BLM mob surrounds diners outside DC restaurant, demands they all raise their fists in "solidarity"
As you may have heard, last Monday in our nation's capital a mob of BLM protesters--almost all of whom were white--aggressively confronted white diners seated outside D.C. restaurants.
Chanting “White silence is violence!” the "protesters" demanded that the white diners show their solidarity wif' da revolution by raising their clenched fists in the air.
Unfortunately that dry sentence doesn't come close to conveying the ghastly horror inflicted by the MOB on the unsuspecting whites. The pic below give you a far better idea of the ferocity of the mob's attack.

Look at the body language of the woman in the pink blouse, who is the obvious target of the mob's rage. She's leaning back, scared but refusing to be cowed. Then look at the body language of the male in the mask leaning over her. If that ain't rage, there ain't no such thing.
Finally, notice how many of the people in the angry, aggressive mob are white. Clearly they've all bought the lies of the Mainstream Media that blacks are disproportionately shot by cops for doing nothing at all. For the Media it's "mission accomplished."
Sooner or later these crazed, aggressive, rat-bastard "protesters" are gonna pick on someone whose husband or boyfriend is armed. Then after the bodies are carted off we'll hear--f'n ENDLESSLY--from the Lying Mainstream Media how that awful, evil man wit' a GUN done killed dem "peaceful protesters" [/s] wifout no provocation at all!
So ya know what, citizen? We needs ta do what the Democrat party is demanding: outlaw all guns! Cuz then da mob don' have to worry dat one of dere victims might say, "That's enough, assholes," and show 'em it's not a good idea to scream in the faces of people who are minding their own business trying to have a nice dinner.
Chanting “White silence is violence!” the "protesters" demanded that the white diners show their solidarity wif' da revolution by raising their clenched fists in the air.
Unfortunately that dry sentence doesn't come close to conveying the ghastly horror inflicted by the MOB on the unsuspecting whites. The pic below give you a far better idea of the ferocity of the mob's attack.

Senator Ted Cruz summed it up well:
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) August 26, 2020
Look at the body language of the woman in the pink blouse, who is the obvious target of the mob's rage. She's leaning back, scared but refusing to be cowed. Then look at the body language of the male in the mask leaning over her. If that ain't rage, there ain't no such thing.
Finally, notice how many of the people in the angry, aggressive mob are white. Clearly they've all bought the lies of the Mainstream Media that blacks are disproportionately shot by cops for doing nothing at all. For the Media it's "mission accomplished."
Sooner or later these crazed, aggressive, rat-bastard "protesters" are gonna pick on someone whose husband or boyfriend is armed. Then after the bodies are carted off we'll hear--f'n ENDLESSLY--from the Lying Mainstream Media how that awful, evil man wit' a GUN done killed dem "peaceful protesters" [/s] wifout no provocation at all!
So ya know what, citizen? We needs ta do what the Democrat party is demanding: outlaw all guns! Cuz then da mob don' have to worry dat one of dere victims might say, "That's enough, assholes," and show 'em it's not a good idea to scream in the faces of people who are minding their own business trying to have a nice dinner.
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