August 31, 2020

Typing "" in your browser's URL window takes you to the donation page of Biden website

As evereyone knows, there are lots of wild rumors on the internet that turn out not to be true.

One of those wild rumors was that if you wanted to donate money to BLM, and went to their website and hit the "Donate" button, it took you to a site called "Act Blue," which is a fundraising arm for the Democrat party.

That "wild rumor" turned out to be absolutely true.

Now therre's another "wild rumor:"   Antifa has a web page, but many conservative websites (Bizpacreview, for example) discovered that if you typed "" into your browser window, you got "redirected" to...the donation page for Joe Biden's official campaign website.

Being skeptical, on August 30th at 11:30 pm I tried it.  Sure enough, it took me to the donation page of the Biden campaign's website.

Wow, so looks like yet another of those outlandish, impossible rumors turns out to be true, eh?

No one at either the campaign or at Antifa seems to want to talk about how this happened.  And the real hoot is that even though this has been known since August 12th, no reporter has asked the Biden campaign whether this was deliberate, done with the approval of the campaign.  Obviously if it's the result of deliberate coordination, it shows Team Biden is working closely with the charmless thugs of Antifa.

But it gets way weirder:

I stay the hell away from Fakebook, but I wanted to see if other people who typed "" in the browser window got the same re-direct to the Biden website that I did.  So I asked a friend to make a regular "timeline" post on Fakebook, asking her friends if typing "" also took them to the donation page of Biden's campaign website.

Now here's the weird part:  In composing her request to friends, when she typed in her normal timeline--NOT in the browser's URL window--"Try typing in your browser window and see what happens," Fakebook went directly to the donation page of Biden's campaign website!

If you don't understand what I just wrote, I understand your confusion:  Because my friend was NOT typing in the browser's URL window, Fakebook's software should not have taken her to the Biden campaign's donation page.

Again, she was NOT typing in the browser's URL window but was composing a timeline message, and yet when she typed "" in that message, Fakebook took her to the Biden campaign website.

Now, Democrats in the Mainstream Media have suggested that the fact that typing "" into the browser's URL redirects users to the donation page of the Biden campaign website could possibly be the result of someone hacking the Antifa website.  After all, lots of websites don't have much security, and Antifa almost certainly doesn't have top people running their website.

But Fakebook is an entirely different matter.  They presumably have really top-notch security, so it's highly unlikely that someone hacked their computers to change their code for timeline posts to re-direct to the donation page of the Biden website.

If Fakebook is linking Antifa to Biden like this, the Federal Election Commission needs to ask whether this was done with the full knowledge of the Biden campaign, or whether Fakebook just cooked up this ever-so-helpful link by themselves.

Finally, it gets even weirder:  I asked my friend to re-try the timeline message to friends, to see if Fakebook's software would do the re-direct for any phrases that were just close to ""  A few tries didn't go to the Biden page.  But then when I asked her to re-try the original name again, this time when she started to type "," Fakebook changed the word, suggesting lots of other words beginning with "anti."

Only by closing Fakebook and then re-opening did Fakebook let her type "" as part of a regular timeline text without changing the word--at which point her browser went to the donation page of the Biden site as before.

So: Try typing "" in your browser's URL window, and see what happens.  Then if you use Fakebook, try typing a regular timeline message to friends containing the word, and see if your browser goes to the donation page of the Biden website.

If either of these things happens, I'd like to hear an innocuous explanation for HOW it happened.

August 30, 2020

How can the Left defend looting? Well here's a goofball who's just written a book trying to do that

Take a look at the pic below.  Does this person look sane?  Intelligent?  

If you were looking for really top-level analysis of anything--with the possible exception of the latest in transgender fashion--would you just guess that this person would be ideal to undertake it?

The person above is Vicky Osterweil.  And in one of the Lord's great jokes, some moronic, amoral publisher has published a piece of trash by this moron, titled "In Defense of Looting."

Yes, you read that right.  This goofball is defending looting, calling it "a new energy of resistance is building across the country." 

