March 27, 2021

Senate votes to confirm HarrisBiden* nominee to head Health division of HHS.

If you pay attention to what the HarrisBiden* regime is doing, you know who the person below is.

Wait, you say you have no idea who this is?  That's okay.  You've got your hands full trying to raise your kids and keep food on the table, and cope with the mask freaks.

The person in the pic is "Rachel" Levine, the person hand-picked by the HarrisBiden* regime to run the Mental Health division of the federal government.


As you may have guessed, "Rachel" is a tranny.  If you needed to pick someone to run the Mental Health division of the federal government, would you pick a man pretending to be a woman?  No matter, you didn't get a vote.  HarrisBiden* chose this person, NOT because no one could match his stellar qualifications and experience in mental health, but because they wanted to give a big wet kiss to the tranny community.

The appointment also lets the regime signal its magnificent virtue, just as appointing former airline pilot and aeronautical engineer Pete Buttigeig to head the Department of Transportation did.  Wait, just kidding about Pete.  He knows nothing about transportation, isn't an engineer or techie, and his most relevant experience is as mayor of a small, crime-ridden Indiana town.  The regime appointed him because he had exactly the qualification they prize most:  He's the first openly gay cabinet member, married to a man.

For the HarrisBiden* regime there's no better qualification.  Well, maybe being transgender. 

Democrat senate majority leader Chuck Schumer called the confirmation vote "another significant milestone" after Pete Buttigieg became the first openly gay Cabinet member to be confirmed by the senate in February.  So there's the leader of the Dems in the senate cheering, calling this a "significant milestone."  

It's "signicant" all right.

Of course anyone with a functioning brain expected this from the regime.  But here's the worrisome thing:  Two nominal Republicans voted to confirm the HHS appointment.  Even more voted for Pete.  Cuz nothing is more important to pols than virtue-signalling.



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