policies--huffily responded, "Our students do not need to be protected, and they are not in danger."  Addressing Ziegler, Barts sneeringly asked "Do we have assaults in our bathrooms or locker rooms *regularly?"*

Superintendent Ziegler responded with a masterful double-evasion: "To my knowledge we don't have any record of assaults occurring in our restrooms."

Oh really?

Board Chairwoman Brenda Sheridan then asked “Have we had any issues involving transgender students in our bathrooms or locker rooms?”

Ziegler again dodged the question, then implied that the alleged rape and sodomy never happened: “I think it's important to keep our perspective on this.  We've heard it several times tonight from our public speakers [i.e. outraged parents of students in that school], but the predator transgender student or person simply does not exist.”

Really, you lying sack?  Why don't we take a look at your own email, to the board, on May 28th?

My, my, would you look at that.  Ol' Scott sent that hisself, to da skool bord, wif subjek "Confidential school incident."  And the date of this email?  May 28th--barely 3 weeks before ol' Scott flatly denied that any assault had happened.

The POS still has his job.  School board--communists--seem to be fine with his lies.

On August 11th the ghastly school board voted to approve letting male trannies use girls' restrooms.  One wonders whether the members of the board believe no assault happened--Ziegler's claim--or whether they believe an occasional rape is a small price to pay for the Greater Social Good of helping to support mentally ill students in their delusion.

But the story doesn’t end with the county’s crackpot leftist policies on “transgenders.”  The District Attorney for the county,  who personally prosecuted the father of the 14-year-old victim for causing a disturbance at the school board meeting is Buta Biberaj-- a radical Albanian Muslim immigrant backed by leftist billionaire George Soros.  Her office refused to jail the rape suspect, instead leaving him free to transfer to a different school in the county, where he assaulted another girl. 

 Biberaj was one of several Soros-backed prosecutors elected in northern Virginia in 2019 after her campaign received more than $860,000 from a Soros "political action committee."

How the Washington Post helped the biden regime scare people away from an effective treatment for covid

I've been telling you about how the biden regime and the Media constantly push lies, so that Americans constantly believe things that are outrageously false.

And recently lots of examples have been jumping in my lap.  Here's one:

Dr. David Boulware is supposedly a medical professor at U of Minnesota.  A month ago the totally pro-Democrat-government mouthpiece "Washington Post" was doing a hit-piece on ivermectin, and used Boulware for a good scare quote to make Americans think the drug is likely to kill you. 

“If you go on Amazon, you get a three-gram tube, which is 3,000 milligrams,” said Boulware. “A normal human dose might be 30 milligrams, so you could buy a hundred times the necessary human dose, which would lead to toxicity.”

And if what you buy was 100% ivermectin, that would be close.  But since the government has prohibited Americans from buying the drug, the only source for us is tractor stores, and the material you buy is just 1.87% Ivermectin, as can clearly be seen in one-inch-high numbers on the front of every box. Unless Boulware is incompetent, there's no way he couldn't have known this.  Turns out 3 grams of 1.87% is enough to give one preventative dose to six to eight adults.

Do you really believe Boulware gave his quote to the Post's "journalist" without even looking at an image of a box of equine Ivermectin?  That he had no idea what the huge "1.87% ivermectin" on the box meant? 

This was propaganda, pure and simple.  So after dozens of readers complained to the Post that the Boulware quote was nonsense, how did the paper correct the clearly-intentional "error.?"  Ah: "incorrectly cited an amount and concentration."  Every reader would think it was just an accident instead of a deliberate hit-piece by a government determined that the public NOT have any treatment for the Chyna virus.  And of course the correction would never be seen by those who'd read the original article.  Mission accomplished, for the Post and the biden regime.


In Jan of 2020 researchers found 4 inserted genes in Covid-19 that weren't present in any known bat virus

Two days after the first case of Covid-19 was found in the U.S., I happened across a paper titled "Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag"

Interestingly, this paper was in "pre-print" on Jan 31, 2020--roughly two months after the Wuhan outbreak, and just two days after the first confirmed case in the U.S.  The authors had done a huge amount of research in the two months since the virus hit Wuhan.  But the paper was never officially published, instead being withdrawn after "criticism."  