A "new energy of resistance," eh?  If that's not slobbering enough, she also claims looting a looting is "a powerful tool to bring about real, lasting change in society."  Looters, she says, are engaging in a powerful tactic that questions the justice of "law and order."

Ah.  So the looters are really "questioning the justice of law and order."

And here I thought the thieving bastards were simply stealing everything they could get their scum hands on.  Silly me.

According to the communist bastards at NPR, Vicki claims the looters are also "questioning the distribution of property and wealth in an unequal society."

One expects Vicki's explanation of World War 2 would be "Austrian art student questions whether enough people are speaking German."

So Vicki claims the looters are really performing a valuable task, questioning the justice of law and order. And to Vicki's remaining functioning cells that should almost be enough to make the businesses that were looted say, Hey, we're all good here!  But she has another defense that's just as worthy:

It is: "Looting is a highly racialized word."

See?  Is that a great defense or what?  "A highly racialized word," eh?  But then she explains that what she actually meant was that "loot" comes from a Hindu word (means "goods").  So since the word is from a different race of people, it's perfectly accurate to say "Lootig is a highly racialized word."

Really, that's her basis.  But to the morons at NPR that argument is incisive, powerful.  Cuz. "racialized" is really similar to "racism"!  Get it?

But wait, there's more!  Vicki helpfully defines looting, saying "It tends to be an attack on a business, a commercial space...taking those things that would otherwise be commodified and controlled and sharing them for free."

Now how cool is that?  Da looters bees "sharing" their spoils for free!   That is just SO precious, so enlightened!  So combined with her previous arguments, surely y'all can see that looting should be praised--as she's doing--instead of being (gasp!) criticized.

The NPR "journalist" is obviously eating this crap up, and instead of calling her a lunatic, goes from one setup to the next without a pause:   
"What are the reasons people deploy [looting] as a strategy?"
Ah, a "strategy," eh?  And here I've been thinkin' da looters wuz jus' grabbin' sheeit an' beatin' feet.

Here's Vicki's answer:
[Looting] gets people what they need for free immediately, which means that they are capable of living and reproducing their lives without having to rely on jobs or a wage—which, during COVID times, is widely unreliable or, particularly in these communities is often not available, or it comes at great risk. That's looting's most basic tactical power as a political mode of action.
Ah, this is sounding like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who stated as if fact that the only reason rioters were looting expensive sneakers and appliances was to be able to buy bread for their kids.  And that bullshit claim was instantly grabbed by the Lying Mainstream Media without a single word of derision.

I've spent far too long on this, considering that it's about as logical as the Communist Manifesto.  If you want to read more, here's the link to the ghastly NPR propaganda piece.

Some people really are too damn dumb to keep breathing.  Considering Vicki's effort to defend looting, this creature seems to be one of 'em.

August 29, 2020

Kamala Harris in June: "Protests should NOT stop." But after polls show pushback...

Back in June Harris was interviewed on one of the Late Shows, and said that "The riots demonstrations will NOT stop, nor should they." And she was laughing as she said it.

But a couple of days ago, with more people starting to realize how quickly things are going to hell in Democrat-ruled cities due to the violent riots "mostly peaceful protests," Harris abruptly changed her tune, saying something to the effect of "The riots MUST STOP!"  This was dutifully picked up as headline news by every outlet of the Lying Mainstream Media.

Gee, do ya think Harris really changed her mind, or is this just bullshit designed for consumption by stupid voters?   Either way, what you think caused Harris to TOTALLY reverse her earlier position?

Could it be...the POLLS??


Rat-bastards at NPR imply that the 90 consecutive days of riots in Portland aren't really riots

Hey, didja hear about the riots they've been having in Portland (and dozens of other U.S. cities that never make national news)?

Oh, wait: The left-wing morons at NPR have now educated us peons.  Jonathan Levinson implies that what you've been watching in Portland have NOT really been riots.  Not one of  'em.

Amazing, eh?

Now if you've seen any of the hours of video footage of the riots it's clear that the communist anarchists in the mob are throwing rocks, ball bearings, frozen water bottles and chunks of concrete at the cops. 

