March 30, 2021

Wokie profs at Oxford claim sheet music is raaaaacist. Seriously

Ah, what would the world do without "wokie" professors, eh?

In response to widespread Black Lives Matter riots last year in Britain, music professors at Oxford University are considering removing sheet music from the curriculum, over the ludicrous claim that  the Western form of musical notation has roots in “colonialism” and “complicity in white supremacy”.

As virtue-signalling snowflake academics in virtually every field are rushing to denigrate white European heritage and culture, music profs are jumping on the bandwagon, claiming that musical notation itself--sheet music--is a “colonialist representational system” that is “complicit in white supremacy.”

The claim is similar to wails by leftist moron teachers in Seattle that math is racist.  (The leftist group making that hysterical claim is funded by Bill Gates.)

The wokie Oxford academics even said teaching the piano or conducting orchestras "could cause students of colour great distress,” since the skills involved are "closely tied to white European music.”

One of the arguments is that much classical music was written when slavery was common.  Ah, yes: two things existed at the same time, so....   Of course that claim ignores the fact that Western classical music, and sheet music, predate the Atlantic slave trade by roughly 200 years.  But why let facts get in the way of a good virtue-signalling wokie rant, eh?

So if Oxford will banish teaching classical music, and sheet music, what do the virtue-signalling profs propose to replace it with, to teach as "music"?  

I'll bet you already guessed:  They plan to place more emphasis on “non-Eurocentric musical traditions" such as Hip-Hop and Jazz, as well as “African and African Diasporic Musics.”  Also "pop music and culture."  It's just too precious.  

One imagines Oxford will soon be granting PhDs in "Rap Theory."  Cuz "rap" is so wokie, so intricate.  Who would want to study intricate musical composition when you can get a PhD in "rap," eh?



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