October 23, 2021

New "caravan" of ten-thousand "new Democrat voters" break thru southern border of Mehico, headed for promised land

 What dis?

a) It's nothing.  Nothing, citizen.

b) um...a religious celebration by Mehicans in Mehico?  Yeh, dat's it.

c) um...I don't know who dees peepo are, so dey ain't nuffin to me.

d) 15,000 Guatemalans, Nicaraguans, Costa Ricans and Salvadorans eager to become Democrat voters.

Answer is d.  They headin' to da U.S., where biden and majorkas gonna welcome dem to da land of fee sheeit.  Well, free to dem, anyways.  Which is all dat matter.  Duh akshual cost gonna be paid by yo parents, so gonna come outta yo inheritance, eh?  But you don' care, right?  Cuz da skool done tol' ya dat dis bees fair.  An' ev'ryone love fair, right?  So you fine wif da peepo bein' welcomed in by da Dems, right?  Make you wanna vote mo' Dems, cuz so fair, eh?

You got da white priv'lidge, eh?  You don' deserve what you got.  Bettah you give yo' stuff to da po' immigrants.  Make dem citizens, let dem vote.  Way bettah, mon.  Way mo' fair.

Fair, citizen.  You keep dat in mine when you tink who yo vote fo', mon.  Dems good.

1,700,000 illegal immigrants into the U.S. this fiscal year, thanks to the Democrats.  Thanks.


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