By sharp contrast, the cops aren't allowed to throw any of that shit back--something that would very likely put a stop to that mob shit pretty damn quick!  (Can you imagine the shrieking and screaming and howling of "police brutality!" if each of the cops started throwing that shit back at the mob, all at once?  Wow!  And then we'd have the delicious irony of the Lying Mainstream Media trying to rationalize why it's perfectly fine for the mob to throw rocks at cops but not the other way round, eh?)

The mob has also set several public buildings on fire.  But again, per NPR's Levinson, dat ain't no riot.

Oh, and Levinson--like all liberals--says the rioters "mostly peaceful protesters" only started a "small" fire.  Wait, other than strategic bombing, don't all fires start small, and grow from there? 

Just asking.

So NPR is using their coveted, invaluable license to lie over the public airwaves to imply that throwing rocks at cops and setting fire to public buildings is NOT a riot

You may well wonder how the hell NPR/Levinson can imply that those things are NOT considered a riot.

Levinson claims it's cuz the laws governing those declarations are vague and have "roots in Oregon's deeply racist past."  Now, that doesn't specifically say "the riots aren't riots," but the entire thrust of the article is to sneer that da riots jus' couldn't be real, ya know, RIOTS, cuz the law on riots has "roots in Oregon's DEEPLY racist past."

In other words, NPR has played the race card to imply that these massive rock-throwing, fire-starting riots should NOT be called riots, cuz...da law has raaaaacist roots! 

Is Oregon's law on riots vague?  Racist?  Portland Police Bureau's Deputy Chief explained Oregon law regarding riots: "A riot is when six or more persons engage in tumultuous and violent conduct."

Note that law doesn't say "When six or more BLACK persons engage..."  No mention of race at all.  So Levinson's bitch must come down to the definition of "tumultuous and violent conduct."

So for Levinson/NPR to make his bullshit article stick, he must claim the riots are not "violent conduct."

Ya know, I think the rat-bastard communists at NPR--and yes, that's every damn one of 'em--need to learn first-hand if having fist-size rocks thrown at 'em, and their house set on fire, is "violent."

I'm pretty sure that if either thing happened to them--to every one of them--they'd suddenly view things a lot differently.

Source.  But it's entirely propaganda, depicting the "protesters" as totally innocent, dindoonuffins.  See, dey only be starting SMALL fires, bro, so why you upset?

It takes a lot of work to produce a Biden "live" video

August 28, 2020

Liberal thinking explained in a single frame

How can we detect vote fraud? And if massive fraud is clear, what would the Supreme Court do about it?

It's looking as though the November election will be absolutely awash with fraud.

Of course the leaders of the Democrat party shriek that there's no such thing as vote fraud, despite wave after wave of proven fraud.  Hmmm...why would they claim there's no vote fraud if...  Oh, right. Got it.

How will we be able to recognize--clearly and unequivocally--if vote fraud has occurred? 

One of the obvious ways is if more votes are tallied in a precinct than the number of registered voters in that precinct.  (Before Dem-ruled states decided to mail ballots to every registered voter, it was possible to compare the number of votes tallied to the number of signatures in the voting book in each precinct.  But now that safeguard has been eliminated.  Hmmm....)

But there's another, less obvious way: In states that allow in-person voting as well as mail-in, we can compare the percentage of mailed-in Democrat versus Republican votes to the percentage of in-person votes.  Those two percentages should be fairly close.  If they're way, way off--say the in-person votes are 52-48 for Trump but the mail-in's are 80-20 for Biden--that suggests major fraud.

Now for the benefit of my liberal friend:  Yes, even without fraud we can expect a higher percentage of mail-in votes will be for Biden, since the Dems aren't worried about fraud and thus will be less motivated to vote in person.  Similarly, we'd expect more Republican voters to vote in-person. 

Now here's the real problem:  If there ARE far more votes tallied than the number of registered voters in a precinct, such that the election is apparently narrowly won, does anyone believe the Supreme Court will invalidate the apparent winner because of evidence of vote fraud?

I'm absolutely certain the court would NOT do that, as it would leave Trump in office for the months it would take to investigate the results.  If Biden wins, narrowly, then even with clear evidence of massive vote fraud, the Media will scream--without evidence, of course-- that either there was NO fraud, or not enough to make a difference.

