How can the Left defend looting? Well here's a goofball who's just written a book trying to do that
Take a look at the pic below. Does this person look sane? Intelligent?
If you were looking for really top-level analysis of anything--with the possible exception of the latest in transgender fashion--would you just guess that this person would be ideal to undertake it?

The person above is Vicky Osterweil. And in one of the Lord's great jokes, some moronic, amoral publisher has published a piece of trash by this moron, titled "In Defense of Looting."
Yes, you read that right. This goofball is defending looting, calling it "a new energy of resistance is building across the country."
A "new energy of resistance," eh? If that's not slobbering enough, she also claims looting a looting is "a powerful tool to bring about real, lasting change in society." Looters, she says, are engaging in a powerful tactic that questions the justice of "law and order."
Ah. So the looters are really "questioning the justice of law and order."
And here I thought the thieving bastards were simply stealing everything they could get their scum hands on. Silly me.
According to the communist bastards at NPR, Vicki claims the looters are also "questioning the distribution of property and wealth in an unequal society."
One expects Vicki's explanation of World War 2 would be "Austrian art student questions whether enough people are speaking German."
So Vicki claims the looters are really performing a valuable task, questioning the justice of law and order. And to Vicki's remaining functioning cells that should almost be enough to make the businesses that were looted say, Hey, we're all good here! But she has another defense that's just as worthy:
It is: "Looting is a highly racialized word."
See? Is that a great defense or what? "A highly racialized word," eh? But then she explains that what she actually meant was that "loot" comes from a Hindu word (means "goods"). So since the word is from a different race of people, it's perfectly accurate to say "Lootig is a highly racialized word."
Really, that's her basis. But to the morons at NPR that argument is incisive, powerful. Cuz. "racialized" is really similar to "racism"! Get it?
But wait, there's more! Vicki helpfully defines looting, saying "It tends to be an attack on a business, a commercial space...taking those things that would otherwise be commodified and controlled and sharing them for free."
Now how cool is that? Da looters bees "sharing" their spoils for free! That is just SO precious, so enlightened! So combined with her previous arguments, surely y'all can see that looting should be praised--as she's doing--instead of being (gasp!) criticized.
The NPR "journalist" is obviously eating this crap up, and instead of calling her a lunatic, goes from one setup to the next without a pause:
Here's Vicki's answer:
I've spent far too long on this, considering that it's about as logical as the Communist Manifesto. If you want to read more, here's the link to the ghastly NPR propaganda piece.
Some people really are too damn dumb to keep breathing. Considering Vicki's effort to defend looting, this creature seems to be one of 'em.
If you were looking for really top-level analysis of anything--with the possible exception of the latest in transgender fashion--would you just guess that this person would be ideal to undertake it?

The person above is Vicky Osterweil. And in one of the Lord's great jokes, some moronic, amoral publisher has published a piece of trash by this moron, titled "In Defense of Looting."
Yes, you read that right. This goofball is defending looting, calling it "a new energy of resistance is building across the country."
A "new energy of resistance," eh? If that's not slobbering enough, she also claims looting a looting is "a powerful tool to bring about real, lasting change in society." Looters, she says, are engaging in a powerful tactic that questions the justice of "law and order."
Ah. So the looters are really "questioning the justice of law and order."
And here I thought the thieving bastards were simply stealing everything they could get their scum hands on. Silly me.
According to the communist bastards at NPR, Vicki claims the looters are also "questioning the distribution of property and wealth in an unequal society."
One expects Vicki's explanation of World War 2 would be "Austrian art student questions whether enough people are speaking German."
So Vicki claims the looters are really performing a valuable task, questioning the justice of law and order. And to Vicki's remaining functioning cells that should almost be enough to make the businesses that were looted say, Hey, we're all good here! But she has another defense that's just as worthy:
It is: "Looting is a highly racialized word."
See? Is that a great defense or what? "A highly racialized word," eh? But then she explains that what she actually meant was that "loot" comes from a Hindu word (means "goods"). So since the word is from a different race of people, it's perfectly accurate to say "Lootig is a highly racialized word."
Really, that's her basis. But to the morons at NPR that argument is incisive, powerful. Cuz. "racialized" is really similar to "racism"! Get it?
But wait, there's more! Vicki helpfully defines looting, saying "It tends to be an attack on a business, a commercial space...taking those things that would otherwise be commodified and controlled and sharing them for free."
Now how cool is that? Da looters bees "sharing" their spoils for free! That is just SO precious, so enlightened! So combined with her previous arguments, surely y'all can see that looting should be praised--as she's doing--instead of being (gasp!) criticized.
The NPR "journalist" is obviously eating this crap up, and instead of calling her a lunatic, goes from one setup to the next without a pause:
"What are the reasons people deploy [looting] as a strategy?"Ah, a "strategy," eh? And here I've been thinkin' da looters wuz jus' grabbin' sheeit an' beatin' feet.
Here's Vicki's answer:
[Looting] gets people what they need for free immediately, which means that they are capable of living and reproducing their lives without having to rely on jobs or a wage—which, during COVID times, is widely unreliable or, particularly in these communities is often not available, or it comes at great risk. That's looting's most basic tactical power as a political mode of action.Ah, this is sounding like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who stated as if fact that the only reason rioters were looting expensive sneakers and appliances was to be able to buy bread for their kids. And that bullshit claim was instantly grabbed by the Lying Mainstream Media without a single word of derision.
I've spent far too long on this, considering that it's about as logical as the Communist Manifesto. If you want to read more, here's the link to the ghastly NPR propaganda piece.
Some people really are too damn dumb to keep breathing. Considering Vicki's effort to defend looting, this creature seems to be one of 'em.
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