November 19, 2023

Liberals discover bin Laden's 2001 letter condemning U.S., suddenly love bin Laden

For Americans with short memories, on 9/11/2001 19 Muslims armed with boxcutters hijacked four U.S. jetliners and crashed them into the 110-story twin towers in NYC, and the Pentagon, ultimately killing 3,000 Americans.

A month later their leader, Osama bin Laden, wrote a letter to America, basically saying the attack was our fault.  Now, after Hamas terrorists invaded Israel six weeks ago, killing or kidnapping 1,200 Israelis, wokie morons from U.S. universities are parroting the Left's talking points that the attack was...our fault.  And they've re-discovered bid Laden's letter--and they're *thrilled.*

In the last week we've seen dozens of morons posting videos on TikTok saying the letter opened their eyes about how awful the U.S. is, and how bin Laden was SO right with all he wrote.  These wokiez enthusiastically agreed with Osama that America was horrible, and that he was merely avenging the Palestinians by killing 3000 people on 9/11.

Like Osama, the wokiez of the Left have always hated Israel, and now it’s finally okay to say so.  They’ve always supported the Palestinians against Israel.  The wokiez are the same folks who say they've never been proud to be Americans.  (Ring any bells Moochelle?)

Very few of these wokiez have actually read Osama's letter, cuz why bother, right?  Cuz a *very influential* TikToker read it, so why spend the time?

We know this because if they'd read it they would have seen that bin Laden condemned the U.S. for *far* more than just supporting Israel--like homosexuality, "intoxicants," and gambling.  He claimed AIDS was a "satanic American invention."

Wokie-1:  "Say What?  Uh, we can't support dis guy, cuz he beez hatin' gays.  An' we're pretty sure his group hates transgenders too.   So how can we support his positions?"

Wokie-2:  "Don't worry, we'll just push the points we like and ignore the rest, as always!"  

On the very evening of 9/11, students from NYU were already burning the American flag in Union Square, just blocks north of the destroyed twin towers.  Of course either you never heard about that, or you've forgotten.  (The average garden slug has a longer memory than the average American.)

In 2018, Democrat NY governor Andrew Cuomo said America was never that great.  Oh, you forgot that too, eh?  Of course.  In 2020, liberals burned the flag outside Trump Tower, screaming “America was never great!”  So is anyone surprised to see mobs of 20-somethings--including thousands of college students--echoing that line?

Remember when the entire Mainstream Media fawned over athletes taking a knee during the national anthem?  Ah, you forgot that too, eh?

The idea that America was never great isn't  new.  For decades American college campuses and Democrat-ruled cities have been in lockstep on a single issue: the United States is evil and must be overthrown.  We've been seeing the results for decades.  Now the mobs are getting bigger.

Adapted from PeachyKeenan


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