I haven't been able to find the specific complaints made against the paper or its methods.  It's possible that the same group of conspirators--led by the notorious Peter Daszak--who conned the editors of the Lancet into publishing a letter claiming the virus could not possibly have been modified in a Chinese lab sank this paper with the same pressure--but no actual scientific basis.

The authors call the virus 2019-nCoV, which WHO and others renamed Covid-19.  For brevity I'll often shorten this to just C19.

I've omitted the really technical stuff for easier reading, but the link above has the details if you're curious.

Coronaviruses are common in both humans and animals.  In fact the common cold is caused by a coronavirus.  Before Covid-19 coronaviruses were rarely dangerous to humans, usually causing only symptoms much like the common cold.

Before Covid-19 only two coronaviruses had been found to be dangerous to humans: SARS and MERS. Each killed a few thousand Americans.  Although a vaccine was developed for SARS and was given to a few thousand Americans, the vaccinations were quickly stopped after fewer than ten vaccinated people died right after taking it

(Think about that:  After fewer than ten unvaccinated people died right after taking it, the government pulled that vax.  Over 10,000 Americans have died after taking one of the jabs Americans were ORDERED to take--on penalty of being fired if they refused.  Yet the regime continued to insist that everyone--down to age 5 (!!) take the jab.  Think about it.)

So during the SARS epidemic, after the U.S. government pulled the only vaccine against the deadly SARS virus off the market, eventually everyone in the world got the virus and died.  The End.

Oh wait, we're still here.  So what happened to the two epidemics of SARS and MERS?

Say, that's a great question, citizen!  Go stand in that line over there and the nice men with the guns will answer all your questions.

But as Fauci et al constantly told us, Covid-19 is FAR more lethal to humans than most members of the coronavirus family.  So it's worth asking two questions: what makes C19 more lethal to humans than other members of that family, and how did it become so much more lethal?

The official party line--the Narrative, which China and the U.S. government and media have constantly pushed for over two YEARS now [updated as of July 2022], and which most of you heard back in 2020--is that Covid-19 became lethal to humans due to natural mutations.  Remember hearing that?  (Nah, you probably don't.)

Because members of the coronavirus family do mutate, the "natural mutation" Narrative was at least superficially plausible.  But what Fauci and his lackeys in the NIH and the Democrat suck-ups in the Mainstream Media carefully didn't tell you is how many mutations the lethal-to-human version of the virus had, compared to the closest natural bat virus--even though they knew.  That's important, because natural mutations are random--typically the result of a high-energy particle destroying or altering a single "base" in the RNA genetic code. 

They didn't tell you how many mutations because natural mutations change one single letter in the long string, usually making the gene non-functional.  But C19's genetic code differs from the closest matching bat virus not by a few random single-letter mutations (i.e."natural"), but by the careful insertion of four new blocks of 8 specific, consecutive letters--"bases"--none of which are present in the closest natural virus.  

And now for the kicker--the proof:  Each of the blocks of 8 consecutive letters--clearly inserted as a block, since the letters (bases) are consecutive--forms part of a functional gene that was not present in the closest bat virus.  And to do that, those four inserts must be in exactly the right location.

If you're a "-studies" major, you should know that the probability of that happening randomly is essentially zero.

You may also recall hearing that the "naturally-mutated," now-deadly virus made the jump to humans when residents of Wuhan ate an infected bat from an open-air market.  Other versions of this Narrative claimed the infected animal was a pangolin.  Of course the specific animal chosen for the Narrative didn't matter, since the Narrative was a fable--i.e. horseshit.  All that was needed for the Narrative to be believed was to name any exotic animal found in the Wuhan open-air market, and the Media would nod that this was totally plausible.

As you'll see below, if the genetic sequencing claimed at the link (and shown below) is correct, it utterly demolishes the official Narrative.  The odds of C19 reaching its current form by a series of random natural mutations are trillions to one-- it's essentially impossible.

