November 25, 2023

Migrant in Dublin stabs 3 children, one critically. Whites riot--and NOW Irish pols are against riots

In Ireland "a man" used a knife to stab three very young children and two adults.  A 5-year-old girl was in critical condition.

The communists at the Associated Press--who have nothing but kind words for migrants who murder and burn--"reported" that the man was "rumored to be of Algerian ancestry."

Well let's see here: bystanders stopped the stabbing attack on the kids by jumping the attacker and beating him senseless, so the guy's identity was definitely known within a few minutes at most.  But the AP is extremely reluctant to identify the perp and his origin, know.

Like many citizens, the Irish have had it up to here with immigrants stabbing citizens, robbing, looting, burning--and they took to the streets.  And now it gets...way more interesting, as the pro-immigrant pols rushed to condemn the rioters.

Irish Justice Minister Helen McEntee said that the rioters did NOT do so "for immigration purposes" (meaning sick to death of the government opening the floodgates to African "migrants").  Instead she said the rioters were "thugs" and "criminals."

Fair enough, but why has she NEVER called out thug "migrants" for being thugs, eh?

The country's damn prime minister said Dublin had endured *two* attacks — one on innocent children and the other on "our society and the rule of law."

"These criminals"--not the man who stabbed the kids, but the citizens rioting--"did NOT do what they did because they love Ireland or wanted to protect Irish people, or out of any sense of patriotism," he said.

"They did so because they’re filled with hate, they love violence, they love chaos, and they love causing pain to others."

And normal people think "Wait, sounds like that describes the *attacker*--all the so-called 'migrants' angry that the host nation isn't giving 'em more money, finer housing?  But the corrupt pols never wail that the attackers are 'filled with hate, love violence, love causing pain,' eh?  

Oh no.  Never.  Because the pols are all about signaling their great virtue to other elites. Where is the outrage about *by the pols* about adult immigrants stabbing 5-year-old Irish girls, eh?

You won't see a hint of that, ever.  Just like Democrats in the U.S:  You are commanded to ignore any murders they commit, any fatal accidents caused by drunk illegal drivers, any illegals selling drugs.  It's all just "collateral damage," eh?

And as predictably as night follows day, Democrat elites counter with "Hey, white citizens born in the U.S. commit crimes every day!!!"

Ah, thanks for explaining that, Democrats!  That makes crimes by illegals vanish.  I'm SO relieved!



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