They'll also scream that we dare not leave Trump in office for the months it would take to do a careful investigation.  So the results will stand, even if clearly fraudulent.

Remember, you heard it here first.

Biden says he won't raise taxes on people making < $400k per year. But the Dem "Unity Platform" contradicts that!

About ten days ago Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said that if he was elected president he promised NOT to raise taxes for anybody making less than $400,000 a year.

That statement was dutifully reported as a headline story by every Mainstream Media outlet, since it served to reassure voters who were worried that the Democrat would raise their taxes.

Problem is, about two months ago Biden and socialist Bernie Sanders jointly issued a 110 page "Unity Platform" stating what the Dems intended to do.  And buried deep in those 110 pages--so deep that only political junkies would bother reading--is a statement that they would raise taxes on the middle-class dramatically

Wait...define "dramatically."

Okay, they gave a specific, numeric example:  For a couple making $78,000 per year, filing jointly, their federal income tax rate would increase from 12% to 25%.

Without getting into the intricacies of all the deductions and assorted tax weirdness, 12% of $78K is $9360. 

25% of $78K is $19,500.

So before deductions, under the policy spelled out in the Democrat "Unity Platform" that couple would bet hit with a tax INCREASE of roughly $10,140.

How would you (if you're a young single voter) or your family be affected by losing roughly $10,000 in disposable income?

So which is it, Democrats?  Are you going with the Unity Platform tax increase on the middle class, or with Biden's hugely-headlined reassurance that he and his party will only increase taxes on people making over $400,000 per year? 

Cuz, see, for the benefit of low-information voters, those two statements are, um...contradictory.

Gosh, it would be great if some reporter would ask Biden or Harris--SEPARATELY--which of those two policies is "operative," eh?

If we had an unbiased media, someone would ask that.  But we already know no one in the lying, horribly biased Mainstream Media will dare ask the Dems to pick one of the two.  Cuz, reasons.


BLM mob surrounds diners outside DC restaurant, demands they all raise their fists in "solidarity"

As you may have heard, last Monday in our nation's capital a mob of BLM protesters--almost all of whom were white--aggressively confronted white diners seated outside D.C. restaurants.

Chanting “White silence is violence!” the "protesters" demanded that the white diners show their solidarity wif' da revolution by raising their clenched fists in the air.

Unfortunately that dry sentence doesn't come close to conveying the ghastly horror inflicted by the MOB on the unsuspecting whites.  The pic below give you a far better idea of the ferocity of the mob's attack.

Senator Ted Cruz summed it up well:

Look at the body language of the woman in the pink blouse, who is the obvious target of the mob's rage.  She's leaning back, scared but refusing to be cowed.  Then look at the body language of the male in the mask leaning over her.  If that ain't rage, there ain't no such thing.

Finally, notice how many of the people in the angry, aggressive mob are white.  Clearly they've all bought the lies of the Mainstream Media that blacks are disproportionately shot by cops for doing nothing at all.  For the Media it's "mission accomplished."

Sooner or later these crazed, aggressive, rat-bastard "protesters" are gonna pick on someone whose husband or boyfriend is armed.  Then after the bodies are carted off we'll hear--f'n ENDLESSLY--from the Lying Mainstream Media how that awful, evil man wit' a GUN done killed dem "peaceful protesters" [/s] wifout no provocation at all! 

So ya know what, citizen?  We needs ta do what the Democrat party is demanding: outlaw all guns!   Cuz then da mob don' have to worry dat one of dere victims might say, "That's enough, assholes," and show 'em it's not a good idea to scream in the faces of people who are minding their own business trying to have a nice dinner.

CNN: "Biden needs to tell the rioters to stop, **because it's starting to hurt us in focus groups"!

As BLM/Antifa mobs continue to burn and riot in Kenosha, and to loot businesses all over the country, it's almost hard to believe that CNN propagandist Don Lemon would have the gall to urge Biden to ask the rioters to stop, NOT because rioting and arson and looting are bad, but because the more voters see video proof of non-stop arson and looting, the more they're skeptical of Democrat policies.