If not natural, C19 had to reach its deadly form because someone deliberately inserted four carefully-selected groups of eight specific bases into a "natural" bat coronavirus to make it lethal to humans.  I'll show you the evidence below.  The method used by the Indian team to find those four inserted genes is brilliant and easy to understand.  You won't want to miss it.

Inserting genes into a virus to make it more deadly is called "gain-of-function" research.  You may have heard that term, and the fact that Fauci denied ever authorizing or funding any such research.  Fauci has repeatedly, indignantly, denied that his agency funded any such research, which was considered so dangerous that the U.S. government banned it--but only in the United States.  But public records show that Fauci's agency did fund gain-of-function research--at the Wuhan Institute of Virology--using your tax dollars.  So Fauci lied. 

We have the grant number, and a published paper from the Wuhan lab from 2015 thanking the U.S. NIAID (which Fauci heads).

Bet you never heard any of that before.

Fauci could deny funding that research because the bureaucracy he heads--NIAID--used what's called a "cutout" to funnel money to the Wuhan Institute.   If you're not familiar with the term, a cutout is the method lawbreaking agencies use when they want to get something done that would be politically damaging if the agency did it directly.

In this case Fauci's cutout was an outfit soothingly named "EcoHealth Alliance," headed by Peter Daszak.  Official NIH documents show the grant numbers and amounts.  And to confirm this, when researchers at the Wuhan published a paper in 2015 crowing about their success in inserting a single gene into a bat coronavirus, the paper they published "gratefully acknowledged" the grant from the NIH--and included the grant number.  The paper was presented at an international convention in 2015, so neither Fauci nor the Chinese can make it disappear.  

But with the help of the Mainstream Media, who have always pushed anything Fauci uttered as if it were true, Fauci can ensure that the public never sees the evidence just noted.  It's like it never happened.

Only a member of the Mainstream Media could believe that Fauci didn't know exactly what Daszak was doing with the federal dollars Fauci gave him.  So by repeatedly denying to congress that his agency funded the Chinese research that led directly to Covid, Fauci has repeatedly lied, and gotten away with it. 

Of course most Americans can't believe a high government official would lie about something so easily proven--and from official NIH records.  But considering the number of deaths in the U.S. allegedly caused by C19, Fauci couldn't--and can't ever--admit his role in funding the research that modified the formerly-harmless virus that presumably escaped from the lab, causing the pandemic.  That should be obvious even to a Democrat.

So with all this as background we're ready to get to the proof that the genes that made C19 deadly to humans were inserted into the formerly harmless bat virus, apparently by humans:  

Most people will be surprised to learn that not only have researchers identified the gene sequence of every coronavirus before Covid-19, they've also published those genetic codes.  So using these normal, uncontroversial sequencing techniques, the authors of the paper noted at the top of this article sequenced the genetic code of C-19, then used a computer to compare the sequence they found to the published genetic code of every known (non-lethal) coronavirus.

Genetic code is like a long string of letters.  Groups of (typically) six to eight of these letters produce a specific function in the virus.  The Indian researchers' computer program compared the gene sequence of C19 to that of all known bat-coronaviruses to find the closest match.  They did this by using a computer to slide a string of 1,277 "bases" in the sequence they found, comparing it against the code for the closest natural (non-lethal) bat viruses, one letter at a time.  The program counted the number of times the letters in the both sequences matched. 

(It takes awhile for most people to grasp what's going on from the explanation above.  If you look at the side-by-side comparison of the genetic codes, shown below, it's immediately clear.)

Finally the computer found a known bat virus that had a gene sequence almost identical to that of C19--but not quite.  Instead, the sequence for the lethal C19 contained four contiguous 8-letter blocks of genetic code not found in ANY of the known natural (non-lethal) coronaviruses.

When you look at the side-by-side comparison of the sequences, the inserted genes are glaringly obvious.

Turns out all four of the inserted genes are in the "spike protein" part of the virus.  That's the part that the virus uses to bind to target cells in the host--which the virus must do to penetrate the wall of the cell and insert its genetic code into the target cell's DNA.  

And all four of the inserted genes increased the ability of the virus to bind to human cells with "ACE-2"receptors--found in human airways.  

