Repeat violent thug given plea-deal parole by commie San Fran DA despite three strikes steals car, kills two women
If you want an insight into "liberal thinking," consider the following case:
Troy Ramon McAlister is a meth addict and career criminal. Three years ago he was facing a possible life sentence under California's "three strikes" law for repeat offenders convicted of three violent crimes. That law recognized the screamin'-obvious fact that some people repeatedly choose to commit violent crimes, time after time.
Many studies have established that between five and ten percent of criminals commit 90% of all crimes and have no intention of going straight. McAlister had previously been convicted of robbery in 1995, an attempted carjacking in 2005 and another robbery in 2010. His record shows additional serious convictions in 2006 and 2007. In late 2018 he was headed for trial on two counts of second-degree robbery in connection with a 2015 holdup in a San Francisco store.
But just before trial, against all logic, McAlister was magically freed, thanks to newly-elected (by Soros money) DA Chesa Boudin, who simply ignored McAlister's several previous two strikes for violent crimes. Instead the crook was given what has become a standard sweetheart deal by Boudin's office: a plea deal giving him...parole.
Thanks to Boudin's liberal insanity McAlister was free as a bird just before last New Year's Eve, when--in an event that could not possibly have been foreseen by any liberal--he stole a car. Two days later, drunk, driving the car he'd stolen two days earlier, McAlister ran a red light and killed two pedestrians in a crosswalk.
The San Fran Chronicle doesn't see fit to mention the victims--cut down by the drunk career crook/meth addict/car thief who was free to kill them because a communist, Soros-elected DA had given the career criminal parole instead of 40 years in prison--for another 20 paragraphs. Because like most liberals the reporter and editors at the Chron think innocent victims are a small price to pay to achieve the woke goal of releasing career criminals on parole when they should have been sent to prison for many years.
See, San Fran voters are really woke 'n all.
For the record, the innocent victims were 60-year-old Elizabeth Platt and 27-year-old Hanako Abe. After killing the pair, McAlister fled on foot but was quickly caught by witnesses and cops.
Also for the record, Boudin is the son of two convicted terrorists, raised by two other convicted terrorists while his parents were fugitives from the law. Upon taking office as San Francisco's DA, Boudin immediately declared that his office would no longer prosecute theft of items worth under $950.
What the Chron cleverly labels the "shift in McAlister's robbery case"--the plea deal offered by Boudin that put the career criminal back on the streets to allegedly commit a crime spree that ended with two pedestrians dead "raises more questions about whether the pedestrians' deaths could have been avoided."
"Questions about whether the...deaths could have been avoided"? Gosh, ya think?
So how does the Chron answer these questions? Why, by criticizing the "three strikes" law, writing "The episode also offers a look at the turn in some counties away from strict laws like "three strikes" that filled prisons and sometimes enabled abuses. Prosecutors, lawmakers and advocates have been debating which of these laws have value, which need to be altered, and which need to end.
Boudin said in a memo that the law "fueled mass incarceration and disparately impacted communities of color." Boudin's predecessor, George Gascon, who became district attorney in Los Angeles, issued a directive to eliminate "three strikes" from sentencing decisions.
After Boudin released the killer last March, police arrested McAlister several times, on suspicion of crimes including car theft and car burglary. But rather than charge McAlister with those new crimes, Boudin merely referred the incidents to state parole officers.
The next 400 words of the Chron article are devoted to quoting Boudin blaming every other office in the city for the deaths, and lying about what he slyly says he intends to do to prevent this sort of thing from happening again.
Of course he has no intention of following up on any of that blather. His stated role is to release as many criminals as possible, as soon as possible, and to avoid charging perps for serious crimes whenever possible.
On Dec 20, just five days before the intoxicated meth-head killed the two women, San Francisco police arrested McAlister for car theft, suspicion of possessing stolen property, methamphetamine possession and possession of burglary tools. Of course Boudin failed to file charges, and just three days later the thug stole another car and killed the two female pedestrians.
Boudin’s office declined to file charges against the repeat felon in every instance. Now read his statement carefully:
“We evaluated the facts, the strength of the case and the charges, and decided it was more likely that he would be held accountable through parole,” said Boudin.
"More likely that he would be held accountable through parole," eh? What utter horseshit.
Boudin then blamed McAlister’s parole officer, claiming the P.O. had “much deeper knowledge of the individual and the challenges that are leading to that criminal behavior than my office is able to obtain.”
Boudin further argued that parole officials have “more leverage” to keep people in custody than his office does. It's like this guy is speaking a foreign language and just stringing random words together.
The last 200 words are devoted to criticizing the state's "three strikes" law, which was intended to get more violent criminals off the street. But the Chron claims that "Over the years, though, it fell out of favor among many criminal justice leaders and advocates, who saw it as unfair."
Unfair to whom? Seems t' me that repeat violent criminals have made a choice to continue beating, stabbing and shooting victims, so whining that being imprisoned for those crimes seems...nuts. It's also worth noting that crime declined after the law passed.
But thanks to liberals--who think it's just awful to send violent criminals to prison for longer than a few weeks--and to criminal-coddling DA's like Boudin and Gascon, looks like voters in LA and San Fran are going to have a lot of hard years ahead.
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Her killer, career criminal, meth addict. Thanks, Boudin. |
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