CNN propagandists are lunatics, blind to reality but determined utter any lies to help their Democrat allies win the presidency.  Brazen.  Nutty.

As Hilliary lectures whites on "listening" to blacks, compilation of videos of black violence against whites

Do NOT watch the vid below if you have a weak stomach, such that seeing groups of blacks beating smaller white kids senseless, or beating elderly white people, or running up behind a white and sucker-punching him in head makes you queasy.

Seriously, you've been warned.  But if you're a white male, you should probably watch the clip, cuz until you do you probably won't believe how aggressive and thuggish a big chunk of black males are against whites.

Note well that this post is NOT indicting all black people for the unspeakable evil of the thugs.  There are far more good black people than thugs, but it doesn't take many thugs to kill and grievously injure lots of victims.

I don't know how the good people in this nation can stop this wave of brutal attacks.

Wait, of course I do. 

You do too.  But in politically-terrorized America anyone who actually specifies or discusses the solution is demonized, charged with "hate-speech."

So if you have a strong stomach, look at the attacks below.  Try telling yourself those aren't pure, evil hate.

CNN liar describes riots in Kenosha as "mostly peaceful"--as 75 cars burn in the background!

"Fiery but mostly peaceful protests," eh?  As 75 cars burn in the background of the video.

Yeah, dat sure looks peaceful to me.  And if you don't agree, you mus' be RAAAACIST!!!

If you'd told anyone back in 2006 that a cable network would broadcast the graphic below, they would have died laughing.  This is beyond parody--and yet they did it.  It's who and what they are:  clueless, tone-deaf propagandists for the rioters and the Democrat party.

But WAIT!  It gets even better!

Two days ago CNN broadcast a long segment in which their shitty propagandist Anderson Cooper interviewed Dem placeholer candidate Joe Biden.  If you view it via the Net you can clearly see that Biden is reading his responses from a teleprompter!  But the real hoot is that he claims the riots are Trump's fault!

Seriously.  Reading the script from the teleprompter, Biden claims Trump wants the riots, because when normal Americans see the endless arson and looting, most of 'em realize that Democrat policies are utter crap.  Dem mayors and Dem governors allow the riots and arson and looting because they're afraid to stand up to the mob.

But then the script does a U-turn and trashes Trump for "letting the riots happen on his watch."

So which is it, Joe?  Does Trump want the rioting and arson, or is he powerless to stop both?

The Dem strategists don't care which charge you believe because they win either way:  Either Trump wants the riots, or is powerless to stop them. Win-win for the Dems.

I'll try to find Biden interview video again.  It's astonishing in its brazenness.  CNN is still the flagship of the Lying Mainstream Media.

Marxists and leftists mass across from White House; message is profane, revolution

Read their signs.  "Revolution, nothing less."  And look at all the professionally printed signs--that takes cash.

Still think these people are kidding about ending America as you've known it.

August 27, 2020

Mainstream Media paints Kenosha shooting as "white supremacist shoots unarmed protester" Really?

The howling, screaming, bloodthirsty mob had the guy on the ground, one rioter kicked him in the face and a second hit him with his skateboard, full overhead smash.  Self-defense.

The lying mainstream media will never show you these pics.


In South Caroline, a young girl's life cut tragically short by a crazed shooter

The following story is incredibly sad, but is all too common today.

Two days ago in Georgetown, South Carolina, Laura Ashley Anderson and her stepfather were fatally shot.  Laura, 21, had just bought her first home as she was about to start college, and had forgotten her keys.  Her stepfather was delivering them as she waited in the yard.

As the stepfather turned into the driveway, a driver following him rear-ended his car, then got out and shot both the stepfather and Laura.

The accident caused little damage to the cars, so you may well wonder what would move someone who rear-ended another car to kill both the other driver and a 21-year-old who wasn't in the car and had nothing to do with the accident.
Laura Ashley Anderson, 21
Yes, that's a mystery all right.  While every mainstream media outlet ran pics of the victims, almost none published a pic of the accused killer.  I'm sure there's a very good reason they chose not to do that.

The two were killed by Ty Sheem Ha Sheem Walters III, below.