If you think that's a coincidence I've got some oceanfront property in Nebraska I'll sell ya.

The figure below shows how they found the insertions.  (Click it to enlarge.)  They found the closest bat coronavirus to C19, called SARS-GZ02.  By sliding the starting point of one RNA strand against the other, one letter at a time, the computer found an alignment where 98% of the bases in the two strings matched--shown in red below.  Non-matching bases are in blue, and represent random natural mutations.  But in four places in C19 there are contiguous blocks of four to eight bases NONE of which are present in ANY of the known "natural" viruses.   

See for yourself.  Start at the far end and work backwards to location 700 or so, and you'll see that the match is almost perfect.  The four inserted genes jump right out at you.

Keep in mind that everything I've just told you was known to honest U.S. scientists beginning one day after the first case of C19 was discovered in the U.S (January 29, 2020).   But with the eager help of the Lying Mainstream Media, the conspirators were able to keep the bleat going for well over a year that "It's simply un-possible that this virus was created in a lab!!!!

The Mainstream Media also had another weapon against the lab leak: They claimed that anyone who supported the idea that the virus was modified to lethality in the Wuhan lab was...wait for it...RAACIST!

Remember hearing that, repeatedly, from every single Media outlet?  The genetic comparison makes it clear that the media's claim that "It's just not possible that this virus was modified in a lab!" was a lie, and all honest scientists knew it.  But with Fauci controlling billions of dollars in research grants, most scientists didn't want to anger the man who could cancel your grant.  After all, the allocation of federal grant money--tens of billions of dollars--to certain people to study only certain things ensures that studies that might contradict Fauci, Walensky, the CDC and FDA don't get funded.

As more scientists discovered the above research--which proved beyond reasonable doubt that C19 had been modified by humans to make it deadly to humans--you'd think the Mainstream Media might have admitted the truth.  Instead the Media simply stopped spouting the Narrative that "the virus could not possibly have been modified in a lab," counting on the fact that almost no one would recall their earlier insistence that it couldn't have been modified in a lab.

Another fact:  For C19 to have been a "natural mutation" that infected a human who ate an infected animal, some "animal reservoir" must exist.  But to this day no animal (including bats) has ever been found to carry C19.  Honest scientists know this.  Think about the significance of the fact that no animal reservoir has ever been found.

Now:  Fauci and the government and Mainstream Media say that anyone who claims the Chinese deliberately modified a bat virus to make it lethal to humans is a crazy conspiracy-theorist.  They point out that RNA viruses constantly mutate (true) and claim that the new lethality of C19 is entirely due to "natural mutation."

While it's well known that RNA viruses constantly mutate, the claim that the four insertions occurred naturally is, to put it nicely, utter horseshit.  It's as plausible as a tornado hitting a junkyard and assembling a Boeing 747.  [If I knew who said that first I'd give 'em credit!]

Reason is that mutations typically change just one base at a time.  But as you can see from the compared strings above, the four insertions aren't simply a single altered letter here or there, as would happen with a random mutations, but instead are contiguous blocks of six to eight letters, none of which were in the original bat virus.  People who claim the lethality of C19 to humans is due to random mutations must explain the probability of that happening "naturally."

Not only have four blocks of codons been inserted, but ALL the insertion produced functional genes.

And that happened not just once, but four times--with all the new genetic codes being inserted, rather than altering codons already present. 

Even more damning: All of the inserted genes changed the same part of the virus-- the so-called spike protein--and all of them in a way that made the virus bind more effectively to cells in human airways--making it more lethal to humans.  

Totally random, eh?

The only reasonable conclusion is that these four genes were deliberately inserted into the genetic code of the closest known bat coronavirus.  One look at the side-by-side comparison in the figure above and it's obvious beyond reasonable doubt that the four extra genes were artificially inserted.

The carefully-altered spike proteins are thought to account for ALL the increased infectivity and lethality of C19, as they enable the virus to tightly bind itself to airway cells that have an ACE-2 receptor, and to fuse with those cells more effectively. 

