Did you notice how quickly the Democrats and their wholly owned media defined every white, and every Christian American, and every MILITARY VETERAN, and ANYONE who questioned the Democrat party line regarding the stolen election as "insurrectionists"?
The next step is that they'll decree than anyone who fails to register and/or give up their weapons is a "domestic violent extremist," a danger to society. And they'll seize your guns.
Wait, I hear many Americans saying the Dems can't possibly confiscate guns without repealing the Constitution's 2nd Amendment--something they know they can't do. But that's a very naive view, cuz if you haven't noticed, Democrat pols have been violating the Constitution for decades.
If you're not sure about that, consider the theft of the election via massive election fraud.
In addition, Democrats can *effectively* ban guns without technically violating the Second Amendment. It's easy. For example, corrupt Supreme Court judges have ruled that congress has the power to tax anything, and to make that tax any amount they wish. What happens if a Democrat-controlled congress puts, say, a $500 tax on every handgun?
Wait, you say they can't do that? Have you been on another planet? They already did--about 70 years ago, when they put exactly that tax on every fully-automatic weapon.
Since Dems can't repeal the Second, they’ll attack the logistics of gun ownership, such as:
* Making it illegal to ship weapons or ammunition interstate, under the "interstate commerce clause"
* Allow states to add huge taxes to guns and ammo, on top of federal taxes;
* Use their Media allies to get Americans to think any company that makes guns or ammunition is guilty of a moral crime against humanity.
Just Democrat control of all branches of government has already impacted the logistics required to make ammunition: Primers, used by most ammunition, are now selling for five times what they sold for two years ago.
And we're just gettin started.
Until now the Left/socialists/Democrats have been big on protecting the privacy of private citizens, but now newspapers (all Democrat-loving) will begin to publish lists of known gun owners. Corrupt judges will rule that this is NOT a tort, an impermissible violation of privacy rights, because...mumble mumble bullshit.
Think that's far-fetched? It's already happened in NY. Judges just smiled.
Here's another way Dems will attack gun owners without bothering to repeal the Second: If you follow legal cases you know that dozens of bakers who create custom cakes (artistry) have been sued by state "human rights commissions" for refusing to create custom cakes for trannies and gay weddings. The corrupt Supreme Court ducked making a substantive decision on that, ruling for the baker but on grounds that dodged the key issue. Point is, the courts have ruled that if you're in business, you can't refuse service to people you don't like. But NOW, Dem-loving, virtue-signalling banks and credit-card companies will refuse to let gun dealers or gun makers open bank accounts, and will refuse to let holders of their credit cards use those cards to buy guns or ammunition.
Oh, you think that's far-fetched? Unlikely? Impossible? That's already happening. And we're just getting started, cupcake.
For example: The Supreme Court has ruled that getting a driver's license is NOT a right. So if a Democrat-ruled state decided that "for the public good" (of course), they wouldn't allow gun owners to get a driver's license or register a vehicle, the supreme court has already ruled that neither of those is a right.
Wait...wouldn't barring gun owners from having a driver's license kinda' violate the Second Amendment? Absolutely. But that doesn't bother judges, because they've already RULED that there's no right to have a driver's license. And with the Dems now in control of every branch of gruberment, does anyone believe the courts today would rule against the Dems? Not a chance.
No one who’s witnessed the past four years, and in particular, the crimes of the Democrats, their DOJ, FBI, IRS and other federal-stooge agencies, can doubt they will do all of this and more. No law will stop them--any more than laws stopped them from stealing the election--because they know they are above the law. That is, no judge will even try to stop them, either because he/she agrees with their leftist ideology, or fears that they or their families will be targeted if they rule against the Democrats.
This is all out war, but only one side has been fighting it. Most Americans have no idea what's happening to the U.S.--and don't really care. A tiny percentage of you are looking around wondering what the hell has happened to this once-great nation.
If you think you can stop this by voting, you're naive. The success of the blatant, brazen, obvious theft of the last elections has made your vote meaningless. And Pelosi's laughably-misnamed "For the People Act" will make all forms of Dem election fraud federal law, imposing those disasters on every state for future elections.
Had enough yet?
No, you probably haven't. So let's keep going:
The Democrats have already proposed spending another $3 Trillion on "infrastructure." What's another $3 Trillion to 'em? Or six, or ten? At what point is it insane? Answer: They have no limit. The massive debt will trigger hyperinflation, then financial collapse.
They WANT collapse, since it will make it easy for them and their Media allies to call for even more socialism as the solution.
Among many other lessons, the Chinese bio-weapon should have shown you how quickly ordinary things like toilet paper and milk can vanish from store shelves. Now imagine what will happen with a complete breakdown of the national supply system, for all basic items. Cities will begin starving in less than a week. And then the media will scream that it's all the fault of those awful Trump supporters--"racist white Christian extremists," racist white military veterans and other "violent domestic extremists." The media will claim WE’RE STARVING THE PO' folks in da cities.
BidenHarris's head of DHS--an insane idiot named Alejandro Majorkas--just blamed Trump for the current border crisis, instead of Biden’s insane politics. "We inherited a broken system," they wail. What Trump produced was an all-time low in illegal alien crossings, but the Democrats will say anything and everything to make you believe the problem isn't their fault--that the tidal wave of illegals pouring across the Mexican border is NOT due to Biden saying "We welcome refugees."
At which point everyone who wanted to enter this nation instantly realized they were "refugees."
Groups in Central American nations actually coach locals on what to say to convince U.S. officials that they're refugees. Is that amazing or what?
Actually it's totally predictable.
Democrats and their media allies will do everything they can to denounce anyone who opposes unlimited illegal allien invasion as raaaaacist. They'll claim we have to allow everyone in for the sake of the po' chirren. Then we have to allow their parents to join the po' chirren in the U.S, cuz "It's inhumane to separate familes!"
And of course that's true--except that the parents deliberately sent their kids to the U.S. first BECAUSE they knew liberal Dems would let them stay, and that the parents would then be able to join their illegal kids because of that exact wail of "It's inhumane to separate families!!!"
If you don't see that this is all by design...a setup...a calculated invasion...you're too damn stupid to breathe.
All of this and more isn't just "coming," citizens. It's already happening. Just keep watching.
Oh, and keep voting Democrat...cuz their policies are making everything so much...um...