Ah.  It will be interesting to read what sort of nutty defense his legal team tries.
Ty Sheem Ha Sheem Walters III

August 26, 2020

Part of CNN's settlement with teen Nick Sandman can now be revealed

Riots, ya say? Hmm....

In Kenosha,man chased by armed mob shoots back

In Kenosha a mob of rioters was chasing a man down the middle of a street.  Running flat-out, he tripped and the mob caught him. 

Normally this guy would have been beaten to death, kicked in the head by the members of the mob.  But fortunately for him he was carrying a semi-automatic rifle, likely an AR-15.  He managed to hang onto the rifle when he fell, and as the mob closed in he simply shot one.  The rest scattered, suddenly no longer interested in beating the guy to death.

We know the mob was BLM/Antifa because the moment the one mob member was shot, another started screaming "MEDIC!!"  The mob has medics, as part of its faaabulous organization.

Watch the vid:

Rioters in Wisconsin destroy 30 businesses--and a statue of a dinosaur?

If you just arrived on the planet you may not know that the town of Kenosha, Wisconsin has been ripped by mob violence--riots.  With their characteristic intelligence the mob destroyed the assets of their alleged white oppressors:  a library (the mob doesn't read books), a family-owned furniture business that had operated for 40 years; 64 cars at a dealership, 26 at another dealership, and...a statue of a dinosaur outside a museum.


Yes, Kenosha has a "Dinosaur Discovery Museum," and near its sign was a statue of a small dino.  Apparently the mob saw the statue as a symbol of white supremacy, or white oppression, or "cultural appropriation," or some other bullshit squeal about how awful their lives are becuz, reasons.

Hey assholes, have you forgotten that we just finished eight years of a black president?  Yeah, whine me some more about dat "oppression" sheeit.  Hell, no one in the mob even knows that Republican George W. Bush appointed a black female as his Secretary of State--first black woman ever appoined to that post.

Parents, ask your college or high school kid if he/she knows who the name of that person.

A commenter had some choice words for the mob that destroyed the dino statue.

CNN accidentally uses a truthful word on a graphic; horrified producers quickly delete it

Last night CNN accidentally put up a graphic saying riots in Kenosha were "violent."

It took 'em 15 seconds to realize what they'd done--accidentally broadcast a single word of truth--and delete the word "violent."

Lying Mainstream Media delivers talking points on Repub convention: "dark," "ominous"

After the first night of the Republican national convention it's no surprise to see that all the mainstream media outlets are on the same page with their talking points.

CNN anchors John Berman and Alisyn Camerota were in sync on Tuesday morning with Berman calling the gathering "dark," "divisive," and a "dark dystopian view of America" while Camerota called it a "dark and distorted version of reality" and claimed Republicans were providing a "dark warning" to voters.

ABC, CBS, and MSNBC all said the speakers were "painting a dark picture."

MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle questioned the GOP's "decision to go dark" while CNN's Don Lemon said the first night of the convention "really took a dark turn," adding that it was "very ominous."

It's so...curious... how well the Lying Mainstream Media's rhetoric matched up with an official statement from the Biden campaign, which called the GOP convention "dark and divisive."  This is gonna sound really crazy but it's almost like the Mainstream Media just echoes Democrat talking points or something.

Yeah, weird.

By contrast, the Lying Mainstream Media apparently doesn't think arson, looting, beatings and vandalism in Portland, Seattle, Kenosha, Madison, Milwaukee, Denver and other American cities is "dark" or "dystopian."  The MSM and Democrat party are totally fine with open borders, taxpayer-paid "free" health care for illegal immigrants, unlimited green cards for foreigners to take American tech jobs, ending the use of oil and natural gas in the U.S., having taxpayers pay off student loan debt for people who took dumb-ass "__studies" courses and (amazingly) can't find a job, etc.

August 24, 2020

Riot, arson and looting in... Kenosha, Wisconsin? Gosh, you wouldn't think...

This is getting...predictable:  In the small city of Kenosha, Wisconsin (population 100,000) cops responded to a domestic violence call.  The perp had a previous record of pulling a gun on people in a bar and refusing to comply with police orders.  No details on the domestic violence complaint.