Moreover, the researchers found that the genetic code in all four of the inserts--which the Narrative claims are entirely due to natural mutations--is either identical or highly similar to code in the HIV virus which has been identified as helping that virus bind to T-4 cells of the immune system.

But it's a total coincidence, eh?

Finally, for those who think the Indian authors made this up:  Chinese researchers (Zhou et al., 2020) confirmed three of the insertions, but they compared fewer spike protein sequences than the authors of the paper noted here.

Again, the orignal paper that was the source for this was posted January 31, 2020.  Officials at the CDC and FDA would have seen it that same day.  I haven't seen any attempt by either of those agencies to refute--or even acknowledge--the paper's findings or conclusions.  That's because they're impossible to refute.  If the CDC is ever questioned on this, they'll claim the paper was withdrawn prior to publication, which is true.  But no one has disputed the results.  And India takes care to avoid angering China.

Think about that.  The CDC and FDA have known about the genetic comparison from the very beginning of the plandemic, but they ignored it, and encouraged the Mainstream Media to tell Americans that it "simply wasn't possible" for C19 to have been modified in a Chinese lab, to kill millions around the world.

What the FDA and CDC and NIH did do was to hide Fauci's culpability in funding research that was banned by U.S. law due to the risk of exactly what ended up happening.  Fauci would do ANYTHING to hide his guilt in causing the pandemic, and a million or so U.S. deaths.


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At CNN "town hall" to push bidenfail, shill asks biden "What about rising gas prices?" Biden: "OPEC's fault."

At the CNN "town hall" featuring softball questions lobbed at Porridgebrain, one question was "What accounts for the slight rise in gas prices seen in some states?"

Biden responded, "That's because of the supply being withheld by OPEC."  

Interesting.  But when Trump was president, the U.S. was producing enough oil to cover our consumption, right?  What happened that changed that, in such a short time?

Oh, dat's right! YOU (or whoever is pulling your strings) killed the Keystone XL pipeline, which would have delivered about 700,000 barrels of friendly Canadian oil to U.S. refineries.  You (or your handlers) ordered that no drilling permits be issued for the Gulf of Mexico.  You (or your masters) ordered an end to leasing in U.S. waters off our east and west coasts.

Say, you don't think maybe those things could have cut U.S. oil and gas availability, do ya?  I mean, I know it's a real stretch to think that blocking sources of oil might...um...cause total output to drop, but do ya think there just might be some link? 

Nah, didn't think so.

October 23, 2021

New "caravan" of ten-thousand "new Democrat voters" break thru southern border of Mehico, headed for promised land

 What dis?

a) It's nothing.  Nothing, citizen.

b) um...a religious celebration by Mehicans in Mehico?  Yeh, dat's it.

c) um...I don't know who dees peepo are, so dey ain't nuffin to me.

d) 15,000 Guatemalans, Nicaraguans, Costa Ricans and Salvadorans eager to become Democrat voters.

Answer is d.  They headin' to da U.S., where biden and majorkas gonna welcome dem to da land of fee sheeit.  Well, free to dem, anyways.  Which is all dat matter.  Duh akshual cost gonna be paid by yo parents, so gonna come outta yo inheritance, eh?  But you don' care, right?  Cuz da skool done tol' ya dat dis bees fair.  An' ev'ryone love fair, right?  So you fine wif da peepo bein' welcomed in by da Dems, right?  Make you wanna vote mo' Dems, cuz so fair, eh?

You got da white priv'lidge, eh?  You don' deserve what you got.  Bettah you give yo' stuff to da po' immigrants.  Make dem citizens, let dem vote.  Way bettah, mon.  Way mo' fair.

Fair, citizen.  You keep dat in mine when you tink who yo vote fo', mon.  Dems good.

1,700,000 illegal immigrants into the U.S. this fiscal year, thanks to the Democrats.  Thanks.

Way back in 1969 there was another virus--killed 100,000 Americans. How did we react?


Of course that was before corrupt assholes like Fauxi wormed themselves into the top positions in gruberment "health care."  

Before we got a moronic "resident" owned by Chyna.  

Before the Dems started being so obvious about stealing elections--and laughing about it.