August 28, 2020

Biden says he won't raise taxes on people making < $400k per year. But the Dem "Unity Platform" contradicts that!

About ten days ago Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said that if he was elected president he promised NOT to raise taxes for anybody making less than $400,000 a year.

That statement was dutifully reported as a headline story by every Mainstream Media outlet, since it served to reassure voters who were worried that the Democrat would raise their taxes.

Problem is, about two months ago Biden and socialist Bernie Sanders jointly issued a 110 page "Unity Platform" stating what the Dems intended to do.  And buried deep in those 110 pages--so deep that only political junkies would bother reading--is a statement that they would raise taxes on the middle-class dramatically

Wait...define "dramatically."

Okay, they gave a specific, numeric example:  For a couple making $78,000 per year, filing jointly, their federal income tax rate would increase from 12% to 25%.

Without getting into the intricacies of all the deductions and assorted tax weirdness, 12% of $78K is $9360. 

25% of $78K is $19,500.

So before deductions, under the policy spelled out in the Democrat "Unity Platform" that couple would bet hit with a tax INCREASE of roughly $10,140.

How would you (if you're a young single voter) or your family be affected by losing roughly $10,000 in disposable income?

So which is it, Democrats?  Are you going with the Unity Platform tax increase on the middle class, or with Biden's hugely-headlined reassurance that he and his party will only increase taxes on people making over $400,000 per year? 

Cuz, see, for the benefit of low-information voters, those two statements are, um...contradictory.

Gosh, it would be great if some reporter would ask Biden or Harris--SEPARATELY--which of those two policies is "operative," eh?

If we had an unbiased media, someone would ask that.  But we already know no one in the lying, horribly biased Mainstream Media will dare ask the Dems to pick one of the two.  Cuz, reasons.



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