Video shows the guy walking around his car as officers tell him to stop.  He reaches the driver's door, opens it, leans in and reaches for something under the seat.  Cop understandably thinks he's reaching for a gun and shoots him, seven shots from a foot away.

Witness video was posted immediately, triggering black riots.  Fortunately, according to the alphabet networks they were just "mostly peaceful protests"--like the one below, in which the rioters set fire to every car in a dealership.  Other businesses were looted and then burned.  Other than that, mostly peaceful.  Uh-huh.


At least part of the blame for the riots seems to rest with the Democrat governor of Wisconsin, whose desire to signal his virtue overrode rationality.  He used Twatter to broadcast this inflammatory statement to his town's residents:
While we do not have all of the details yet, what we know for certain is that he is not the first Black man or person to have been shot or injured or mercilessly killed at the hands of individuals in law enforcement in our state or our country.
Ah, so "we do not have all the details yet BUT..." followed by a condemnation of the cops.

I would think any rational person would have said something like "We don't know the details yet, but I promise a complete investigation.  In the meantime I ask everyone to refrain from rioting, looting and burning, since that hurts everyone and doesn't help anyone's cause."  Or something similar.

But Democrats just can't resist virtue-signalling to their fellow liberals.  And the mob picked up the governor's message right away.  Which was, If you decide to riot, I'll support you.

Nancy Pelosi, AOC, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell all replied, "Hey, this is not a big deal cuz all the burned businesses have insurance!  Well, that is if there ARE any burned businesses.  After all, how can we be sure these video clips are from Kenosha?"

When are the police going to understand...these people want to kill you. When they get to the suburbs, they will try to kill or severely injure your family. You cannot passively corral these people and make them listen or follow orders. They have an ultimate goal and you are in their way. They have the backing of the Democrats so they feel not only emboldened but protected. You are not only going to have to vote like your life depends on have to do your job like your life, and your family's lives, depend on it.

"It is the left who are unleashing violence in this country. They go out of their way to wreak havoc in the lives of others, they destroy property at will, they injure and kill innocent people and steal without remorse. Those are facts. They are protected by their allies in the media and Democrats, who actively suppress the truth and attempt to paint the radical leftists as "peaceful protesters" when clearly the opposite is true. Everything leftists say is a lie, without exception. This is true for "gender issues," for climate change and for what's good for the country. Remember that when you vote."

August 23, 2020

Former "senior reporter" for NYT shrieks that restoring rose garden is "wrecking our history"

If you wanna see how insane the people on the New York Times are, take a look at the tweet below.

Kurt Eichenwald spent 20 years as a senior writer at The New York Times.  Yesterday he slammed first lady Melania Trump for announcing the completion of a three-week revamping of the White House rose garden, claiming
"It is a destruction of our history, something no other First Lady would have had the gall to do.  This is the first time I have been furious that she is a foreigner.  She has no right to wreck our history."

Wrecking our history?  Kurt, as all the Times reporters are, is an idiot: The revamping restored the rose garden to its original 1962 blueprint, which dated back to the Kennedy administration.  But Kurt's hate for Trump and Melania is so blinding that he never thought to look at the plan.

He also tweeted
“I still find it unbelievable that @FLOTUS who has only been a citizen since the middle of GW Bush's second term had the audacity to wreck the Rose Garden, to pull up history dating back a lifetime.”
Again, because Kurt either can't read or has had another epileptic seizure, the revamping restored the garden to its original 1962 blueprint.  But in Kurt's deranged view, the First Lady was pulling up history dating back a lifetime instead of restoring.

But Kurt wasn't done yet.  Another tweet:
“These trashy, evil, stupid people need to get out of our house.  What GALL she has.” 
When people started pushing back, ol' psychotic Kurt doubled down, tweeting
“Someone who has only been a citizen for less than 1/3 of her life should be reverent to America's history, should honor our history, not decide her personal taste should rip it up.” 
Say, Kurt, do you really think honoring our nation's history is a great idea?  If so, did you scream in condemnation when BLM tore down several statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson?  (Hint for Kurt:  Washington was our first president, often called the Father of our country.  I suspect you didn't know that.)

