November 25, 2023

biden backing plan to end U.S. use of coal to generate electricity--while China builds 2 new coal-fired plants every WEEK

China and biden regime issue joint declaration on "Enhancing Climate Action."

Ah, "enhancing," y'say?

You have no idea how the biden regime--with the full support of all Democrats--is selling you out to benefit China.  And you seem to have no interest in learning about what the regime is doing, cuz dat would harsh your mellow.  As a result, you richly deserve what you're about to get.  You're allowing the Democrats to sentence your kids and grandkids to a harsher life, and you richly deserve to be condemned for it.  Let me explain.

The communist-ruled United Nations has an annual conference on "climate."  The newest one, called "COP28," will start in five days (Nov 28).  It offers corrupt, virtue-signaling pols a chance to strut and preen, while signing agreements that will triple your electricity bills.

But hey, dat jus' FINE, citizen!  You NEED to pay more for electricity, cuz dat will let Chinese and Indian citizens pay a lot less.  And after all, isn't that what the Left wants?  "Equity," eh?

Decades ago France discovered how to make nuclear powerplants cost roughly a third of what U.S. utilities were having to pay.  Their solution was that instead of making utilities pay to design the entire thing from scratch, French regulators approved a couple of standard designs.  So when they needed more electricity a utility simply drove a stake in the ground, called that "Point A", and the approved plan's matching point went there.

Wow, who could have guessed, eh?

SO...France reportedly doesn't use coal at all.  So it was super-easy for the French to propose that the U.S. and other western nations (but ONLY western nations--not China or India) totally stop using coal to make electricity.

See, coal is the lowest-cost way to make electricity.  Kicks the crap out of every other method except hydroelectric--and the Left has cut off that source by not only blocking all new dam building, but has succeeded in forcing states to destroy existing dams in the name of "equity" for Indian tribes who exclusively get to gill-net salmon.

Oh wait, you have no idea about any of that.  Nevermind.

In any case, Porridgebrain's handlers have instructed his lackeys to support the French proposal, which will force the U.S. to not only refuse to allow utilities to build any NEW coal-fired plants, but would eventually force us to close all existing coal-fired plants--just as emperor Obozo ordered.
Democrats and university students: "Dis beez totally wonderful!  Cuz duh CO2 beez killing all life on duh Erf!  So if we have ta pay a tiny bit more fo' 'lectric in duh U.S, it beez totally worth it to save duh Erf!  I mean, dat jus' logical, right?  It beez Science!"

Really, sparky?  Nah, not even close.  Cuz guess who will NOT be signing on to that faaaaabulous U.N. agreement?

Yep, China and India.  China has been building an average of two new coal-fired plants a WEEK.  So all the CO2 you morons think this "agreement" by the U.S. and other western will stop being put into the atmosphere will be...wait for it...put right back by China and India, and then some more!

Let me explain that more slowly for my Dem friends: the agreement will do NOTHING AT ALL to cut CO2, but will simply double electrical costs for Americans and other citizens of western nations, while lowering costs for Chinese and Indian citizens by letting them continue to build coal-fired plants, giving them lower electrical costs.  

To repeat: it will do literally NOTHING to reduce CO2 (which isn't causing Global Worming in any case).

(RELATED: Luxury Concierge Service Offering Private Jet Charters To Next UN Climate Conference)

It's no coincidence that the U.S. has by far the largest coal reserves in the world.  So the game plan of the communists has been to get us to stop using that asset in the U.S., and instead to sell our coal to China at a much reduced cost, since the Democrats will have agreed not to let us use it here.

Is that a brilliant plan or what?  And because biden's handlers can have his lackeys sign any "agreement" they want, without having to get the senate to ratify it (cuz duh regime will never call it a "treaty" after Obozo got away with refusing to submit the faaaabulous Iranian nuclear deal as a treaty), it's a done deal.  Neither you nor congress gets to vote on it.  You just get to pay for it.

The Founding Fathers explicitly set up the Constitution to prevent that.  The Democrats simply ignored those provisions--and got away with it because Republicans didn't have the balls to sue--because they were afraid to lose votes by opposing the black Emperor.

Oh but wait.  It gets even better!  And by "better" I mean better for the communists at the U.N. and way worse for you, Americans!  Brace yourselves.

Delegates at dis faaabulous U.N. conference are also "expected" to set up a so-called “loss and damages” fund, under which leaders of western nations--but ONLY western nations--will agree to pay "climate reparations" to poorer nations.

China is expected to strongly support this plan.  But interestingly, despite being tied for the world's largest economy--and being the largest emitter of CO2 in the world--China won't be contributing anything to the "climate reparations" fund!  That's because despite being tied with the U.S. as the world’s largest economy, China has cunningly arranged for the U.N. to classify it as a "developing country."

So...China benefits, we pay.  Starting to see how you're being conned yet?

COP28 is scheduled to begin on Nov. 30 and run through Dec. 12.  You can expect the "usual suspects" (duh Lying Mainstream Media) to flood the airwaves with pro-Chinese, anti-American propaganda cunningly mis-labeled as "Science."  Just watch. 


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