Of course ol' psychotic Kurt didn't say a word about THOSE attempts to erase our history.  Yet as he lies it, restoring the rose garden to its original 1962 blueprint is "wrecking our history." 

Good one, moron.

Of course you can't believe a senior reporter for the fucking New Yawk Times could be so insane, eh?  Well here ya go, sparky:


Seattle snowflake sez, If someone breaks into your home, ask yourself why you forced them to do it

A confused snowflake in Seattle (its preferred pronouns are "they/them") has it all worked out, citizen:  If someone breaks into your home, you should not only smile and shrug and give them anything they want, but you should also
...question why the system is failing the individuals who commit these non-violent crimes, and how we should work together to improve it. 
Someone breaking into your house should make you question why they felt that was their only choice, and how the system failed them.
My, what a totally refreshing leftist snowflake take on skyrocketing crime, eh?  Clearly the person who wrote the above words of...wisdom...must be really enlightened.  This clear thinker realizes that criminals do the things they do--which it terms "non-violent did that go again?  Oh yeah:  They feel that committing crimes is their only choice.

And it's their only choice'd that go again?  Oh yeah:  Cuz "the system failed them."

Yep yep yep.  Kinda like when AOC famously said the only reason her peeps were looting all the swanky stores in New York and Chitcongo was cuz dey wuz starvin' and wuz jus' tryin' ta get enough money to buy bread fo' dere chirren, or some such crap.

Yet not a single mainstream media outlet had the good sense to say "Excuse me, that's crap."

The mind-set of the Seattle snowflake seems to be typical of the socialist Pacific Northwest, and the elite universities in the rest of the country.  It's a communist destabilization technique, which they don't believe for a moment.  Can you imagine if some whackjob tried pushing this in Russia or China?  They'd be whisked away to the gulag in two hours, never to be heard from again.

But they instruct the "cadre" here to spout it, cuz it finds fertile ground among the soy-boys of the Left.

For some great entertainment, go to the link below and read the comments.


What can wiggly lines on a graph tell us? Depends on whether you think math is raaacist

One of the basic tools researchers use to learn about new phenomena, like the chinese virus, is to plot several indicies over time, for various locations, and see if they either match or disagree.

Someone finally did that, plotting the rolling average of new cases per million residents for five widely-separated states--each of which had much different lockdown rules, reopening dates, mask requirements and so on.  Results, below, are...interesting.

Notice that the new-case rate per million for all the states stays flat until June 14th, which is when the mass protests started.  Then the new cases rose sharply, before peaking around the same time, then starting to fall again.

What does this tell people who know math?

Clearly the slope of all the lines match quite well, but then around mid-June the slope increases remarkably.  That is, starting mid-June lots more people started being infected per week.

One possibile explanation, of course, is that the virus mutated into a more infectious form.  We have no evidence of that, but it's possible.  But another possibility is that the infectivity of the virus didn't change, but people began to transmit it to others more effectively.

One possible explanation for that would be...the mass protests, often involving thousands of people.  One protest in New York City drew  over 100,000 people.

Contact tracing could have shed light on this, except in NYC contact tracers were specifically ordered NOT to ask respondents if they'd been to a protest.  Cuz, Science!

Actually that's not science, but "anti-science."  It's the politicization of science, ordering that certain questions not be asked, that certain lines of inquiry are off-limits.  Now why would a mayor, for example, want to do that?

Wait, citizen:  You aren't allowed to ask that.  Cuz "Da science is settled!!"

Tired of the Lying Mainstream Media? Here are a bunch of honest sources

I haven't verified this list so you may find a clunker or two, but these are said to be conservative "news aggregators," so they find stories the Lying Mainstream Media refuse to cover.

Citizen Free Press:

Whatfinger News:

Bad Blue:

The Daily Liberty:

Gab Trends:


Larwyn's Links:

Bongino Report:


Christian Headlines:

News Thud:

I Hate the Media:

The Horn News:

Just the News:

Real News Feed:


The National Pulse:

Summit News: